View Full Version : I got a puppy!

03-05-2009, 07:54 PM
Hello everyone I am typically on the Cat forum but I resently got a 6 month old Shitzu and she is a total doll. I just was wondering if any of you have this breed? And how do you know if you can trust your puppy and give her a little bit more space? I think that part of the reason why I am so exhausted is because I think she is constantly going to use my carpet as a toilet. But I think at times I may be over reacting? Any help from experienced puppy owners would be greatly appreciated...

03-05-2009, 09:12 PM
Well, congrats on the puppy!! Can't wait to see pix...hint, hint ;). As far as the being able to trust her, I think right now it's a good thing to keep a very close eye on her. When she looks like she's looking for a place to potty take her outside. She is still busy exploring her new home and there is so much to see. She will eventually settle in and then you can settle in as well. Having a puppy is much like having a new baby (even though I don't have skin babies). You must get up to take them outside. But hopefully that won't last too long, not as long as a skin baby that's for sure. :) (Wait, you don't take a real baby outside to potty, but you know what I'm talking about. :p)
With both of my dogs I always knew where they were. If they weren't in the same room with me I'd go find them asap. Don't give them a chance to potty or chew up anything.
I'm sure more experienced puppy owners will have more (or better) advice for you. :D

Forgot to ask, what's her name?

03-05-2009, 09:50 PM
yay! congrats on the puppy.. and uuuh if you want to post pics... we wont mind! :D All our doggies potty trained fine. As long as you are willing to be busy but hey that word comes with the baby when you get them haha!

Puppies go a lot, constant potty trips. I am talking like 2 time an hour, sometimes more if you get that look. Sounds crazy but potty free carpets here : ) Stand up say do you want to go potty? We get really excited about it, as if its like a walk or treats. Let the little one run around and if they go, over praise and keep that "this is exciting and good job" voice going on :p The more you make the potty seem like a good thing, reward worthy, they will want to go outside because that means something exciting. Around here, they get really excited start to jump around and nudge us when they need to go, then run for the door because they have associated it with a good thing when they were little ones. once you know she will want to go outside, you should relax just fine. Puppy things happen, but dont worry about them too much. once potty training is down, and lots of toy to play with are down you can breath : )

every dog is different but it worked well for our pups that we have had.
cant wait for pictures!:love: