View Full Version : When tomatoes go bad.

02-24-2009, 12:39 PM
I bought four tomatoes at the store the other day and within 4 days three went bad.

They never go bad from bottom, as tomatoes usually do. They get bruised on the top or sides. Since I walk to the store, I put all the crushable food items into a bag that I hand carry home. Upon getting into the house, I put them into a bowl on the kitchen table.

I love the idea of having fruit/veggie bowls fill with stuff out so I can see what I have and what I need to use.


Ed is a funny guy, smart as all get out and very tenacious.

Late in the evening he has a 'patrol pattern' that he makes throughout the house's windows. When he sees one of the strays that I feed he marches through the rooms to try and get a good look at his 'friends'.

This cracks me up because his 'walk' is usually a sssssslllllllooooooooooowwwwww plod to get to a diiferent place in the house. When he sees a cat he walks with purpose, feet moving quickly, head down, tail at attention.
If there is anything in the way, it's over, through or around it, Hell or High Water.

Last night he comes walking through the room and into the kitchen, up on the table to the back window where he has bent one of the blinds to look out.

This morning I noticed one of the tomatoes had gone bad, it had a bruise on it where it had rested against the side of the bowl. Yesterday I went thru my inventory and picked up my tomatoes to check for ripeness and to see how much time I had to use them...

I like a firm tomato and usually eat them before they get to that 'salsa softness'....They go badly very quickly, often overnight. if you bruise them.


Hmmmmm, I thought that it was weird that they get bruised so easily and remembered what happened last night...

I put two and two together and examined the bad fruit and realized that someone was stepping on my tomatoes and wrecking them.....:mad:

I had pushed the 'mater bowl and it was in the Edster's path to his favorite viewing area on the table......

Now, I know better.

I am looking foward to the rest of the year.....especially to the holidays.

Easter, Fourth of July, Memorial Day and THANKSGIVING. The tradition in the house is to put a bowl of fruit and nuts on the table.....I will worry about the fruit.....But, am very worried about my nuts..:D

Those claws are sharp!

Cinder & Smoke
02-24-2009, 02:47 PM
The tradition in the house is to put a bowl of fruit and nuts on the table ...
I will worry about the fruit ...
But, am very worried about my nuts. :D

Those claws are sharp!


You're gonna ... put your NUTz in a bowl ...
on the table? :confused:
< gasp >

Do ALL Messicans do dat ??



02-24-2009, 02:54 PM
some put them in their wifes pocket... LOL.... LMAO...

Laura's Babies
02-24-2009, 03:12 PM
I KNOW better than leave ANY fruit or veggies out! Giz's favorite thing to do is to swat something... ANYTHING off the counters! A Banana is her most fav toy!

02-24-2009, 03:29 PM

When in America, do as the Americans do?
It's the Horn of Plenty syndrome.;)


NO comment-that is not what I meant! ;):D


LOL, I can see Giz tenderizing meat left out on the counter!:eek:

02-24-2009, 04:13 PM

02-24-2009, 04:33 PM
Edster says its the Tomato Gremlins and we believe him.
Those Vegetable Gremlins can be so tricky so the Edster has to be ever vigilant.:eek::eek: