View Full Version : My dogs are..... EVIL!!

03-13-2009, 05:45 PM
Jamie was outside with Calypso (black lab mix - smaller and thinner than Chips - I think she looks like a little Whippet) this morning. Chipper and Calypso are in :love: so I took the pups out so that they could romp and play together.

An hour later, a woman from the office came up and asked what kind of dogs they were. We told her and she quickly snaps that we have dangerous breeds and they must be leashed immediately.


We just looked at her and she went on to rant that there were children living here and they were at risk with our DANGEROUS BREEDS running loose.

Jamie and I just couldn't believe what was coming out of her mouth. So we called the dogs and went inside.

God forbid Chipper lick anyone to death. :rolleyes:

03-13-2009, 06:16 PM
Well, maybe if the kids were covered in watermelon rinds they might be in danger* ... but I think they're in more danger from being around a crazy woman trying to bring fear into their lives needlessly!

* I have never seen a dog snarf down a watermelon rind as quickly as Chipper did one day at the Dog Park - it was amazing!

03-13-2009, 06:19 PM
Well, maybe if the kids were covered in watermelon rinds they might be in danger* ... but I think they're in more danger from being around a crazy woman trying to bring fear into their lives needlessly!

* I have never seen a dog snarf down a watermelon rind as quickly as Chipper did one day at the Dog Park - it was amazing!

He snarfs down ALL food that same way. He eats every single meal like it's his last. :rolleyes:

03-13-2009, 06:28 PM
He snarfs down ALL food that same way. He eats every single meal like it's his last. :rolleyes:

Yeah, we'd totally fail the 'food test' you see on Animal Cops. :eek: We'd be charged with cruelty if anyone every accused us of not feeding him. :rolleyes:

03-13-2009, 08:52 PM
How ignorant.:rolleyes: Are there rules about certain dog breeds where you live?

03-13-2009, 09:04 PM
Ugh I hate people who try to tell me stuff about MY dog. Just like that lady did to you.

One summer I had Honda at a school function car wash and some lady came to me and said it was too hot for her and she should be inside with fresh water. I'm like... I make sure she gets all the water she wants here. She's fine, I believe I would know MY dog. And walked away.

03-13-2009, 09:16 PM
Ugh... I third the Boooooo vote for annoying naive people... they just don't have any idea, but still insist on giving their .02. Blah.

Maybe she saw them rough-housing and has never seen two dogs play... :confused: Sometime they do sound mean and vicious.. I know B and Z used to play really rough before Eli joined us.

03-13-2009, 10:31 PM
There weren't restrictions when I moved in. I'm not sure about now. Though a guy just moved in with a pretty blue pit upstairs, so my guess would be no.

Cinder & Smoke
03-13-2009, 11:45 PM
Though a guy just moved in with a pretty blue pit upstairs ...

The poor Pit Dad prolly hasn't met the Dawg Police from the "front office" yet. :rolleyes:

True Tail:

Every once in a while someone will look at SmokeMutt and ask:
"Is that one a PIT BULL?"

My 'Shocked Dad' standard reply:
"Is he a PIT BULL? ... Does THAT ONE (Cinder) look like a Pit Bull?
He just got the floppy ears and short coat genes ...
They're 'Brother and Sister'!!" (Well, they ARE - now.) :p

The usual next comment:
"Oh, yeah ... I see the resemblance now ..."

Yeah ... the only 'resemblance' is their faces ---
noses to eyebrows they are almost twins.

Think what you will. :p


03-14-2009, 06:22 AM
i've met your dogs..... is the front office person 1-likely to stay at this job for more then 3 months? if there is a lot of turnover at the office, you can likely ignore this one 2- has she shown that she is...challanged...about other reality based issues? ...whatta wacko....:eek:

03-14-2009, 11:01 AM
I would've told her to mind her own damn business. Some people's ignorance just truly amazes me.

Daisy and Delilah
03-14-2009, 12:27 PM
WOW!!! I'm glad I don't have Daisy and Delilah there. She might consider them bully breeds too with their dangerous tail wagging.:confused:

This woman needs to do some research and learn how to act around dogs.:rolleyes:

03-14-2009, 01:38 PM
Even though she is nuts, I would be careful of letting the dogs near her.
She sounds like the type that could "come up with a story" about how your dogs attacked her and cause you some trouble.

I would also let other pet owners in your building know she is a trouble maker.

03-14-2009, 10:44 PM
Jocye, they actually do have a pretty high turn around at the office. The landlord is a bit of a sleeze and hits on all the women that work there.

We have been letting other tenants know as we see them. I'll be keeping a close eye on the pups. :)

03-14-2009, 10:57 PM
Give your sweet babies a hug for me, we all know how sweet they are.

03-15-2009, 12:26 AM
Any pics of these WILD and DANGEROUS pups? Last I knew, there was only 1 breed that was considered DANGEROUS and that is the Pit Bull. It's most certainly NOT the breed that is dangerous, it's the IDIOTS that get them for fighting! I've known only a few Pits, but they were absolute sweethearts! Their mommies and daddies raised them right. In my honest opinion this crazy old bat needs to pull her head out of her arse and do some reading on what dogs are dangerous before she goes spoutin off her pie hole! Sorry for the rudeness towards her, but GRRRRRRRRR!!!