View Full Version : Is anyone a paralegal?

03-02-2009, 02:40 PM
Or do you know one? I am thinking about going back to school for it and would like more information as to what the job is actually like. From what I read on carreer sites and such it involves a lot of research and writing which are both things I actually enjoy. I realize Im not going to be young forever and I need to get out of doing physical jobs as I don't think I'm going to be able to handle it forever. I admire anyone who can! Also Im sure in this economy, an education couldn't hurt anything, and it seems like anything involving the law expects to see an increase in employment. (I wonder why :rolleyes:)

Quitting school ranks up there as the dumbest thing I could have done. Its time to get back on the horse and do something with myself.

03-02-2009, 02:47 PM
I am not a paralegal but my job involves some paralegal duties. I have never had formal training but have worked in the legal profession most of my working life--30 years (wow am I that old?!). It does involve doing research, writing briefs and other documents for the lawyers. You will do a lot of typing most likely. I think it is an interesting profession.

03-02-2009, 02:57 PM
I think paralegals have VERY interesting jobs- varied in the day to day tasks. I often say that the law is recession proof. People 'need' lawyers when times are good, and sometimes more when times are bad. And, people still die, divorce, buy property, form (and dissolve) companies, adopt, etc.

What I would encourage you to do is go to law school!

Prairie Purrs
03-02-2009, 06:11 PM
I taught paralegal studies for about 10 years, so feel free to PM me with any questions you might have. :)

The short answer to "What does a paralegal do" is "Whatever a lawyer wants him/her to do, as long as it doesn't involve actually practicing law." Some paralegals do a lot of legal secretarial work, while others do research, writing, fact-checking, and the like. The work tends to vary with the nature of the practice. Bankruptcy paralegals need to be familiar with the relevant forms, while litigation paralegals will be expected to stay on top of filing deadlines.

03-02-2009, 07:53 PM
Cataholic: I honestly would love to go to law school! I need to figure out a way to get some serious financial help though. I already have one student loan out on me, its been being paid on for 7 years now and isn't paid down that much :(.

Thanks for the responses! I will think of some specific questions to ask you Purrs :)

03-03-2009, 08:32 AM
I went to law school completely on loans. And, yes, 10 years later, I am still paying them back. It can be done. Do you have a 4 year undergrad degree from somewhere? Here, there is a school that offers a part-time 4 year program that works super well for those needing to work while attending school. I don't know if that is an option for you in your area?

I went back to school at the advanced age of 29 (30 3 months after school began). And, I was completely dependent free, living with my mother.

03-03-2009, 09:35 AM
I worked as a paralegal for 12 years and loved every minute of it. Not the lawyers so much, but doing the research, being outside away from the office. The lawyers (no offense, Johanna) were arrogant, pompus and just plain rude. They think the world revolves around them.

I'd definitely look into paralegal training. The money is great and so are the bonuses. It's just a matter of whether you want to lose the life as you know it. You go into work early, work through your lunch and stay late. 12 years was enough for me.

03-03-2009, 09:55 AM
I worked in law firms for over 30 years - oh my. I was the "office manager" as I watched paralegals go through the daily grind. Many of them ended up going to law school to become lawyers. The money was much better being a lawyer - and a bit more limelight was in store.

Each firm decides how they want to use their paralegals. Regardless, it is an interesting job for sure - long hours - piles of papers - never ending client contact - lots of grunt work - some are borderline private investigators - some are glorified secretaries - some are practicing law for the most part. I have seen them cry, take more and more medications, last years at the job, last days at the job, you name it. I think the average was about five years.

The one thing I did notice at every place was that a lot was expected of them. The lawyers didn't care if the PL was busy working on another matter, or for another attorney, they had to drop whatever it was they were doing, and work on the immediate problem. Piles and piles of work on the desk was the usual.

If you like stress, then the paralegal field is for you.

Lawyers come in every shape and form, just like other professionals. I did run into a few that were fun, kind, considerate and reasonable. I also ran into a bunch of self-centered creeps - rude would be a kind way of describing some of them. They don't have the market cornered. I understand many surgeons have personality disorders too.

Yes, they usually pay good money - I call it combat pay.

If you have a firm in mind - or have an "in" with a certain firm you are familiar with, then by all means, go for it. It is tough to get hired with no experience and that is why, I think many paralegals start out as secretaries, learn the work and/or go to paralegal school. I think of it as a thankless position, as you do SO much of the work and get SO little credit. There is usually pressure put on you to work in excess of 40 hours and bill, bill, bill or at least re-coop (credit for work performed) your salary!

It would not be uncommon for you to have to stay late or come in on a weekend to get a case ready for court - while the attorney is at the gym or taking his/her kid to a soccer game.

Many of the lawyers think their lives are MUCH more important than any other's, including their partners and fellow attorneys.

Oh well.


03-03-2009, 11:58 AM

I couldn't have put it better, girl!

03-03-2009, 12:17 PM
I'm a paralegal and LOVE what I do. It's a very varied job which keeps it interesting - it's NEVER boring. Hours can be long and it can take a while to find your niche and attorneys that you can work with. I've been with my current firm for 18 years with the same attorney.

Sometimes it IS a glorified secretrarial job, but I kinda like that. I know I don't want to be an attorney - I've been in the legal biz for almost 30 years.

In this economy there are paralegal jobs out there, although a lot of firms are imploding and laying off. Just get your foot in the door - that's how I started as a file clerk oh-so-many years ago. The pay is good. Feel free to PM me with questions.