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Edwina's Secretary
03-10-2009, 11:03 AM
Rush Limbaugh addressed a group of Republicans the other day. (I think someone told him...wear all black - it is slimming! :D:rolleyes:)

Anyway...he had some difficulty keeping his billions and millions straight but that can happen. I am sure reading from a teleprompter can be a challenge.

He also said he was quoting from the preamble to the US Constitution and its promise of life, liberty, freedom and the pursuit of happiness.

Doesn't this man's speech writer have a fact checker??

He is attempting to quote from the Declaration of Independence - not the Preamble and he is quoting it wrong. The word "freedom" is not in the quote.

Can you imagine what would have been said - what names would have been slung if say...Ms. Pelosi had made such mistakes?:D:D:D

03-10-2009, 11:17 AM
:rolleyes: Oh I think that man is nothing butt a loud mouth joke.. I try not to listen to people like that.. Its like get a life dude & he can keep his opinions to himself..

03-10-2009, 11:28 AM
He is a complete idiot.

03-10-2009, 12:45 PM
They have been saying he is the new head of the Republican party.

If so, they will never have to worry about me voting Republican ever again!!! :rolleyes:

Why anyone would listen to that boob is beyond me. :)

03-10-2009, 01:52 PM
Im sure you watched the speech, if not part one is here (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_qtvtBGWgBc). He is clearly using notes not a teleprompter, something Ms Pelosi and Mr Obama should learn to use.

We want every American to be the best he or she chooses to be. We recognize that we are all individuals. We love and revere our founding documents, the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence. [Applause] We believe that the preamble to the Constitution contains an inarguable truth that we are all endowed by our creator with certain inalienable rights, among them life. [Applause] Liberty, Freedom. [Applause] And the pursuit of happiness. [Applause] Those of you watching at home may wonder why this is being applauded. We conservatives think all three are under assault. [Applause] Thank you. Thank you.

Is that a gaff? He probably could have worded it better, but that hardly makes him an idiot. At least he didnt um um um his way through his speech sans teleprompter.

Full speech is here (http://www.rushlimbaugh.com/home/daily/site_030209/content/01125106.guest.html).

03-10-2009, 02:03 PM
Love him, hate him... Whatever. I listen to him when he is on and I happen to be in the car. Sometimes, I agree with what he says even if I dislike the way he often delivers his message. Other times, I think he is wrong. Quite often, I am scared to death by some of the people who call his show. But you know what? Its still (for now) a free country.

What should worry us all is the fact that the Executive Branch of our government has targeted a single private citizen for simply speaking his mind. Has it not been said that "dissent is the highest form of patriotism"?

If he is such a idiot, why worry about him? So what if millions of people believe what he says? Would you support the government actively suppressing his ability to speak? My money is on the OP would say YES.

03-10-2009, 02:17 PM
I turn the channel when I see him on tv. Nothing he says interest's me.

03-10-2009, 02:24 PM
I have never like the man. I don't agree with most every thing he says. I think many of the people following him or admiring him, scare the hell out of me.

For me, he is just as awful and ignorant as Mrs. Palin - but with an entirely different style.

He is an embarrassment - as is Mrs. Palin.

I guess you can tell that Rush is not my favorite person. If I never hear of him again, it would be too soon.


03-10-2009, 03:40 PM
He's just too old, that's all. I think everyone my age within ten years can SING the preamble to the Constitution, thanks to Schoolhouse Rock!

Sing it with me,

We the people
In order to form a more perfect union
Establish justice, ensure domestic tranquility
Provide for the common defense
Promote the general welfare a-and
Protect the blessings of Liberty
For ourselves and our posterity
Do ordain and esta-a-ablish this Constitution
o-o-of, the United States o-o-o-of America!

03-10-2009, 03:47 PM
:) Karen you do not want to hear me sing.. So I think I will just say it with you..:D

03-10-2009, 04:38 PM
I read one of the best accounts of Rush Limppaw's speech after the event.

Tom WatsonAuthor of CauseWired, consultant, journalist and media critic.
Posted March 1, 2009 | 04:30 PM (EST)

Limbaugh in the Lead: A Gift for Obama

Looking for all the world like the sweating floor manager on the late afternoon shift at Larry Flynt's Hustler Club in an unbuttoned shiny black shirt and undersized sport coat, Rush Limbaugh leaned his meaty hands on the lectern at the CPAC conference and slipped a greasy dollar bill into the G-string of the writhing conservative dead-enders packed into the garishly lit Omni Shoreham in Washington DC.

Jowls rolling like thunder from the right via CNN's unfortunate high-definition feed, Limbaugh took control of the sad and tattered remnants of the mainstream conservative movement, and urged continued allegiance to the noble Lost Cause of Reagan, metaphorically carrying his rebel-yelling followers into the hills like modern-day Quantrill's Raiders standing firm against change.

