View Full Version : Coda UPDATE

03-12-2009, 10:03 AM
Coda's trip begins tomorrow afternoon. My mother has had him micro chipped, claws trimmed, and gotten him an updated health certificate. Now comes the worst part of it for me, the anxiety of pacing and waiting, and of course praying that nothing goes wrong! If all goes well, I will have my aching arms around his big handsome body on Sunday afternoon. I'll then have a 6 1/2 hour drive with him to get him HOME.

Upon arrival here, we will have all the excitement of his first encounter with Heidi. It should be interesting as I've never been in a situation quite like this. Both Coda and Heidi think of themselves as "TOP CAT" or maybe "Only cat" I'm just hoping they befriend each other with ease.

I so appreciate the support I've gotten here. You have all been great! I would like to ask that you all keep Coda in your hearts, minds and prayers this weekend. Thank you all so much!

03-12-2009, 10:06 AM
Great stuff - fingers and paws here all crossed! :D

As far as pet introduction - keep Coda in his own room at first. Let them sniff each other under the door, exchange items from each other's sleeping area so they get used to each other's scent.

Don't do the intro flat out - if nothing else, Coda needs to bond with YOU for a few days.

03-12-2009, 10:16 AM
His own room would be a little tough to do, we have a very small 4 room apartment. I guess I could put him in out bedroom at first, which is where Heidi usually sleeps (with me! Just as Coda was used to doing). He would get a good sniff of her in there, and if I leave his carrier in the kitchen she could get a good wiff of him. He's used to accepting other cats into his house, life and heart, but this is HER house!

03-12-2009, 11:11 AM
Bon voyage, Coda! Safe journey and safe home!

03-12-2009, 11:22 AM
:love: Prayers for a very safe trip home.. Congrates Coda on getting to go home now..

03-12-2009, 11:55 AM
I hope that his journey is swift and safe. He will be in your arms by the end of the weekend. (BTW it is supposed to warm up so that will make things a little easier for the traveling.)

Please post a picture of the two of you together when he becomes "an immigrant" :D

03-12-2009, 11:57 AM
He'll be in our prayers for traveling mercies! :)

03-12-2009, 12:13 PM
I'll have to get batteries for the digital camera (it eats the rechargeable batteries too fast) I'll make sure to post some of his settling in as quickly as I can. Although I must admit, I've become very camera shy in the last few years (it does me NO JUSTICE!) LOL.

03-12-2009, 12:18 PM
But this is one of those times where it isn't about you ... it is about him :D

03-12-2009, 06:18 PM
Great news! Fingers crossed for a safe trip home. :D

Oh, and we would love to see a pic of Coda. ;)

03-12-2009, 06:30 PM
I'll have to get batteries for the digital camera (it eats the rechargeable batteries too fast) I'll make sure to post some of his settling in as quickly as I can. Although I must admit, I've become very camera shy in the last few years (it does me NO JUSTICE!) LOL.

Find Lithium batteries, those last a long time. My camera was a battery hog too. Lithiums last for months!!! :D
Can't wait to see him home with you where he belongs. :)

03-12-2009, 06:44 PM
We'll send up a special prayer to keep Coda safe on his journey. :)

03-12-2009, 06:48 PM
I'll post the 3 pics I have of him. He is my super special boy, but I've been bad at not taking alot of pics of him. Wish I had some of him when he was 3 weeks old drinking from his bottle, he was SOOOOOO CUTE!!
This last pic was taken at my mother's in Iowa on New Years. He looks so overweight.

03-12-2009, 06:56 PM
Aww, what a handsome boy! He must of been a cutie at 3 weeks old.

03-12-2009, 07:25 PM
He was adorable!! He would lay his little ears flat while he nursed his ba-ba. My ex-boyfriend just happened to look over at him once while he was slurping his formula and said "He looks like a bat!" Without knowing it he named my wee baby! Batty Coda, a cartoon character voiced by Robin Williams in the movie Fern Gully. When I was weaning him, he treated me as he would his own kitty mother, what i was eating was of GREAT interest to him!! He would literally force his head into my mouth to have the nummies momma was eating. After a few weeks of this, I began directing him to my plate rather than my mouth. He is a steamed veggie lover! He endeared himself to me to the point I couldn't part with him.

03-13-2009, 01:58 AM
He is amazingly beautiful!!! There is nothing so lovely as a large Meezer. If I had to be seperated from my Ming, I would not be happy. So glad to hear you will soon be reunited!

03-13-2009, 02:57 AM
Leaving him behind in Iowa was the toughest decision I've had to make. If I had known then that it would have been 9 months getting him here, I may not have came. Now that he'll be here, I will finally feel totally at home. He's the missing piece of the puzzle!! I am just glad that I stumbled upon PT! And unbelievably thankful to Karen for suggesting Craig's List. It's hard to believe that it was just over 2 weeks ago! If only I had found you all 9 months ago!! But I must believe that there was a reason that things had to happen as they did.

I am sitting here at 1:30 am, unable to sleep! Coda's journey begins in 13 hours. I have a plethora of emotions each fighting for control of my thoughts and actions. Right now anxiety seems to be winning the battle! I keep trying to think of anything that I might have forgotten. The guy driving my kitty up here, suprisingly doesn't have a cell phone, so I will have no updates of any kind until they arrive. That will probably be the WORST part for me to make it through!! By the time I have my kitty in my arms, I may be too exhausted! But I bet he and I sleep well together that first night!

