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02-24-2009, 08:30 PM
Wooooo PT

I ain't been here for awhile cuz we got alot of stuff going on at my house and not much of it is good stuff! But a few people said they have been missing us and Mom decided I could come over and tell you about one of the good things going on....ME!
I am learning to be a leader dog! This picture is from my first time leading this year. I was with Anvik. I didn't start out up front on that run, but we had a gong show, as Mom calls it when things go messy, and I got moved up front beside Anvik. I did good too! We even passed a loose dog without looking! That is really hard to do; really hard for me! I just wanna play with every dog I see!
That was like a month ago. Since then I have been leading on just about all our runs! Mom has been off work this whole month so we have been running lots!
A few days ago, I got to lead when we had passenger in the sled. Mom started with Sundin and Reggae up front, but Sundin just stopped at the bottom of the very first hill. Sometimes he just doesn't like leading, even though he's pretty good at it! So I got to go up front and I was awesome, if I do say so myself! Sundin was much happier and ran nicely in my old spot!
I like leading ALOT!! It's wicked fun and the view is way better! I am learning the commands and listening really good. Reggae doesn't put up with any tom-foolery when he's working. If I start goofing off, he snarls at me! That gets my attention back on my work again in a hurry!

I will try to come back again soon, PT
Tehya the leading babydog!

02-24-2009, 08:38 PM
Oh, Tehya, you're growing up so fast! Not every dog will be good as a leader dog, and we are so proud of you for learning this at such a young age!

Thanks for the pictures, and so good to hear from you, pretty girl! That's SUCH a happy picture of you and Anvik! :)

02-24-2009, 08:50 PM
Wow that's gotta be lots of fun!!!

02-24-2009, 09:29 PM
Way to go Tehya!! Keep up the great leading. :D

Queen of Poop
02-24-2009, 09:48 PM
So nice to hear from you. Miss you on here. But have been keeping up with your leader progress on your blog. You're doing awesome Miss Tehya.

Cinder & Smoke
02-24-2009, 09:52 PM
Wooooo PT

... cuz we got alot of stuff going on at my house and not much of it is good stuff!

I will try to come back again soon, PT
Tehya the leading babydog!

Gorsh ... what can we do to Help make the bad stuff go away?

Are Mom and Dad *feelin* OK?
How's the 'repair' on Dad's shoulder turning out?

Iffin you guys need anything - just let us know ... be more than Happie to Help!!

{{{Hugs}}} to the BiPeds and all the 4-Leggers.


Daisy and Delilah
02-24-2009, 10:32 PM
Hi everybody!! I can't be happier to see you guys checking in. Great pictures. Thanks so much Tehya for convincing Mom you needed to come to PT to update. We miss you!!

Tamara, like Phred said, we would love to support you with some PT prayers. Sorry things aren't going great. Stay in touch. Tehya and the crew look fantastic!!:)

02-24-2009, 10:50 PM
You silly girl. Good to hear from you again. I can't believe you're leading now! You've really come a long way. Glad you've been having so much fun.

02-24-2009, 10:57 PM
Beautiful scenery. Beautiful dogs. Way to go Tehya, you sweet, adorable big little girl! You done GOOD!!!!! Smartie pants!

Maya & Inka's mommy
02-25-2009, 02:30 AM
Hey gorgeous Tehya!!! We've all been missing you a lot!! And your brothers & sisters too!! And OF COURSE : your mommy!!
HI Tamara, it is so great to see you posting again!! I ADORE these nature pics you posted!!:love:

02-25-2009, 07:13 AM
Beautiful pictures, Tamara!!! Way to go with the leading, Tehya!

02-25-2009, 09:39 AM
Tehya, I sure do envy you. It looks like a lot of fun leading and being
able to PULL a sled. The only thing my dad will let me pull is the garbage
bin when we take it to the road. The rest of the time all I hear is don't pull. Looks like your having a great time with your buddies. An admirer

02-25-2009, 10:05 AM
Hello, precious Tehya! I missed you on PT! I love the picture of you smiling with Ani - it looks like he is laughing! You are a leader dog -- way to go!

02-25-2009, 11:20 AM
long time no see.... you´ve all been dearly missed... I did see that you were leading and I thought how cool is that!!...

I hope to see many many updates of you and the whole gang ;)

02-26-2009, 07:09 PM
Gorsh ... what can we do to Help make the bad stuff go away?

Are Mom and Dad *feelin* OK?
How's the 'repair' on Dad's shoulder turning out?

Iffin you guys need anything - just let us know ... be more than Happie to Help!!

Thanks Mr. Phred, but beside praying there ain't much anyone can do. We had some good news this week so we figure the prayers of our furiends must be working. My Mom's nephew has those cancer bugs, but his last tests show that there are getting to be less of them! My kitty sister, Sophia, has been really, really, really sick and Mom thought she might be leaving us soon, but yesterday her vet, Dr. Helen, gave her some new medicines. Already Sophia is feeling very much better and acting more like her usual self. Dr. Rick checked out some lumps on Paxil a few days ago and they are just those lumps old dogs get sometimes. Paxil has had cancer three times so Mom was very worried that it was back again! The big owie on Hobo's shoulder is finally healing up. So most of the bad stuff is starting to be not so bad. :D

My humans are ok...Dad's shoulder is slowly getting better, but he can't go back to work for awhile yet. Mom is waiting for surgery on her wrist, but the doc that does that isn't coming back here til the summertime so she just has to be careful til then. They are looking forward to May. My Auntie Stephanie is flying in from Ontario. She is gonna take care of all of us for awhile and my humans are going away for their anniversary. I don't want them to go, but I think they need a vacation! :p

Thanks for all the nice comments everyone. I will get Mom to post more often again!

Tehya, who has to go wrassle with Reggae now!

02-26-2009, 07:21 PM
Way to go, Tehya! It looks like you are doing a great job leading. Keep it up! :)

Its great to see pictures from the pack again. It looks so peaceful out there with all that snow.

02-27-2009, 08:49 AM
Tehya it is really great to see you and your fursibs. We have really missed your whole gang.

Please tell Mom we're sorry about all the bad stuff and hope things get better each day.

Loads of hugs and kisses for everybuddy:love:

Eve and her mommy

02-27-2009, 07:28 PM
Always love hearing from you Tehya ;)