If there's any doubt that the GOP's own Paulie Walnuts is now firmly in command of the Party of Lincoln, the "breaking news" style coverage of Limbaugh's bellow-cose rant dispelled the notion. CNN, for one, went wide - with the kind of uninterrupted live footage usually reserved for Presidents and Popes, followed by a panel of analysts to weigh and consider the import of the speech to this republic of ours. There were other dancers on the stage, to be sure - including Ward Connerly, Ann Coulter, Phyllis Schlafly and Karl Rove - but only Limbaugh's hour-long ramble (he went over by 30 minutes) garnered opposition leader status. "As the movement searches for a front-and-center spokesman to provide inspiration and direction, Limbaugh's refusal to tilt toward the center may place him out front in a Republican Party already suffering from a disappearing moderate wing," wrote Tom Schaller in Salon.

Limbaugh is a showbiz talent, and he is taking full advantage of this moment of rudderless, thoughtless spinning in circles by Republicans to seize the stage in full-throated opposition to the overwhelmingly popular new President - and virtually everything he stands for. In rooting publicly for Barack Obama's failure, Limbaugh may be leading the conservative movement to a smaller, fringe-like existence in the halls of power - but it will an existence that he can easily dominate.

Leading gullible Republicans into the hills of guerrilla ideological resistance during the nation's toughest economic crisis in 80 years constitutes a gift of incredible political proportions for the Obama Administration. Instead of principled point-by-point opposition by a chastened party of experienced professionals ready for tough dealings at the bargaining table, President Obama is blessed with clownish truculence and pure rejectionism - embodied in the Republican response to the President's forceful Congressional address by Governor Bobby Jindal of Louisiana, a moment of excruciatingly tone-deaf ideology rescued only by the attention lavished on its shockingly poor delivery.

President Obama, of course, is aware of this lumbering and clumsy gift from the right - so much so that he sent chief of staff Rahm Emanuel to Bob Schieffer's CBS studio this morning to declare Limbaugh "the voice and the intellectual force and energy behind the Republican Party."

And it's that blustery intellectual force that convinces Republicans like Jindal and Governor Haley Barbour of Mississippi that their political futures are enlarge and brightened by a nihilistic refusal of Federal funds to their own communities. "White kids on dope," jibed conservative Rod Dreher, one of a small cadre of right-wing commentators to take on the Limbaugh lemming movement, the willful ignorance of the current crisis and the nation's ultimate rejection of a failed a humiliated party leadership. "No need to return to first principles and recalibrate policies to account for new realities," wrote Dreher. "Just find a better messenger for the same old same old. You begin to see why nobody inside that bubble could grasp what a flop Bobby Jindal's reheated Republican mush of a speech was going to be ahead of time."

Rush Limbaugh is right about one thing: President Obama is indeed on a mission of reinvention. That much was clear from his speech on Capitol Hill last week - and even clearer in his budget proposal. And, as Limbaugh undoubtedly knows, the President holds the whip hand for the foreseeable future. So Limbaugh plays to that loss of power in his audience, and in a speech that referred bizarrely to "slave blood" and a defense of John Thain (who seems to literally be asking for a set of numbered orange duds from Andrew Coumo) and the spending habits of bail-out bankers, he laid on some false concern for Obama:

President Obama is one of the most gifted politicians, one of the most gifted men that I have ever witnessed. He has extraordinary talents. He has communication skills that hardly anyone can surpass. No, seriously. No, no, I'm being very serious about this. It just breaks my heart that he does not use these extraordinary talents and gifts to motivate and inspire the American people to be the best they can be. He's doing just the opposite. And it's a shame. [Applause] President Obama has the ability -- he has the ability to inspire excellence in people's pursuits. He has the ability to do all this, yet he pursues a path, seeks a path that punishes achievement, that punishes earners and punishes -- and he speaks negatively of the country. Ronald Reagan used to speak of a shining city on a hill. Barack Obama portrays America as a soup kitchen in some dark night in a corner of America that's very obscure. He's constantly telling the American people that bad times are ahead, worst times are ahead. And it's troubling, because this is the United States of America.

Yes, Rush this is the United States of America. And your timely and spectacular gift to the President is much appreciated indeed.

03-10-2009, 07:36 PM
Rush Limbarf.

03-10-2009, 07:47 PM
Like most "animated" people, he annoys me. He sounds like the drunk guy at the end of the bar who constantly rambles on loudly about whatever he's cheezed about at that given moment. Only difference is, Rush has thousands of drinking buddies who keep buying him more drinks just to hear him talk, LOL.

Edwina's Secretary
03-10-2009, 08:08 PM
At least he didnt um um um his way through his speech sans teleprompter.

Now Blue...GW is a private citizen now so you should stop making fun of his speaking style!

What a coincident! Cover story of Newsweek that arrived in my mailbox today...

"Enough! A Conservative's Case Against Limbaugh" by David Frum

p.s.....where in this thread did anyone use the word "idiot" to describe him???

03-10-2009, 08:33 PM
Now Blue...GW is a private citizen now so you should stop making fun of his speaking style!

What a coincident that arrived in my mailbox today...

"Enough! A Conservative's Case Against Limbaugh" by David Frum

At least Shrubco can get through a speech without toting a teleprompter everywhere with him, unlike his umm uh ahh successor.

