View Full Version : Phinehas and Malachi feeling better! (pics)

02-21-2009, 12:59 PM
Just thought I would share some pics of my boys as they are on the mend (*fingers crossed*)

It's amazing how different Malachi's left eye looks...just last Friday it was completely swollen shut and we couldn't even see it! I just love how they cuddle, so cute! Thanks for all the prayers and well wishes in their health thread. :love:

Phinehas and Malachi cuddle in the bed Auntie KAK brought for them:



Malachi is a true gangly teenager. He looks so awkward when he runs sometimes and his legs seem so long! LOL

It's a tough life:

Little Malachi:

Thanks for looking! :D

02-21-2009, 01:05 PM
P. and M., I am SOOOOOO glad to read that you're feeling better! Reading that news and seeing your pictures has made my day!

02-21-2009, 01:16 PM
I am glad your boys are finally feeling better. It's amazing what the right medication can do in a short amount of time. Thanks for the updated pictures.

(Also, I noticed the bucket of Fresh Step in one of the photos. I don't know if you saw a previous post, but Sam's Club has 40 pound buckets for around $14. I don't know if you have a membership or have one near you, but I just thought I'd let you know. The savings would pay for a membership rather quickly actually.)

02-21-2009, 01:34 PM
Oh, they look just wonderful! It's great that they are doing so much better now. Skritchies to the Father-Son team both!

Ooops, I guess I mean Grandfather-Grandson team! They are both so beautiful, and they look so happy and content together.

02-21-2009, 03:08 PM
Look how sweet they look together!!!! :love:

02-21-2009, 03:23 PM
I'm glad to hear that they are feeling better! Great pics, they are both so beautiful :D

02-21-2009, 03:49 PM
Adorable pix. Too bad they're so stressed out, though. LOL ;)

02-21-2009, 04:20 PM
Were glad that Malachi is feeling better , and that his eyes healing so nicely.
They are a regular Feline Damon and Pythias , A Great Furry Dynamic Duo!!!:):)

02-21-2009, 05:12 PM
Great news that they are both healed up! What wonderful pics with Grandpa and Grandson cuddled up. Phinehas's yawn just adds to the contentment.:)

02-21-2009, 05:43 PM
Great to hear the boys are better- and even better to see them :)
I know exactly how Malachi looks- when Filou was about that age he was all legs :love:

Laura's Babies
02-21-2009, 05:54 PM
2 words! TO CUTE!

Those are really wonderful pictures, the qaility and the subjects. So sweet, especially them cuddeling. Another "Awwwwww"!

02-21-2009, 05:59 PM
Those pics made my day! So glad your two pretty boys are on the mend. Give them hugs for me.

02-21-2009, 08:43 PM
Great pictures.:) I'm so glad to see and hear that they're doing so well now. Hopefully they'll both be happy and healthy cats for many more years to come.:)

I'm glad that I gave you that bed and that they both love it. It was just taking up space and wasn't being used at all at my place. My cats have way too many beds as it is.;)

02-21-2009, 09:52 PM
Thanks everyone! I'm just so glad they are both feeling better. It cracks me up how much Malachi loves to be around Phinehas and how he always has to do everything Phinehas does. Right now, Phinehas is in his litterbox, so what does Malachi do? He goes into the other one and goes potty. :rolleyes: If Phinehas drinks water, so does Malachi. If Phinehas eats....you guessed it...so does Malachi. Silly thing!:love:

02-21-2009, 11:56 PM
I'm so glad they are getting along and feeling better! :D

03-04-2009, 01:59 PM
Wolflady, how are Malachi and Phinehas doing? They're both such beautiful cats!

03-05-2009, 12:45 AM
Wolflady, how are Malachi and Phinehas doing? They're both such beautiful cats!

I'm not sure if she'll be able to answer your question or not because she's leaving for Ireland tomorrow. I'll be taking care of her boys while she's gone. I was there on Sunday and Malachi looks great now.:) Phinehas is still having some eye issues and will also sometimes sneeze. I'll be giving him some pills, eye drops, and I'll also be putting lysine powder in their food. Hopefully Phinehas will be over this eye herpes outbreak soon.

When I have some time, I'll also try to take some pictures and maybe even a video. I learned that Malachi loves to play fetch and he was doing this on Sunday for both me and his meowmie.:) He loves Phinehas so much that he has to follow him around like he's his shadow. I can tell that Phinehas loves having a companion because he's less vocal and seems much more content now.:) They're both wonderful boys and I'll enjoy being able to take care of them.:)