View Full Version : Meet Aura..

03-10-2009, 03:40 PM
I just thought I'd share my Grandma's new puppy with you all, since there seem to be a few small dog fans around here. Aura is her name, and she's a 9 week old Tibetan Spaniel, just picked up from her breeder on Sunday. Yesterday my Grandma brought her over for a little while so I could meet her, and naturally, I took pictures! Well, I tried anyway. Haha, she moves too much to get any really good ones. She's a very nice puppy. Very easy going with lots of confidence so far. Of my dogs, she only got to meet Dance as Dance is the only one of mine who has been around little dogs quite a bit. I'm sure the other two would have been fine with her, but they might've gotten a little too rambunctious as they're pretty much puppies themselves still and I didn't want to overwhelm Aura. She and Dance were great together. They played a few games of tug (well, Aura did the tugging and Dance just stood there wagging her tail and tugged a tiny bit), and then "wrestled" a little bit. Anyhow, here are some pictures!










03-10-2009, 03:58 PM
Oh, my, what a darling fluffy baby Aura is! And hello, beautiful Dance! And hugs for everybody!!

03-10-2009, 04:05 PM
Oh wow! What an adorable puppy.
Aura is such a pretty name too.

03-10-2009, 04:10 PM
that puppy face is just begging to get smooched!!... how cute and adorable is her!!.. love the name!!.. I thought it was anotehr Toller... ;)

way cute for words..

03-10-2009, 04:16 PM
:eek:Ummppss Now just look at this wittle Cutie Pie already playing Tuggss with the Big Baby.. This wittle one is just too Adorable..

03-11-2009, 07:32 PM
Oh my goodness! Aura is so cute!:love:

03-11-2009, 11:31 PM
I LOVE Tibetan Spaniels! Aura is an absolutely, totally adorable fluff ball! She and Dance look so cute together (:love: Dance). I hope the fact that Aura is family..that you can keep taking pictures for us!

03-12-2009, 12:58 PM
She's a beautiful little girl. :)

03-12-2009, 01:12 PM
Very cute. And, I see not intimidated by the bigger dog. :D

03-12-2009, 01:31 PM
Totally adorable - love those eyes!!

Daisy and Delilah
03-12-2009, 02:03 PM
She's a precious little baby doll!! Thanks for sharing her with us. I also love her name.:)

03-12-2009, 02:56 PM
Glad you all enjoyed her!

I thought it was another Toller... ;)

Haha, no, definitely not another Toller! My Grandma isn't suited to one at all anymore, and I don't want anymore dogs for a long time (very content with just having 3 dogs), so there will be no more Tollers joining the family for a while.

And, I see not intimidated by the bigger dog. :D

Nope, not at all! She lives with a Doberman, so she'll be plenty used to large dogs in no time at all. :)

03-12-2009, 09:12 PM
Awww what a cute little tibbie! Hopefully Kate (kater) sees this, her mom has a tibbie pup too. :)

03-12-2009, 09:21 PM
Aww you should put a warning on this ;) :D


03-13-2009, 12:02 AM
What a doll! :love:

03-13-2009, 02:43 PM
I love the fourth pic from the bottom! Great shot of the two of them =D