Why am I not shocked at all that Newsweek would attack Rush or that you read it?

p.s.....where in this thread did anyone use the word "idiot" to describe him???

p.s. Who cares? Most of the posts have insulted him and you post an attack piece on the man and called it

one of the best accounts of Rush Limppaw's speech after the event.
With a futher insult added on top.

Why is it I doubt you watched or read Limbaugh's speech?

Do you think Obama has the back bone to take Rush up on his offer after all of the DNC attacks?

Edwina's Secretary
03-10-2009, 08:40 PM

I hope Limbaugh and Obama can read better than you do.

This is a quote from Liz
one of the best accounts of Rush Limppaw's speech after the event.

Not me.

Find me where I referred to Limbaugh by anything other than his name!

03-10-2009, 08:50 PM
p.s.....where in this thread did anyone use the word "idiot" to describe him???

Read post #3.

Edwina's Secretary
03-10-2009, 08:57 PM
Read post #3.

I was wrong. Limbaugh was called an idiot in this thread.

Thank you for correcting me Medusa.

03-10-2009, 08:59 PM

I hope Limbaugh and Obama can read better than you do.

This is a quote from Liz

Not me.

Find me where I referred to Limbaugh by anything other than his name!

Whoppitydo if you didnt. Sorry I misquoted you but again whooppitydo, I doubt your views are any different.

You started this thread, did you either read or hear the entire speech? Do you think Obama will take Rush up on his challenge?

You are only trolling to get conservatives worked up, again.

03-10-2009, 09:03 PM
And while we attack each other with meaningless, juvenile banter...

President Obama and his minons in the Legislature continue to practice the economics of John Maynard Keynes. The utter failure history has shown it to be...

Give the money back to the people who EARNED it. Let business keep the money they EARN.

An excerpt from Madison's Federalist Paper #63... (Can't wait to hear what the mindless cheerleaders have to say here....)

...To a people as little blinded by prejudice or corrupted by flattery as those whom I address, I shall not scruple to add, that such an institution may be sometimes necessary as a defense to the people against their own temporary errors and delusions. As the cool and deliberate sense of the community ought, in all governments, and actually will, in all free governments, ultimately prevail over the views of its rulers; so there are particular moments in public affairs when the people, stimulated by some irregular passion, or some illicit advantage, or misled by the artful misrepresentations of interested men, may call for measures which they themselves will afterwards be the most ready to lament and condemn. In these critical moments, how salutary will be the interference of some temperate and respectable body of citizens, in order to check the misguided career, and to suspend the blow meditated by the people against themselves, until reason, justice, and truth can regain their authority over the public mind? What bitter anguish would not the people of Athens have often escaped if their government had contained so provident a safeguard against the tyranny of their own passions? Popular liberty might then have escaped the indelible reproach of decreeing to the same citizens the hemlock on one day and statues on the next.

LIBERTY. Think about what it means to you. Forget what I say.

LIBERTY. What does that mean to you?

03-10-2009, 09:05 PM
Its obvious Obama is a better reader then I am, he cant give a speech without a telepromter.

03-10-2009, 09:23 PM
Juvenile banter...Puck...we can both agree on that one!

03-10-2009, 09:34 PM
Juvenile banter...Puck...we can both agree on that one!

Well, its a starting point I reckon. Thank you.

This is a serious time. We need serious debate. The time of the passionate, with little contextual ability ,cheerleader, is past.

All IMHO of course. The last thing I want is my POV forced upon anybody. I simply want individual liberty. Sad the other side wants to control me.....

03-10-2009, 09:40 PM
I really get tired of the insulting. I don't really like to debate with some people on here that resort to insults. Just the other night I was called out on a spelling error by someone with pretty bad spelling, I can't debate with that, the claws come out.

I can say that our views often differ puck but you are usually respectful and we can agree to disagree most times. I do admire you and sparks and no doubt if we ever met I would consider both of you great friends.

One thing I think is really pulling this country apart is the bi-partian thinking. I remember growing up and the grownups could debate politics and respect each other, it all seems so personal now. I don't always agree with the dems, I am actually pretty close to the middle but I lean to the left on social issues, gay rights, etcs.

I do agree with the republicans on the less government issues, however they seem to have left that by the wayside as of late.

03-10-2009, 09:51 PM
I really get tired of the insulting. I don't really like to debate with some people on here that resort to insults. Just the other night I was called out on a spelling error by someone with pretty bad spelling, I can't debate with that, the claws come out.

Don't sweat the petty things and don't pet the sweaty things. Eh? :D

I can say that our views often differ puck but you are usually respectful and we can agree to disagree most times. I do admire you and sparks and no doubt if we ever met I would consider both of you great friends.

Ditto. I mean it.

One thing I think is really pulling this country apart is the bi-partian thinking. I remember growing up and the grownups could debate politics and respect each other, it all seems so personal now. I don't always agree with the dems, I am actually pretty close to the middle but I lean to the left on social issues, gay rights, etcs.

I do agree with the republicans on the less government issues, however they seem to have left that by the wayside as of late.

