View Full Version : large dog or small dog?

funny felines
02-19-2009, 06:25 PM
some small dogs are SO cute, then I also like the German shepard, husky, doberman or rottweilar( I know they aren't really vicious unless trained that way) I knew someone that had a rottweilar and I was scared till I saw what a "baby" she was.

so do you prefer big dogs or small ones?

02-19-2009, 07:09 PM
Different sizes have suited me at different times in my life.

As a kid, we had dogs in the 55 - 70 pound range. Perfect for lying on while watching TV, after racing around int he yard for a few hours.

Now, a smaller size dog is fantastic! Dog lies on ME while watching TV! :)

02-19-2009, 07:55 PM
I'm partial to Shepherds , have had them most of my life. But we also had some toys, some rescues, and a sheltie. I just plain like all dogs I think. The ones I'm not to keen on are the huge mastiff types that drool...I have a queasy stomach and can't look at those if they drool.

02-20-2009, 08:10 AM
I love large dogs. When I was younger, I had a German Shepard/Collie and she was the greatest dog I could of ever wanted. After, I've always liked large dogs.

02-20-2009, 08:21 AM
I like the little guys!!! Maybe it's because they tend to have a longer life span, and of course, they can sit on my lap and don't weigh more than I do!!!

I love most all dogs, and if I were to have a big dog, I think it would probably be a Golden or an Old English Sheepdog!

02-20-2009, 09:58 AM
I love all dogs. I've usually had larger dogs in my lifetime though, with the exception of the miniture pinscher we had for 17 1/2 years. But we've always had Labs, German Shepherds, Australian Shepherds and mixed breed medium to large dogs.
One of these days I'd like to get a small breed dog, but I have to convince Bruce that they are not all yippy dogs. Maybe when that time comes I'll take a trip to Florida and meet up with Traci (WELOVESPUPPIES). :p

02-20-2009, 12:23 PM
Most of my dogs would be considered large. The few small dogs I've had,
I considered were my wife's dogs. Without exception they were all

Make um big thank you. :D

02-20-2009, 12:29 PM
I prefer bigger dogs.... in the medium-big range... although I have both big and small.. hehe...

funny felines
02-20-2009, 05:34 PM
shepgirl I agree--no drool!:eek:

I love the look of German Shepards.. some day... also I like , I think they are called English sheep dogs, the ones that are big and have alot of long hair! I just think they are adorable looking. I walk alot, so I want a mean looking dog to take with me, maybe next year I can get one. of course I only want the dog to LOOK mean LOL
I want the dog to be inside, so I would need a bigger house! and to take walking, dog parks etc. it has been over 30 years since I had a (small) dog as a teenager. what will my cats say! LOL

02-20-2009, 08:07 PM
I like all sizes! :)

02-20-2009, 08:35 PM
I've had a nice range in sizes. From...
Shadow at 95 lbs, Jack 45lbs, Micki and Mini are 20ish lbs, Kyra 10 lbs

And from my experience, I've found that I like Jack's size the best. He's small enough to be a lag dog and fit lots of places, but he's sturdy enough that we can play rough. And in agility he's just under 20 inches tall so he only jumps 16, which in my opinion is the best class to be in. ;)

So, I like 'em medium sized!

Suki Wingy
02-20-2009, 09:08 PM
Medium to large is what I generally prefer. I have considered getting a smaller dog though since a lot of horse stables hiring for live in training positions will accept small dogs but not any other pets. I like spunk and personality so I like terriers. If I do become more stable and think I'll be staying at that type of job for a while I'll look into getting a brussels griffon.

02-21-2009, 01:11 AM
I love all dogs.When I get a dog the size would depend on were I lived and how much time I had to excerise my dog.

02-21-2009, 08:35 AM
Big Dogs all the way. Small dogs are cute but they are too small and most of them seem yappy. I am sure with good training that wouldn't be a problem but big dogs are more fun.

I would love to have a great dane if I could. Right now my big boy, Blue is plenty of dog though. =)

02-21-2009, 10:59 AM
I have never had a really large dog, not now or as a child, unless you consider standard poodles large..... I have/had two but they are only in the 50 lb. range. I love to have a dog in my lap and for that reason have tended to stay with smallish dogs. Even thought I love my granddog, Harlee, who is a Swissie and weighs about 95-100 lbs. I can't cuddle with her very well unless I get down on the floor. :p I will be sticking to small dogs in the future as I am not getting any younger and they are more manageable for me (bathing, etc). :)

02-21-2009, 11:29 AM
I love all sizes, but as far as dogs I'd like to own, almost all of them are smaller breeds.