I of course worry about the stress this my put my poor Coda through too. He's not a fan of strangers, and has always had me around when put through any kind of "you must meet this person" situations. He doesn't exactly enjoy car rides, again, I've always been there to comfort him when he HAD to go in the car (except for his trip to the vet the other day). Now suddenly he's going to be put into the full care of a total stranger and in a moving car for 2 days. I know it will be a relief and all make sense to him when he finally sees me. But until he does, l worry about him trying to make a break from the guy at a rest stop along the way. Which is why I've told the guy that Coda's harness and leash are to be kept on him for the full trip. Well, I suppose I SHOULD try to lay back down for a while. Thank you all for putting up with my babbling in this post.

03-13-2009, 09:28 AM
Wow!! What great news!!! I will light a candle for a safe journey and a very happy reunion!

03-13-2009, 12:35 PM
:love: Awwee Coda is a Lovley Handsome Gent.. Let us know when he is home with you ok.. Yes of course with new pics..:D

03-13-2009, 12:58 PM
I will definately update everyone after I get him home. Although it may not be the same night, he and I are going to be so exhausted we will probably just spend some quality time and get some sleep. IF we can that is! This apartment is so small and we can't keep the bedroom door closed all night (makes it downright FRIGID in there) so sleep that night may not be an option as Heidi will most likely insist on either getting to know him or telling him to get out of HER house. I could lock him into our very tiny bathroom, but that would cut down on the quality time.

lvpets2002, I have been reading alot of post today, while I was sitting here, Heidi came and jumped on my lap, she kept watching the monitor. While I was reading one of your post, she was staring at you St Patrick's kitty!! Next thing I knew, she actually tried getting on the desk to check him out! I'm hoping that by her actions of sheer curiosity toward a pic that she will be like he is. He is very quick to accept other cats, my mom had no troubles at all with him intigrating into her basement crew of (mostly elderly) kitties.

Here are a few pics of Heidi, she really is a wonderful cat, but she just isn't my boy! I've grown quite attached to her while I've been missing him.

03-13-2009, 03:43 PM
I'm crying like an idiot! But my mother just called, Coda is now OFFICIALLY on his way! She said Ron (the guy driving him up) seemed like a very nice guy who was ok with all instructions given to him about the care of his precious cargo! I'm so excited!!!!! Now to get through the anxiety of the next 2 days!! I will not have any kind of email or even phone contact with him during travel which is really stressful for me! Now is the time for extra powerful prayers to start going out for Coda. I've been lighting candles for him and for others since I found the link for the candles. Thank you cassiesmom for lighting one for Coda the other day, I seen it, just hadn't gotten around to thanking you yet. Thank you all for your support and suggestions!!

03-13-2009, 03:47 PM
The light of God surrounds Coda,
The love of God enfolds him,
The power of God protects him,
The wisdom of God guides and directs Coda's driver,
Wherever Coda and his driver go, God is;
And all is well.
And so it is.


03-13-2009, 03:53 PM
Coda is such a handsome boy.:)
I have been following his story but haven't had time to post until now.
I hope that his travels go well, I'm sure the waiting will drive you crazy until he is back in your arms again.
I'm sure he will be happy to see you again.
Heidi is a pretty kitty, does she have blue eyes and a stubby tail?
Is she a Siamese mix?
Try not to rush Coda's introduction to Heidi.
He will probably be stressed out from the long ride and the new place, he will need time with you to relax.
I will be thinking of you and Coda during his trip, I look forward to seeing photos of you two together again.:)

03-13-2009, 04:03 PM
Heidi is a Lynx Point Manx. She has beautiful blue eyes and what is called a "Riser", just the tiniest stub of a tail. My faincee got her from the Saskatoon Animal Shelter about 1 yr ago. She is a handful and loves to play with me! And has slept with me pretty much since I moved here. Bad thing about this is.....she sleeps in the same spot Coda has always slept!! She starts out on my chest with her nose against my chin, when I roll to my side, she ends up in in my arms at my left side. Coda always slept in my arms at my left side! A spot I'm sure he will want back!! It will take some time I'm sure, but I'm hoping for them to be best friends. I'm hoping he will become her favorite chew toy (playfully mind you) and give my wrist a break. She never hurts me but she LOVES to chew on me. She also loves to sneak attack me when I walk through the apartment.

03-13-2009, 05:28 PM
Many prayers for Coda's journey home..


03-13-2009, 09:34 PM
I am sending good thoughts to both you and Coda. Everything will be fine, I just know it!

03-14-2009, 11:45 PM
So far no news. I was hoping they would call and say they had made it safely to Ron's home in Oxbow (it's 10:30 pm). According to the map, it is supposed to be 16 hours and 20 minutes of driving time. They left at 3:30 our time yesterday. I leave the house at 7:30 am to go to Oxbow. I'm hoping they are already at Ron's home when we get there. I won't be back home with him until 8:30 pm at the earliest if they aren't late. Thank you all for the candles that were lit for his safe journey!!

Off the topic of Coda for a second, I really think Heidi KNOWS something is up! She's never been "cuddly" except at bed time. But all day yesterday she was cuddling with me! Even when her daddy came home from work (WAY unusual)! She usually meets him at the door and insists he pets her and gives her treats to her as soon as he sits down. But yesterday, she looked up at him, and snuggled back up to me. She left my lap long enough to eat her treats when her daddy got them out, but was right back on me. She was still cuddly today, not as much as yesterday though. Maybe she was just reacting to my tension.