View Full Version : Kitty Love

03-11-2009, 08:44 AM
So I am feeling a little under the weather today, nothing major just fighting off a cold and felling blah. Was sitting at the computer reading emails and in comes Buddy. He sits down beside my chair and looks up at me with a little "meow". Bud has a sweet little meow. I put my hand down to give him an ear scratch and he licks the inside of my wrist. He is just a sweetheart and I feel so fortunate to have him. Buddy was COTD on March 12, 2005.


I am not sure who tossed him out but I am still so happy he adopted me!

03-11-2009, 08:51 AM
When I am blue or a bit under the wether a Found Cat will come and see me , and see that I am all right!!
Pounciegre the Pretty and Miquelito the Little Orange Lion have learned well from the Older Found Cats and are truly a joy.
And I know that Moose The Magnificat, Pouncer the First Cat, Sensational Mr Scrappy and Precious La Purrfecta and Awesome Almond Rocca are there for vists too.

03-11-2009, 09:02 AM
I think Cassie understands my moods, somehow, because she gets more cuddly when I am feeling low. Good on ya Buddy!

03-11-2009, 10:47 AM
Sweet little Buddy:love::love:
Nothing like a sweet "meow" or a little "purrrr" to brighten up the day!!!

That's real love and not all the people are that fortunate to have it.

03-12-2009, 10:58 PM
Whenever I am sick or down in the dumps, one of my precious boys will come and sit on my lap or lay on me. It's usually my Orange Boy, MacGyver, who senses my moods and lays his special, purring, love on me. Yes, we are very lucky to know such love and devotion!

03-13-2009, 07:12 AM
I woke up in the middle of the night with a MAJOR headache that went from my neck through my ears and to the top of my head. I got up and took 3 Ibuprofen and got back into bed. Along comes Tinker purring away. After getting a belly scratch she jumped on top of me and laid on me purring away. Purring is the most comforting thing to me!