View Full Version : Canon A590IS?

02-28-2009, 11:14 PM
Does anyone have this camera?

I broke my old Canon Powershot A95. :( Well, it still works...as in it takes pictures...but the buttons to view them don't work. I had it in my purse and dropped my purse, the case is cracked, if I hold the case just right I can sometimes get it to work. I've been meaning to get a new small camera for a while anyway. I'm going on a trip in a few weeks so I need to get something soon. This one looks like it may be a bit bigger than I was thinking (I'm sure its still smaller than my old one though) but it's $100....yeah I like that price tag, I'm rather poor at the moment, I really can't afford anything much more than that. Nor can I justify spending a bunch on another camera when I have a great camera already (Canon Rebel Xti...love it...but there's times when I don't want to drag a huge camera with me!). I'm just curious if anyone has experience with this camera or any similar ones (in a similar price range, $150 or less). Thanks!

Also, my favorite feature of my old powershot was the flip-out LCD...I can't seem to find any newer small cameras that have that. Anyone know of any that do?

03-01-2009, 12:26 AM
I have the older version of this Canon Powershot, which was also knocked over and broken.

I was also looking for something cheap and was about to buy this Canon but fell victim to an $80 Kodak M863 at Best Buy. I HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE it. I absolutely despise the Kodak camera, but I didn't realize that before I could return it. So, now, I deeply regret buying the Kodak and deeply regret NOT buying this Canon in particular.

I loved my old Canon and, knowing it's the old version of the A590, I know this camera is absolutely stellar for the price. Do it :p

03-01-2009, 07:17 AM
I would do it, it seems like a nice camera. Also, on a flip out lcd, I doubt you are going to find that on any cameras this size. They are generally a feature of the bigger, more expensive cameras.

03-01-2009, 09:16 AM
If you already have the XTi and this is just your carry around camera then it seems like it has nice stats for it's price range. I also have the XTi and have the S3 Canon's as my carry around. The camera you're looking for seems similar to my S3 in stats. It should be a nice camera for what you want to do with it.

I'm thinking of selling one of my older P&S digitals and saving money for a Canon G9 as a carry around. It's a fair amount more expensive, but it's even smaller, and lightweight than my S3 & S1, but the G9 will do RAW and none of my P&S cameras can do that. I don't think a G9 has a flip out screen though, and like you, I'd really miss that feature.

Take you XTi with you on your trip also or you'll kick yourself later for not taking it. I've done that myself plenty of times. lol

Have fun with your new camera, and enjoy your trip. We expect to see some pix posted soon. lol

03-01-2009, 10:14 AM
I was also looking for something cheap and was about to buy this Canon but fell victim to an $80 Kodak M863 at Best Buy. I HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE it. I absolutely despise the Kodak camera, but I didn't realize that before I could return it. So, now, I deeply regret buying the Kodak and deeply regret NOT buying this Canon in particular.

Been there, done that...my kodak camera is the worst camera I've ever had, I'll never buy another kodak. The $20 more is definitely worth going for a canon.

I have the S3IS too (I'm assuming that's the same as the S3 Catlady?). I rarely use it, the zoom is broken, which is pretty much the whole point of the camera. :rolleyes: I can only zoom in a little way, if I try to zoom all the way the camera shuts off.

I think I'll end up getting this camera, its a good deal for the price. Oh and yeah I'll end up taking the rebel with me too I'm sure.

03-01-2009, 05:55 PM
It's a good camera.

I agree with the comments about Kodak. My first digital camera was a Kodak and I hated it. My mom has one, but it acts up 90% of the time, battery use is very weak - so, she is currently looking for a good point & shoot. I have a Casio Exilim 7.2MP and I love it. It's simple enough and I don't need a lot. I do have a digital SLR - a Nikon D60, I just love it. I only use it for "projects".. not to take it with me everywhere I go - only the Casio.

03-01-2009, 06:11 PM
I just ordered it...got two 4 GB cards for $5 each too! Not bad, of course the shipping was $8 on two tiny cards :rolleyes: but the camera shipping was free so I guess it all evens out.

03-03-2009, 05:16 PM
Yes my main p&s carry camera is the S3IS, it's just easier to call it S3 lol.