AMEN to the bold. The next time I hear some mindless hack say " the donkeycrats THIS.. the republiphnats THAT", I am going to scream. We really are better than that. We are better than the lemmings in the press want us to believe. We ARE better than our government thinks we are.

You would be shocked to see my views on gay rights and some social issues...


We are all human. We should be able to decide for ourselves where we live, how we live, who we live with, how we spend OUR money, who educates OUR kids....

03-10-2009, 10:12 PM
The man is morbidly obese, a racist and misogynist. He is prone to ridiculing the physical characteristics of those he dislikes on a regular basis.

Other than that - he's a real sweetie :eek:

03-10-2009, 10:18 PM
The man is morbidly obese,

Ill give you obese, but why is that an issue here?

a racist, and misogynist. He is prone to ridiculing the physical characteristics of those he dislikes on a regular basis.

Care to back this up?

03-10-2009, 10:41 PM
Care to back this up?

On his TV show, early in the Clinton administration, Limbaugh put up a picture of Socks, the White House cat, and asked, "Did you know there's a White House dog?" Then he put up a picture of Chelsea Clinton, who was 13 years old at the time and as far as I know had never done any harm to anyone.

When viewers objected, he claimed, in typical Limbaugh fashion, that the gag was an accident and that without his permission some technician had put up the picture of Chelsea - if you believe that let me sell you this bridge I own in Brooklyn!

Of course, he is not alone with his comments about Chelsea. In 1998, at a Republican Senate fund raiser John McCain said -
"Why is Chelsea Clinton so ugly? Because her father is Janet Reno."

Misogyny is contempt of women or girls. He has said things throughout the years that qualify for that description. Remember feminazi?

As for the morbidly obese - just the observation of a nurse.

03-10-2009, 10:48 PM
The man is morbidly obese,

So what? :) It might be his glands. LOL

This should only matter once we are under governments thumb with our healthcare.

a racist and misogynist.

Misogynist, perhaps. Racist? NO. Understanding him in the context of his whole show might help. Soundbites and quotes out of context contribute this this idea.

He is prone to ridiculing the physical characteristics of those he dislikes on a regular basis.

So Micheal Moore isn't really fat? Helen Thomas is not "oh my GOD" ugly?

I reckon the style over substance effect that our President uses to get his way wins here, eh?

A spade is a spade. When did the truth become taboo to say?

I think I know... Do you?

03-10-2009, 10:53 PM
On his TV show, early in the Clinton administration, Limbaugh put up a picture of Socks, the White House cat, and asked, "Did you know there's a White House dog?" Then he put up a picture of Chelsea Clinton, who was 13 years old at the time and as far as I know had never done any harm to anyone.

When viewers objected, he claimed, in typical Limbaugh fashion, that the gag was an accident and that without his permission some technician had put up the picture of Chelsea - if you believe that let me sell you this bridge I own in Brooklyn!

Of course, he is not alone with his comments about Chelsea. In 1998, at a Republican Senate fund raiser John McCain said -

Misogyny is contempt of women or girls. He has said things throughout the years that qualify for that description. Remember feminazi?

As for the morbidly obese - just the observation of a nurse.

Ill give you the Chelsea gaff, I would have used a horse not a dog if I was his producer. She did grow into quite an attractive woman though.

I would like to see the links you pulled Limbaugh and McCain's quotes from.

Now for you accusing him being a racist....waiting.

03-10-2009, 10:58 PM
Racist - think Barack the Magic Negro.

Morbidly obese - there is fat; then there is morbidly obese. Morbid means death. While Rush may wish some would die, I would prefer to see people live to a ripe old age. And, as an aside, have you ever taken care of a patient who is morbidly obese? I have and it isn't pleasant - nor was it healthy for me.

Now, it is close to midnight, and I am heading for bed. See you all in the morning . . . . . . .

03-10-2009, 11:02 PM
Racist - think Barack the Magic Negro.


Morbidly obese - there is fat; then there is morbidly obese. Morbid means death. While Rush may wish some would die, I would prefer to see people live to a ripe old age. And, as an aside, have you ever taken care of a patient who is morbidly obese? I have and it isn't pleasant - nor was it healthy for me

So does this mean Michael Moore is full of carp for the same reason?

Why is Limbaugh's weight an issue reguarding his speech?

Do you think Obama has the backbone to take Rush up on his offer?

03-10-2009, 11:13 PM
google rush limbaugh barack the magic negro...its out there

03-10-2009, 11:19 PM
google rush limbaugh barack the magic negro...its out there

Sorry the Magic Negro is from David Ehrenstein, not Limbaugh.

Obama the 'Magic Negro'
The Illinois senator lends himself to white America's idealized, less-than-real black man.
By David Ehrenstein
L.A.-based DAVID EHRENSTEIN writes about Hollywood and politics.

March 19, 2007

AS EVERY CARBON-BASED life form on this planet surely knows, Barack Obama, the junior Democratic senator from Illinois, is running for president. Since making his announcement, there has been no end of commentary about him in all quarters — musing over his charisma and the prospect he offers of being the first African American to be elected to the White House.

But it's clear that Obama also is running for an equally important unelected office, in the province of the popular imagination — the "Magic Negro."

