View Full Version : about American Idol, NO SPOILERS please...

02-21-2009, 08:24 PM
I just had to post this thread as i was so hacked off at Idol last night, please note in NZ we are behind you, so please DON'T let the cat out of the bag.

You probably have the final 12 chosen by now, we just saw the show where the final 36 rather 37 were chosen.

My vent here is regarding the young chap who is best friends with Danny Okey, i think that is his name, who i absolutely LOVE (one who sadly lost his wife) i think Danny will be in the final 12 and might even make it to the last three, well I am hoping, still long way to go yet to see if that really happens or not, anyhow back to what i was saying, he is of Asian decent and wore a cap and had facial piercings, I thought he so deserved to be put through and i am hopping mad that they chose to send Nick or Norman whatever he wants to be called.

Ok Nick is a nice enough guy, he is funny, and can sing reasonably well, and they like him because he is different, but honestly anyone can see he won't be the IDOL, I would like him to drop the comedy act, and just be himself.

He would be a good comedian, and i don't mind he has gone through ,but at the cost of someone who is so much better IMO, it makes me annoyed.

Anyhow that is purely my opinion, does anyone else agree with me or disagree?

However I was happy to see the two blue collar workers at the end, the big guys get in, love them both. Sorry not good at names.


Daisy and Delilah
02-21-2009, 08:44 PM
We haven't gotten to the final 12 yet.

I know what you mean, Carole!! I was furious when they let him go. I think he's just as good as Danny and many many others. Why did they boot him out? We could see that Danny and his friend were heartbroken. Sometimes that show makes me never want to watch again.:mad:

02-21-2009, 09:03 PM
Yes, Danny's friend was good. Jamar is his name, I think. There were a lot that I thought should have gone through and didn't.
I like Nick/Norman as Nick not as Norman. He can sing, but I don't like the act he has being Norman. I wish he would just be serious for a minute and perform as Nick.

The two big guys at the end, Michael and Matt, they are very good too. I was happy they both made it to the final 36. I didn't count, was there 37? They broke them into 3 groups of 12....3x12= (gets out calculator) 36. I think they knew they would put both of those guys through. :p
Boy, it's really hard to not talk about what has happened on the next episode that you haven't seen yet. But I will stop now so I don't ruin it for you. :D

02-21-2009, 09:37 PM
I completely agree with you!! Jamar should have stayed!!

Laura's Babies
02-22-2009, 08:32 AM
I completely agree with you!! Jamar should have stayed!!

I agree, he was the WHOLE package.. I wonder if they didn't know that and cut him loose so that he would have a better chance to make it without all the restrictions of being a idol?

Or perhaps he said or did something at some point that turned them off? He was soooo cute and had a great voice.

02-22-2009, 08:39 AM
I think they cut him so that he and his best friend, Danny Gokey, wouldn't be competing against each other and splitting the votes. She show is heavily promoting Danny Gokey for some reason.

02-22-2009, 09:16 AM
I don't know that they are heavily promoting him so much as picking up on the public's reaction to him and going with it. His story is amazing. A guy who loses his wife and less than a month later does this huge public thing. I don't know though.

A friend of mine on another forum knows him personally and says that he is just as much a kind and generous soul in real life as he appears on TV.

Daisy and Delilah
02-22-2009, 09:40 AM
I love Danny but I have mixed feelings about depicting these kinds of stories. Is it really fair to the other contestants to be competing with this poor guy that just lost his wife? He'll get a percentage of sympathy votes and I really don't think that's in line with what the show is supposed to be about.

They have played it up quite a bit. I can't help but ask myself why because it seems out of place if it's an honest singing competition. With American Idol, you never know what they might be trying to achieve.

When all is said and done, I guess it doesn't matter. If the kids have enough talent, they will probably get a contract anyway.

02-22-2009, 04:14 PM
I hear what you are saying, regarding telling stories like that, same with the blind guy, scott is it? i am sure they get a certain percentage of sympathy votes, but honestly Danny can sing, boy can he sing, i think he will get by alone on that regardless of his story.

Yes Jamar should have stayed, even the rest of the idol contestants were astounded , you could see it on their faces, I am just annoyed that Nick got through, and he didn't it, if they had both gone through,no problem, i can tolerate Nick, but like other's have said, he needs to be Nick not Norman, save that for a comedy show.

I think he has a future there, certainly not as the Idol, there is no way he is going to be that,he can sing, but I don't find his singing fantastic, it is ok for a bar or something, or a band, but he is not good enough IMO.

As for that girl Taitiana, (sp) i could throttle her, i am so sick of her crying and screaming,talk about a drama queen,acting would be more in her line, she honestly seems like she is a bit nutty to me, but she sure can sing,she just needs to tone it down a bit.

All said and done i love watching American Idol, it is on every friday and saturday night here, and i cannot wait for my fix, i am hooked ,line and sinker lol, we had NZ Idol here, it sucked big time, not worth watching, and OZ Idol was pretty good, i enjoyed it, but nothing beats American Idol, it is the TOPS.

Remember to shh...on what happens next,i know it is hard, but please don't spoil it for me, i love the build up of the excitement for the show every week. sounds like we are not too far behind this time around.,maybe two shows or so.

Daisy and Delilah
02-22-2009, 11:09 PM
Danny does have a good voice and he's likeable. He'll do great on his own. I can't help but wonder if he really wanted to talk about his story or did Idol pull it out of him.

I wish him the best of luck all the way through.:)