02-21-2009, 05:40 PM
With the exception of Tollers (medium), almost all of the breeds I like and want to own are large or giant.

02-21-2009, 06:26 PM
Definately large dogs! I love all but prefer medium - large to extra large dogs. :)

02-21-2009, 08:22 PM
I love bigger dogs, my girls are both around 70#. Not sure, as I get older, I need anything bigger than that. ;)My Jake is small, but a super cool boy, so I think I'll keep him!:D

02-22-2009, 09:06 AM
I loooove big dogs! I've got Talon who is about 40-45lbs and Chloe who is 65lbs. I love being able to snuggle and squeeze on them and not hurt them.LOL:p

02-22-2009, 11:13 AM
I prefere medium to large, but I like to have 1 lap dog hanging around..not THAT small, nothing under 10lbs thanks, but something smaller that can comfortably sit in my lap.

02-22-2009, 12:02 PM
Small (but sturdy) to medium is my preference. I like having a dog that you can easily take just about anywhere. I travel a lot and having to be packed into my Jeep with a large to ex-large dog would probably not be a very fun ride. :-D

Also, I find that anything medium and below is not able to push me off the bed at night like a certain dog I know of can! SKYLAR!

02-22-2009, 04:40 PM
Small to medium. I guess I could be classified as a Beagle/Terrier person. I like toy breeds but they aren't for me, I loved Sas don't get me wrong but she also showed me what I don't want in a dog. :o Small, lazy sausage hehe. I like Semi-hyper, active and playful dogs! NOT small couch patatoes even though they are adorable hehe.

BUT I am very open to all sizes, if they have the right personality I'll go for it!

02-23-2009, 05:42 PM
I prefer small dogs.

Not to say I don't like the looks and personality of some large dogs, of course I do.

But I have a small house and small yard, and I rescue and foster, as well as having six dogs of my own. That simply would not be physically possible with larger breeds. I also like to load them all up in the van together and take them out to run in the desert or get some french fries. At times, I have had up to fourteen dogs in my house, and fourteen big dogs would simply not fit. I find I can save more lives if they happen to be small.

Also, I have a very bad knee. This contributes to me having somewhat poor balance, and an inability to stop myself from falling with that knee. Therefore I am more comfortable around smaller dogs, that are less likely to knock me down and re-break my knee. (Already happened once, with a rottweiller.)

Plus, right now as I type this, my latest rescue dog, and Italian greyhound is folded up on my lap like a very soft, warm loaf of bread. I love that! :)

Jags mom
04-05-2009, 01:25 PM
i love large dogs, there is nothing like giving a big dog a hus and burrying your face in their fur, also i like to wresel with my dogs and a bigger dog usually handles it a lot better than the little guys, but in the end wheather its big or small its the peronallity that wins out

04-17-2009, 07:05 AM
Maybe when that time comes I'll take a trip to Florida and meet up with Traci (WELOVESPUPPIES). :p

Just let me know when :D

I love all sizes from itty bity chis to the largest of breeds. Would I want to own them all, no and for differnt reasons. I think different sizes offer different things. Large breeds can be rough housed with on the floor, give you a much better sense of security and big wet sloppy kisses:love: Small breeds can go just about any where, just ask Chopper haha. They are great lap warmers too and give lots of little kisses. :love:

I have to disagree with the yapping of small breeds. Of course it is all in how they are raised. Would I be lying if I said my little ones don't bark, of course I would they are dogs after all despite their small stature but they know when to bark and when not too. ;) Now my neighs yorkie on the other hand.....:rolleyes:

04-17-2009, 07:30 AM
BIG dogs. :D I have nothing against little dogs though and will most likely own one some day.

04-17-2009, 08:07 AM
I prefer dogs that are in the 30-pound range. Sturdy enough not to get stepped on, but small enough you can still pick them up easily if need be. Beagles are my favorite! :love:

I really am a dog person, but I'm gone for almost 11 hours a day. I'd hate to leave a dog unattended for that long, inside or out. So I'll settle for spoiling my kitties and living vicariously through dog-owning PT'ers:cool:

04-18-2009, 07:34 PM
I prefer medium - big dogs. :)

05-11-2009, 11:05 PM
I would have to say both... I have two chihuahua's and one doberman pinscher and they all three ROCK!!!:love::D

05-12-2009, 12:35 AM
i think 90% of dogs are cute no matter what size but i preferr a large breed dog 55lbs+