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View Full Version : feeling emotional

09-22-2002, 07:39 AM
Last night I couldn't sleep & was reading thru some past threads here on pet talk. I came across one & visited a *very* horrible website on puppy mills, abuse etc. I don't even want to remember, and the horrible truth is this is going on everyday in everyplace.

Anyway, after a while I went downstairs & heard Marigold (our kitty) mewing in the kitchen. She was so happy to see me and just lay on my lap and snuggled. She was laying in the crook of my arm, with her head under my chin, and I could feel her twitch as she started to doze. And as I held her tight, I just sent out a silent hug & prayer for all of those dogs & cats out there who are hurting and suffering at the hands of some stupid person who is too blind to realize the goodness that that animal has to offer. Sometimes I just don't understand.

So today, I am going to go give my dog that extra treat, and think twice before I get upset because the cat was licking the butter dish, and appreciate the pets that have been entrusted to me a little bit more.

Aspen and Misty
09-22-2002, 08:44 AM
I feel so bad for the dogs and cats at puppies mills. Can you imagine, to those dogs the pound would be heaven and they woudln't know what to do with themselves they would be so happy. I fee awfull about those dogs and hate the fact I live in PA and everyday on the way to school I see signs saying dogs- Akita's Pugs Huskies Rottweilers ~~> pointing down there drive way. I wanna stop by there sometime and just open all the cages and set them free. No animal deserves to live like that. I will follow in your foot steps adn give my boys some extra treats today and no get mad so easy at my animals.


09-22-2002, 08:58 AM
Cookiebaker and Ash,

I will also follow the suggestion. I pray every night for all those poor animals. Whether is does any good I don't know but it sure makes me feel better. There comes a time when you KNOW it is out there and being done, yet the only thing you can do is pray that some of them will be rescued.

I was in animal rescue for over 5 years in CT before I moved to Michigan recently. And though I have taken a respite from it (burn out), every once in a while there's a stray that pops up (like yesterday) I still think I can make a home for (I already have 6 rescues). It's sad because I know I can't save all of them. But it sure makes saying no so much more difficult. There's a part of my heart that will always have a special place for the homeless, abused and neglected animals of the world. :(

09-22-2002, 08:57 PM
(real name toughCookie)

any pets in your household are darn lucky! I know its sad about the homelss animals(in fact I was just thinking the same thing, I was at petsmart today...) but all we can do in donate and adopt as many as we can handle.
I was going to post a thread, but you seem to have done it for me so I will just post my thoughts here.

I was in petsmart today, and of course I had to go look at the the kitties! oh there was alot of them. there were 2 male orange tabbies about 7 or 8 weeks old, and in another cage was their mama! she was only 9 months old when she had them!!:eek: :(
I held and played with them, and the others, they were all so friendly and cute. I told the lady I have 5 already, and she said well with 5 whats one more? yeah right except that there are vet bills and medicine to give, thats what one more is! not to mention the Muffin problem.... oh but I did want to adopt 3 or 4 more!
(like I said in another post...if I was rich and had the energy and the room I would adopt more)
here's the thread I was going to post...
after I got home I thought about the plight of all these poor animals, its just so sad, and I was thinking...which is better, to adopt a bunch and give them all a good home, even if they would rather be a lone cat, even if they are not totally happy, but at least they are in a good home and cared for, or is it better to just adopt one and let it be really happy?
I have 4 that are happy, and Muffin is mostly I think though I know she would rather be alone, but too late now!
what do you think?

09-22-2002, 09:12 PM
Vi Co Bi and I have 5 cats (1 foster) and 4 dogs (1 foster). We have also helped on legs of four transports, the driving part of a rescue.

It makes us feel good when we know we have helped on a small part of taking an animal to a foster home, where they will be cared for, loved, and found a forever home. :)

09-23-2002, 12:21 AM
that is great, the world needs more people like you! good for you:D