The Magic Negro is a figure of postmodern folk culture, coined by snarky 20th century sociologists, to explain a cultural figure who emerged in the wake of Brown vs. Board of Education. "He has no past, he simply appears one day to help the white protagonist," reads the description on Wikipedia http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magical_Negro .

He's there to assuage white "guilt" (i.e., the minimal discomfort they feel) over the role of slavery and racial segregation in American history, while replacing stereotypes of a dangerous, highly sexualized black man with a benign figure for whom interracial sexual congress holds no interest.

As might be expected, this figure is chiefly cinematic — embodied by such noted performers as Sidney Poitier, Morgan Freeman, Scatman Crothers, Michael Clarke Duncan, Will Smith and, most recently, Don Cheadle. And that's not to mention a certain basketball player whose very nickname is "Magic."

Poitier really poured on the "magic" in "Lilies of the Field" (for which he won a best actor Oscar) and "To Sir, With Love" (which, along with "Guess Who's Coming to Dinner," made him a No. 1 box-office attraction). In these films, Poitier triumphs through yeoman service to his white benefactors. "Guess Who's Coming to Dinner" is particularly striking in this regard, as it posits miscegenation without evoking sex. (Talk about magic!)

The same can't quite be said of Freeman in "Driving Miss Daisy," "Seven" and the seemingly endless series of films in which he plays ersatz paterfamilias to a white woman bedeviled by a serial killer. But at least he survives, unlike Crothers in "The Shining," in which psychic premonitions inspire him to rescue a white family he barely knows and get killed for his trouble. This heart-tug trope is parodied in Gus Van Sant's "Elephant." The film's sole black student at a Columbine-like high school arrives in the midst of a slaughter, helps a girl escape and is immediately gunned down. See what helping the white man gets you?

And what does the white man get out of the bargain? That's a question asked by John Guare in "Six Degrees of Separation," his brilliant retelling of the true saga of David Hampton — a young, personable gay con man who in the 1980s passed himself off as the son of none other than the real Sidney Poitier. Though he started small, using the ruse to get into Studio 54, Hampton discovered that countless gullible, well-heeled New Yorkers, vulnerable to the Magic Negro myth, were only too eager to believe in his baroque fantasy. (One of the few who wasn't fooled was Andy Warhol, who was astonished his underlings believed Hampton's whoppers. Clearly Warhol had no need for the accouterment of interracial "goodwill.")

But the same can't be said of most white Americans, whose desire for a noble, healing Negro hasn't faded. That's where Obama comes in: as Poitier's "real" fake son.

The senator's famously stem-winding stump speeches have been drawing huge crowds to hear him talk of uniting rather than dividing. A praiseworthy goal. Consequently, even the mild criticisms thrown his way have been waved away, "magically." He used to smoke, but now he doesn't; he racked up a bunch of delinquent parking tickets, but he paid them all back with an apology. And hey, is looking good in a bathing suit a bad thing?

The only mud that momentarily stuck was criticism (white and black alike) concerning Obama's alleged "inauthenticty," as compared to such sterling examples of "genuine" blackness as Al Sharpton and Snoop Dogg. Speaking as an African American whose last name has led to his racial "credentials" being challenged — often several times a day — I know how pesky this sort of thing can be.

Obama's fame right now has little to do with his political record or what he's written in his two (count 'em) books, or even what he's actually said in those stem-winders. It's the way he's said it that counts the most. It's his manner, which, as presidential hopeful Sen. Joe Biden ham-fistedly reminded us, is "articulate." His tone is always genial, his voice warm and unthreatening, and he hasn't called his opponents names (despite being baited by the media).

Like a comic-book superhero, Obama is there to help, out of the sheer goodness of a heart we need not know or understand. For as with all Magic Negroes, the less real he seems, the more desirable he becomes. If he were real, white America couldn't project all its fantasies of curative black benevolence on him.

Edit: Im listening to Limbaughs audio, it is based off of the above quoted text. Grace and Caseysmom, you where taken in by Limbaugh's plan. *Golf Clap*

03-10-2009, 11:23 PM
Okay your making me do the work now so I'm gonna be grouchy!


edit to add I just saw your edit...not sure what you mean though??

03-10-2009, 11:29 PM
Okay your making me do the work now so I'm gonna be grouchy!


edit to add I just saw your edit...not sure what you mean though??

This site has the actual audio, not a news story. Link (http://mediamatters.org/items/200703200012).

Edit: I havent listend to Rush for 3 or 4 years now so I didnt hear any of the satiricle musical bits.

03-10-2009, 11:32 PM
Well he perpetuated it but it did not originate with him...not that much difference in my book.

03-10-2009, 11:36 PM
Well he perpetuated it but it did not originate with him...not that much difference in my book.

Of course it isnt.

Why do I doubt you read or listened to the entire thing?

03-10-2009, 11:44 PM
I read it fast I will reread it tomorrow I am on my blackberry

03-10-2009, 11:45 PM
On the second listen I got the Barack the magic negro lyric, bad taste, maybe, funny, maybe, but the racist is the LA Times writer.

03-11-2009, 12:17 AM
Im going back a step or two here, But Caseysmom and Grace are calling Limbaugh a racist when they havent read or heard his comments about a LA Times oped piece?

I may have 2 or 3 learning disabilities but something is wrong here.

ETA: Im still interested on why Limbaugh's weight is an issue?

03-11-2009, 12:35 AM
While Rush may wish some would die

Yes Im slow some times.

Who does Rush wish would die?

03-11-2009, 08:21 AM
Im going back a step or two here, But Caseysmom and Grace are calling Limbaugh a racist when they havent read or heard his comments about a LA Times oped piece?

I may have 2 or 3 learning disabilities but something is wrong here.

ETA: Im still interested on why Limbaugh's weight is an issue?

I never said that all I said was that you could go out on the internet and find info about Barack the magic negro. I never said anything about his weight either, I could care less. I really can't even listen to him his style is so obnoxious to me.

03-11-2009, 08:57 AM
Even the SMART liberal commentators think it is quite stupid to go after Limbaugh...


Case in point: The orchestrated attack on radio host Rush Limbaugh, which has made the White House look like an oafish bunch of drunken frat boys. I returned from carnival in Brazil (more on that shortly) to find the Limbaugh affair in full flower. Has the administration gone mad? This entire fracas was set off by the president himself, who lowered his office by targeting a private citizen by name. Limbaugh had every right to counterattack, which he did with gusto. Why have so many Democrats abandoned the hallowed principle of free speech? Limbaugh, like our own liberal culture hero Lenny Bruce, is a professional commentator who can be as rude and crude as he wants.

Yes, I cringe when Rush plays his "Barack the Magic Negro" satire or when he gratuitously racializes the debate over Philadelphia Eagles quarterback Donovan McNabb, who is a constant subject of withering scrutiny for quite different reasons on sports shows here in Philadelphia. On the other hand, I totally agree with Rush about "feminazis," whose amoral tactics and myopic worldview I as a dissident feminist had to battle for decades. As a student of radio and a longtime listener of Rush's show, I have gotten a wealth of pleasure and insight from him over the years. To attack Rush Limbaugh is to attack his audience -- and to intensify the loyalty of his fan base.

If Rush's presence looms too large for the political landscape, it's because of the total vacuity of the Republican leadership, which seems to be in a dithering funk. Rush isn't responsible for the feebleness of Republican voices or the thinness of Republican ideas. Only ignoramuses believe that Rush speaks for the Republican Party. On the contrary, Rush as a proponent of heartland conservatism has waged open warfare with the Washington party establishment for years.

And I'm sick of people impugning Rush's wealth and lifestyle, which is no different from that of another virtuoso broadcaster who hit it big -- Oprah Winfrey. Rush Limbaugh is an embodiment of the American dream: He slowly rose from obscurity to fame on the basis of his own talent and grit. Every penny Rush has earned was the result of his rapport with a vast audience who felt shut out and silenced by the liberal monopoly of major media. As a Democrat and Obama supporter, I certainly do not agree with everything Rush says or does. I was deeply upset, for example, by the sneering tone both Rush and Sean Hannity took on Inauguration Day, when partisan politics should have been set aside for a unifying celebration of American government and history. Nevertheless, I respect Rush for his independence of thought and his always provocative news analysis. He doesn't run with the elite -- he goes his own way.

03-11-2009, 08:58 AM
Im still interested on why Limbaugh's weight is an issue?

It's not. It's a fact. If it is so bothersome to you, I will go back and delete the comment :D

The Chelsea Clinton comment - I saw him say it. Back in the first Clinton administration, Rush had a TV show. I was watching the day he said it. It was then that the bloom went off the rose, so to speak.

As for the Magic Negro thing - I know he didn't originate it. But he sure made sure it didn't die a natural death.

03-11-2009, 11:52 AM
It's not. It's a fact. If it is so bothersome to you, I will go back and delete the comment :D

He is prone to ridiculing the physical characteristics of those he dislikes on a regular basis.


The Chelsea Clinton comment - I saw him say it. Back in the first Clinton administration, Rush had a TV show. I was watching the day he said it. It was then that the bloom went off the rose, so to speak.

One comment and picture dosent make a misogynist.

As for the Magic Negro thing - I know he didn't originate it. But he sure made sure it didn't die a natural death.

And if you actually listened to his commentary you would know why he didnt let it die. It dosent make him racist.

03-11-2009, 02:01 PM
I am not ridiculing him - simply stating the fact that he is morbidly obese. I didn't imply he looked like a dog.

As for the rest of your remarks - you have your opinion, I have mine. IMO, he is a racist and misogynist. In yours, he is not.

So be it.

03-11-2009, 04:24 PM
I am not ridiculing him - simply stating the fact that he is morbidly obese. I didn't imply he looked like a dog.

As for the rest of your remarks - you have your opinion, I have mine. IMO, he is a racist and misogynist. In yours, he is not.

So be it.

