View Full Version : Why I Don't Like The Ididirod

03-10-2009, 10:07 PM
"The first dog dies in the Iditirod .... Marshal Mark Nordman reported the death of the 6-year-old male in the team of musher Jeff Holt. Nordman said the dog died between the Rainy Pass and Rohn checkpoints."

From http://msn.foxsports.com/other/story/9315662/Schnuelle-retakes-Iditarod-lead;-first-dog-dies?MSNHPHCP&GT1=39002

03-10-2009, 10:22 PM
so? working farm dogs get killed by hay bales and kicked by cows, hunting dogs and terriers end caught up in hunting accidents etc.. it happens. it sucks, but it happens. heck pet dogs get killed playing with toys and eating food. that doesnt mean we should all stop feeding our dogs, giving them toys and lock them all in little bubbles lol

03-10-2009, 10:25 PM
Shayna, the distinction is that the dog who died in the Iditarod is presumed to have expired due to physical exhaustion in a manmade competition.

In other words, the dog raced until it died prematurely. That's not like choking on a toy at all.

That said, I don't have a big problem with the Iditarod, but I can understand the upset.

03-10-2009, 10:27 PM
All long distance mushing races have deaths, they just dont recieve the media attention the Iditarod does.

03-10-2009, 10:30 PM
I would like to hear from some of the folks with the first hand experience before I pass judgement. I know kuhio's bobcat participated. Is it a case of a dog with a bad ticker or are dogs truly abused for the sake of the race, I don't know but I would rather hear first hand.

03-10-2009, 11:00 PM
so? working farm dogs get killed by hay bales and kicked by cows, hunting dogs and terriers end caught up in hunting accidents etc.. it happens. it sucks, but it happens. heck pet dogs get killed playing with toys and eating food. that doesnt mean we should all stop feeding our dogs, giving them toys and lock them all in little bubbles lol

So? Wow, a little callous, I'd say. So ... a dog is dead. A six year old dog, who ran until it dropped dead. Not for a life-saving job ... but for a sport, for a trophy, some prestige and money.

I don't buy the old "But huskies love to pull!" adage either, and I'm sure it will rear it's ugly head. Yes, they do indeed love to pull ... but probably not until they die. A bit like making your child run up and down the basketball court until he drops dead and then saying, "But kids like to play basketball!"

Obviously no one is advocating not feeding our dogs anymore. However, there is a big difference in an accidental death despite precautions, which you are using as a means of comparison, and running a dog until it drops dead, then just sticking another dog in its place, and keep right on running.

I wouldn't make a dog run until it died for all the money and fame in the world. Sad and selfish, just MHO.

03-10-2009, 11:07 PM
The story didnt say why or how the dog died.

03-10-2009, 11:15 PM
it's called sled dog myeopathy. Same thing that happens to human distance runners who suddenly keel over. There is no warning, no way to predict which dogs it will affect. It does not mean the dog was abused. These dogs are trained for years before they run any kind of distance race. They aren't lazy house pets suddenly asked to run 1000 miles in ten days! A very good friend of mine lost a dog to it two years ago in the I-rod. I can absolutely, from the bottom of my soul guarentee that dog was not abused in any way. She subsequently set up a fund that is donated to research into the issue, to try and figure out why it happens and how to stop it! I don't know the musher who lost this dog; I do know the guy leading--he's a Yukoner and treats his dogs well. There is no way to force a dog to run. They either want to or they don't. You can't push a rope!

Overall, there isn't much money in distance mushing. It costs about 30 grand to run the I-rod, money only the top guy will make back. Guys who are "name mushers' may make a bit of money, but its off selling and breeding their winning line. Race purses don't pay the bills! Public perception of dog sledding is so negative that there outside of a limited circle, there is little prestige in winning.

Are all mushers good dog owners? Absolutely not! But the percentage is no higher than bad pet owners, bad horse owners, bad parrot owners, bad cat owners.

I have huge issues with competitive mushing; this issue isn't one of them.

03-10-2009, 11:18 PM
Thanks Glacier I respect your opinion on this.

03-10-2009, 11:19 PM
It is sad, but as Glacier said, it sometimes happens with humans. Distance running is a sport that stretches the bounds of human, and in the Iditarod's case canine endurance.

We will keep this dog's musher and family in our prayers, I am sure they are heartbroken.

03-10-2009, 11:23 PM
The story didnt say why or how the dog died.

True, they don't know about this dog specifically yet.

However, just since statistics have been kept, at least 137 dogs have died while running the race. It's not like this is an isolated incident, it's just the first one so far this year.

Iditarod Link (http://animalrights.about.com/od/animalsinentertainment/a/IditarodDogs.htm)

Iditarod Link (http://animalrights.about.com/gi/dynamic/offsite.htm?zi=1/XJ&sdn=animalrights&cdn=newsissues&tm=282&gps=176_837_1244_696&f=00&tt=2&bt=1&bts=1&zu=http%3A//www.helpsleddogs.org/)

03-10-2009, 11:40 PM
The Iditarod is also not the only long distance mushing race.

03-11-2009, 05:08 PM
I definitely don't think this was on purpose. To me it looks like it was purely accidental.

03-12-2009, 11:13 AM
I would like to hear from some of the folks with the first hand experience before I pass judgement. I know kuhio's bobcat participated. Is it a case of a dog with a bad ticker or are dogs truly abused for the sake of the race, I don't know but I would rather hear first hand.


03-27-2009, 09:32 AM
6 dogs have now died; necropsies have been done on several. As Glacier indicated, it's cardiac. Thread in Dog House.

03-27-2009, 09:40 AM
"so"??? That is a bit harsh. Very sad to hear about this. I had no idea this kind of thing went on. Aren't pet owners supposed to protect their pets? :(

finn's mom
03-27-2009, 09:56 AM
Rest in peace, sweet dog.