View Full Version : Need PT assistance ASAP for mamma cat and her kittens! update

02-23-2009, 06:12 PM
I have an email buddy who lives in East Texas, Tyler to be precise. She has been caring for a set of feral kitties outside her house. One of them turned out to be pregnant and just had 5 kittens a couple days ago.

Here's the problem, she can't afford to hardly take care of herself let alone provide any type of medical care for these cats. Food for them has consisted of random non brand name food she can find on sale.

She just emailed saying how the mamma cat is walking 'strangly' and staggered a few times and the kittens are crying more. Mamma kitty seems to be eating, although gulping down, her food, using the sandbox, and drinking but still.

My worst fears are low calcium and/or infection causing problems with the milk, possible malnutrition also (she recently 'upgraded' food to Meow Mix) and some unknown canned food:rolleyes:.

I know there is no possible way she can afford to take this cat or kittens to the vet. I'm very worried for the mother cat and her babies as well as the trauma will cause my friend who has alot of health problems of her own. She simply started feeding them because she felt sorry for them, they are not her pets.

She said she had help of one lady from a 'rescue' place but I known nothing about what type of help they are providing beyond helping foster or adopt out the cats.

Does anyone have any phone numbers/addresses/names of good rescue places that may be able to help with vet care for her area?? I would like to email her any info for places that may be able to help these cats out medically.

I know nothing about what types of services or decent rescue places exist in her area. I don't want to accidentally direct her to some cat collector in the guise of a 'rescue' or 'shelter'.

Any information you can post fairly quickly would be appreciated.

If my worst fears are true then the mamma may only have a day or two and possibly the kittens shortly after.:(

02-23-2009, 06:19 PM
I'm sorry I don't know about the vets/rescues in that area, but I did find an internet seach and the only thing that came up for Tyler, TX is a Humane Society which I posted below. Perhaps you could call them to inquire what to do with mama and her kittens?

Humane Society of Smith County
1823 County Road 386, Tyler, TX 903-597-2471

Healing vibes for mama and babies. :(

02-23-2009, 06:21 PM
Here is another one in Tyler, Texas

Tonya Griffth's Animal Rescue 903-533-1282 GOOD LUCK!!

02-23-2009, 06:22 PM
Yeah, I found that one online too. I didn't see anything on their site that said that they could help with any medical problems, and their hours say they don't open until tomorrow.

I will email that to my friend though just in case they can help her.

02-23-2009, 06:24 PM
Here is another one in Tyler, Texas

Tonya Griffth's Animal Rescue 903-533-1282 GOOD LUCK!!

I saw the site for that one too, sorta made me wonder how the cats are cared for, the adoption page lists like 50 cats on it, it says they have no volunteers (for pix at least, although there are pix on the site), and won't give out the address of the place.

Maybe it's just my suspicious nature, but something doesn't sound right there. I'll keep that one as a back up unless some PT member here knows something about the place first hand.

02-23-2009, 07:38 PM
I just now heard back from my email pal.

Apparently the cat was in an area of the house she was unfamiliar with and was in the process of backing up when the staggering happened. She didn't tell me that part in her first email.

Also the kittens crying was apparently caused by siblings fighting over the same nipple, but appear to be getting growing and eating ok.

*takes deep breath*

Don't you just love it when people only give you half the story just to worry you to death???:rolleyes::rolleyes:

I still don't agree with the food choices for the nursing mom, but I suppose if it wasn't for my email pal the cat would have nothing to eat and no shelter at all.

I'll still email those numbers to her just in case though. Thanks everyone for the help.