View Full Version : You know it's time to cut toenails when....

03-07-2009, 01:34 PM
Other than the fact that they are scratching you because they're too long or sharp - how do you know it's time?

I can always tell with Sparky - since this happens quite often - and he just did it again! He was standing up and scratching his belly with his hind leg, and the toenails got tangled in his long hair (time for a haircut too!). Poor guy was hobbling around on 3 legs since the nails got stuck in the fur and he couldn't get his leg free. So it's Mom to the rescue to free the tangle. It's really pretty funny to see, but he doesn't think so.... :D:D

03-07-2009, 02:45 PM
I know it's time when I hear the click click of their nails on the hardwood floors. As they get longer the sound is different.

And with the cats I know because either they scratch the crap out of us or they stick to the carpet.

03-07-2009, 03:22 PM
It's really pretty funny to see, but he doesn't think so.... :D:D

"Mo-om, how COULD you? Stop telling tales on me!"

I know it's time when I hear the click click of their nails on the hardwood floors. As they get longer the sound is different.

And with the cats I know because either they scratch the crap out of us or they stick to the carpet.
Same here.

03-07-2009, 03:57 PM
I Dremel the pups on a weekly/bi-weekly basis. I try to keep them as short as possible.

If I went purely by me noticing, their quicks would get too long (thereby, ruining all the hard work I've put into them :p ).

03-09-2009, 08:14 AM
My two get thiers clipped every 14 days.
I start to hear click click on the kitchen floor around day 10-12.
For some reason, Beenie nails grow faster than Frankies.

03-09-2009, 09:26 PM
it sounds like they're doing Riverdance in your kitchen.

03-09-2009, 09:51 PM
I do it weekly at this point, just because I have let them grow way to long so there quicks are long.

03-10-2009, 12:12 PM
I never used to have to clip Honda's because she was always on the concrete. But in the winter I do... and now that she isn't outside as much, I do. I normally know because they just look too long to me. Lol They tap on the floor all the time now... and before they never used to. I do Remy's about every two weeks because they grow really fast.