I agree with you Grace. RL's thoughts on anything is worth nothing. He
is a hypocrite & a coward. Anyone over the age of 20 should know this
guy by now.:rolleyes:

Edwina's Secretary
03-11-2009, 08:01 PM
I agree with you Grace. RL's thoughts on anything is worth nothing. He
is a hypocrite & a coward. Anyone over the age of 20 should know this
guy by now.:rolleyes:

And don't forget -- drug addict!

And yes...I did listen to his speech. It wasn't easy but I feel it is important to hear both sides of an issue. Why is he - like other of his ilk - Ann Coulter for example - so mean-spirited? So full of hate?

I'd fight to the bitter end over his right to speak his piece. It just frightens me that there are people who see him as someone to be taken seriously.

03-11-2009, 08:22 PM
*pokes head in* I personally think cirtian "sides" would be taken less harshly if those sides wouldn't let obnoxious loudmouths sound off to the masses.

Am I pointing fingers? No, I just think that the Repubs and the Dems need WAY better PR people because what they have going on now makes them both look like arses.

03-11-2009, 10:16 PM

03-12-2009, 02:13 AM
Whats not suprising is people are attacking a man who can debate and discuss any topic with just note cards, but defend a man who cant make a simple statement without a telepromter. The first is called a sexist and a racist and the second is called a great orator.

Will Obama, after attacking Limbaugh, take Rush up on his offer and challenge? Obama dosent have the backbone to do so without his staff or his telepromter.

03-12-2009, 02:25 AM
Screw it

I am not ridiculing him - simply stating the fact that he is morbidly obese. I didn't imply he looked like a dog.

You wouldnt have brought up his weight unless it was to ridicule him.

As for the rest of your remarks - you have your opinion, I have mine. IMO, he is a racist and misogynist. In yours, he is not.

If he is a racist and a mysogynist you have not proven your case. Im open to your evidence.

So be it.


03-12-2009, 02:35 AM
And don't forget -- drug addict!

An admitted addict, its part of the healing proccess, I think.

And yes...I did listen to his speech. It wasn't easy but I feel it is important to hear both sides of an issue. Why is he - like other of his ilk - Ann Coulter for example - so mean-spirited? So full of hate?

I will not now of ever deffend Ann Coulter. I also would not compare Limbagh to Coulter, I would question why you would.

I'd fight to the bitter end over his right to speak his piece. It just frightens me that there are people who see him as someone to be taken seriously.

I call BS to this.

03-12-2009, 07:19 AM
President Obama, of course, is aware of this lumbering and clumsy gift from the right - so much so that he sent chief of staff Rahm Emanuel to Bob Schieffer's CBS studio this morning to declare Limbaugh "the voice and the intellectual force and energy behind the Republican Party."

LOL Rush is a crazied Nazi.

03-12-2009, 09:05 AM
I'd fight to the bitter end over his right to speak his piece. It just frightens me that there are people who see him as someone to be taken seriously.

And why does it frighten you?

It frightens me that there are so many people on this BB who would happily erode our liberties to be a little more "safe".

Rush is a commentator/entertainer. To give him any more clout than that is...well....silly.

Better yet, have you ever wondered why conservative radio and TV shows VASTLY outrate anything Liberals do? I'll give you a hint.... It is NOT that we are all stupid rubes, looking to people for the answer.

03-12-2009, 09:09 AM
President Obama, of course, is aware of this lumbering and clumsy gift from the right - so much so that he sent chief of staff Rahm Emanuel to Bob Schieffer's CBS studio this morning to declare Limbaugh "the voice and the intellectual force and energy behind the Republican Party."

LOL Rush is a crazied Nazi.

What an embarrassment that the POTUS actually takes the energy to have his staff engage in a verbal war with a private citizen. It lowers the position AND encourages Rush's fans. If anything, you help increase his reach.

But, this from you does not surprise me. Somebody who is ignorant enough to actually compare Rush Limbaugh to a Nazi. What the hell is wrong with our education system that people can actually think that somebody who is the very enbodiment of the American Dream is a Nazi? You don't have to agree with Rush, but you cannot take away his self earned success.

03-12-2009, 09:28 AM
As ES noted: "I'd fight to the bitter end over his right to speak his piece. It just frightens me that there are people who see him as someone to be taken seriously."

RL's "followers" deserve him and each other. :rolleyes:

03-12-2009, 10:12 AM
RL's "followers" deserve him and each other. :rolleyes:

Yeah, loving liberty is certainly something to roll your eyes at.

All you can do is attack his delivery, which is DESIGNED to piss people like you off. But you haven't got anything on his base message...

Individual Liberty over government control.

I too wish Rush was less caustic in his delivery. But it works for him and he has made millions doing it. Good for him.

Don't hate the player.... Hate the game. :p

03-12-2009, 10:49 AM
What the hell is wrong with our education system that people can actually think that somebody who is the very enbodiment of the American Dream is a Nazi?

