View Full Version : Are you in the UK? (Resolved! sig and wallpaper I made here)

Suki Wingy
02-18-2009, 03:11 PM
Thanks to Killearn Kitties for grabbing everything for me. :D Here's something I made today.

and another
I don't like this one as much but I thought I should try something other than a black background.

I need a favor. I want to download some pictures from bbc.co.uk/torchwood but you can only view it if you have a UK IP address.

Could someone from the United Kingdom please download the images in the gallery and either post them here or email them to me? I specifically want Ianto and Jack if you can't get them all.

Technobabble if someone can help be reroute my IP through a UK server
I have Firefox 3.0.6 and Safari 3.1.2 and I've tried this tutorial for Safari (http://www.how-to-hide-ip.info/2008/01/27/how-to-manually-mask-your-ip-using-safari-3x/) and this tutorial for Firefox. (http://www.astahost.com/info.php/how-set-up-proxy-ie-firefox_t8621.html)
My issue is that I don't see the options they want me to click in the drop downs. In Firefox I don't have 'options' and in Safari I don't have 'preferences'. See?
large image here (http://i102.photobucket.com/albums/m94/Oslobunn/Picture1-11.png)

large image here (http://i102.photobucket.com/albums/m94/Oslobunn/Picture2-4.png)

ANY help is much appreciated!

02-18-2009, 03:28 PM
Where is the gallery? I see no link to it (im on the site, see the attached image).

02-18-2009, 03:30 PM
Me neither, only a video clip.

Suki Wingy
02-18-2009, 03:32 PM
sorry, you have to click 'series 2 site' at the bottom
I am assuming there are images to download because there are on the Doctor Who site.

02-18-2009, 03:38 PM
I'm in (proxys rock) but I see no gallery... unless the "Downloads" link is that.

Killearn Kitties
02-18-2009, 03:40 PM
You seem to be able to download wallpapers. Is that what you would like? If so, I can do that for you.

Killearn Kitties
02-18-2009, 03:43 PM
This kind of thing


Suki Wingy
02-18-2009, 05:04 PM
Yes, downloads I assume. THANK YOU! Can you post one of Jack too? I want to make a header and footer for some journal css on deviantart.

Killearn Kitties
02-18-2009, 05:24 PM


That's the other two downloads of him. Jack coming up ...

Killearn Kitties
02-18-2009, 05:28 PM



Is that OK?

Suki Wingy
02-18-2009, 06:35 PM
YES! Thank you so much, that's exactly what I needed. :D

Suki Wingy
02-18-2009, 11:18 PM
Here's what I've made with them so far.

I think I'll make a few more wallpapers and icons later.

Killearn Kitties
02-19-2009, 04:16 AM
You are most welcome. :) Your page looks great.

02-19-2009, 07:49 AM
Love the page! http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v11/CwmmawrJet/Smiles/clapping.gif

I'm a Torchwood fan also - love Jack/John Barrowman - can't wait to see the new series. :)

smokey the elder
02-19-2009, 08:18 AM
Torchwood RAWKS! I can't wait for the new season. It's been over a year, and I think for Dr. Who as well.

Suki Wingy
02-19-2009, 01:55 PM
I just discovered Torchwood about a month ago and I started watching it online two weeks ago. :D I'm on the 3rd episode in the second series so far.

Suki Wingy
03-01-2009, 04:38 PM
bump but the edit is in the first post.