The enbodiment of the American Dream ????? I hope not.:rolleyes:


Rush "Ass Cyst" Limbaugh Attacks Vietnam Vet, Calls For Radical Change in Military Policy
Posted December 6, 2005 | 07:20 PM (EST)


Sometimes you just have to just laugh at Rush Limbaugh. Here's a guy who dodged the Vietnam War draft by citing a cyst on his ass (no joke), and yet who accuses Vietnam War heroes essentially of treason. Today, Limbaugh's attack is on Sen. John Kerry (D-MA). You remember him – he's that guy who actually went over and served in Vietnam, while Limbaugh sat home, dropped his pants, and pointed his draft board to a cyst on his own ass in order to avoid serving his country.

Limbaugh is actually claiming that Kerry called American troops terrorists this weekend on CBS. Boy that would be real bad...if it were even close to true. So let's go to the transcript, shall we, to see if old Rush "Ass Cyst" Limbaugh is telling us the truth:

KERRY:... There is no reason, Bob, that young American soldiers need to be going into the homes of Iraqis in the dead of night, terrorizing kids and children...

Yes, that's right – Limbaugh and other right-wing outfits claim that means Kerry is calling American soldiers terrorists. Clearly he's not – he said "there is no reason" for them to be required to do that as the war intensifies. He went on to say that it is time for the Iraqis to enforce their own security.

And that begs a question: does Ass Cyst Limbaugh – the same guy who avoided combat – actually WANT American troops to start "going into the homes of Iraqis in the dead of night, terrorizing kids and children?" Because that's what he is actually endorsing. I don't know about you, but I'd bet military commanders in the field would think that's a bad idea.

Actually, we don't have to bet - we can just look at the record and see that yes, top military commanders agree with Kerry - not with Ass Cyst Limbaugh. For instance, back in 2003, the UK Guardian reported that Lieutenant General Ricardo Sanchez, head of the allied forces in Iraq, "said the US had decided to revise its strategy and limit the scope of raids after being warned they were alienating the public." He said, "It was a fact that I started to get multiple indicators that maybe our iron-fisted approach to the conduct of ops was beginning to alienate Iraqis. I started to get those sensings from multiple sources, all the way from the governing council down to average people."

Earlier this year, the Washington Post reported that the U.S. military was rightly questioning its own raid strategy – as Kerry alluded to – because:

"The raids turn up little and leave hard feelings among civilians who resent foreign soldiers bursting into their homes, breaking doors and gates and pointing guns at their heads. They resent these men catching their wives and daughters in their bedclothes. They resent them barking orders, telling them to get on the ground, invading their homes, emptying drawers and turning over mattresses."

So let's be clear: what Ass Cyst Limbaugh is doing is both lying about Kerry, and frontally endorsing a radical change in U.S. military policy whereby our soldiers actually do start terrorizing people. He is doing this, even as our own military says that would be a mistake.

But then, Ass Cyst Limbaugh always talks with such confidence that maybe we should we should call him Sgt. Ass Warts Limbaugh, issue him a weapon, put him in uniform, and send him over to actually implement his new house-to-house urban combat raid strategy. He seems so excited and supportive of it – and so determined to have the U.S. military commanders adopt his ideas - I'll bet he's ready to go serve his country, right?

Don't hold your breath - you can bet if we tried that, he'd simply start crying in fear, beg for mercy, and then desperately unveil his fat ass and point to it as an excuse to once again avoid actually living by his own rhetoric.

03-12-2009, 10:59 AM
The enbodiment of the American Dream ????? I hope not.:rolleyes:

Sure he is... He came from less than wealthy roots, worked his arse off (Ok, not literally, it IS large and apparantly full of cysts...) and made something of himself. You don't have to agree with him or even like him. But you cannot deny his success.

What, pray tell, do you think the American Dream is Liz?

03-12-2009, 11:50 AM
Sometimes you just have to just laugh at Rush Limbaugh. Here's a guy who dodged the Vietnam War draft by citing a cyst on his ass (no joke), and yet who accuses Vietnam War heroes essentially of treason. Today, Limbaugh's attack is on Sen. John Kerry (D-MA). You remember him – he's that guy who actually went over and served in Vietnam, while Limbaugh sat home, dropped his pants, and pointed his draft board to a cyst on his own ass in order to avoid serving his country.
LOL, did he really? LOL LOL it's so Rush. I can't stop laughing. I happen to think that Rush is the best thing that ever happened to the Dems, open mouth in Rushes cyst.. LOL :D:D

03-12-2009, 01:20 PM
Do you mean Mr Kerry the admitted war criminal? The same Mr Kerry that threw another Vet's medals away?

03-13-2009, 07:30 PM
LOL, did he really? LOL LOL it's so Rush. I can't stop laughing. I happen to think that Rush is the best thing that ever happened to the Dems, open mouth in Rushes cyst.. LOL :D:D

Check it out. http://www.snopes.com/military/limbaugh.asp

Truth is stranger than fiction.:)

03-13-2009, 08:35 PM
Thanks Liz for that mental picture...blech!

03-14-2009, 12:40 AM
As ES noted: "I'd fight to the bitter end over his right to speak his piece. It just frightens me that there are people who see him as someone to be taken seriously."

RL's "followers" deserve him and each other. :rolleyes:

Yet it seems ES and others support those who support the Fairness Docrine.