View Full Version : Boo's and Giz's thread..Pilling Giz video added #10

Laura's Babies
02-18-2009, 01:30 PM
Since I am leaving again next week to go back to work, I thought I would do a thread on these two. maybe another on the other two in a few days..

Boo is such a sweetheart, always so sweet and pretty. She is so use to being brushed now days that she actually purrs when I start on her face. Makes me wonder if it makes her remember her feline Mom cleaning her. I have wondered why she dosen't groom herself anymore and always full of knots but after reading the book Dewey, I realize now that her tongue has lost all it's spinney thingies that acts as a comb/brush are just simply wore off.. Has she just realized it is just a job she can no longer handle and is grateful that I do it for her now? I don't know, I am just glad she lets me..

She has this "quirk(?)" too... Does anyone elses baby do this? She wants in my lap and will tap me with her paw, I sit back and tell her "C'mon" but she don't. Only when I pet my lap and tell her to "C'mon" will she get in my lap. I have tried just telling her to "C'mon" many times and she will not make any move until I pet my lap! Anyone else have a cat that does that?

My sweet Lady's pictures..


Now to Giz. Giz is still Giz. She has the best nose duster in the house, always makeing sure there is no dust on my nose with her beautiful tail. She still is a riot! I hear paper/plastic bags ratteling and I lean forwards to see what she is trying to get into but she is innocently sitting there... looking at the walls and celing, roatating her head all around and never looking me in the face and ALL so innocently! Here's little Miss Innocent


It amazes me how much she is in love with Andrea Bocelli's voice. I got in his Live In Tuscany DVD yesterday and put it in and she came running and sat in front of the TV.. When I got up to video her watching the DVD, she left but I did get her the other day listening to his song "Because".. Check this out!
Watch her ears and her paws! I recorded her about 1:30 minutes doing this but clipped it back so as not to bore you with my music.

02-18-2009, 01:41 PM
Dear Boo! One of Cassie's little nicknames is "boo" and I always think of you and your sisters when I call her that! I love your gently folded pawsies, but I especially love your orange and white coat and how much you loooooove to be brushed! *kissie*

Dear Miss Giz! I love your beautifully colored coat. One of your previous threads was called "You May Admire Me" and I do, I do! I also love that you have your own handbag :) Please give your meowmie a brush with your special tail for me! *kissie*

Dear Samantha and Amy! *kissie* *kissie* till you get your own thread

02-18-2009, 02:45 PM
That video is hysterical!! She even keeps time with the music.

Thanks for sharing your two beauties with us.

02-18-2009, 02:51 PM
:love: Aweee the Babies are so Adoable.. But you know me of I have to have a Amy pic fix too.. Now the Video is just too funny.. Now my babies usally sit in their beds & make bisquits.. I see she is sitting on the outside of the bed making bisquits.. :D

02-18-2009, 03:22 PM
They are both adorable! Tell Giz she is a most accomplished musician. She plays "pawano" beautifully! Your mommy is so lucky to have you two lovely ladies for company.

Laura's Babies
02-18-2009, 04:06 PM
I also love that you have your own handbag

cassiesmom, and she still digs in it too, toys from it are always on the floor! That was and still is, the best idea I ever had!

For the Amy fans, I want to try to get video of her so you can see her walking and do a little more educating on the Ch. She has gotten worse since Gustav even though she is still on the Cosequin and I am hoping you will look at it and tell me she really hasn't gotten any worse.. I have noticed that she can climb on the bed/sofa easier though.....only if I ignore her is it easier for her, if I am watching, it is impossiable for her to do it.. LOL! WHO owns WHO? :rolleyes:

02-18-2009, 04:56 PM
I was thinking of you, Laura as I saw a change table at the local Baby Gods store for 10 dollars.
It was so big, it wouldnt fit on a bus, all I need is transport and I will have it home.
And those are wonderful photos of Boo and Giz, and its wonderful how Boo has come around.
I dont know how you heart can stand leaving your Gorgeous Fur Pals every month, but one day you wont have to.:love::love::love:

02-18-2009, 07:56 PM
My gosh... she just loves the music! Look at her playing her instrument there, providing accompaniment for him.

02-19-2009, 06:46 PM
Those are great pics of Boo and Giz!

Laura's Babies
02-19-2009, 09:08 PM
I have finally figures out the viseo on my new camera and been wanting to get this scene that is repeted night after night. I finally got it the other night. This is how hard it is to pill her...
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v288/Grammy707/videos/th_798b5648.jpg (http://smg.photobucket.com/albums/v288/Grammy707/videos/?action=view&current=798b5648.pbr)

Edwina's Secretary
02-19-2009, 10:04 PM
I think Eddie is in love. I played the Giz video and it is the first time I have ever known him to react to a kitty sound from the computer.

He came running and "chatting." I've played it for him twice now!


Cinder & Smoke
02-19-2009, 10:48 PM
It amazes me how much she is in love with Andrea Bocelli's voice.

I did get her the other day listening to his song "Because".. Check this out!
Watch her ears and her paws!


She sure squeezes a LOTTA music outta that bed!


02-19-2009, 11:15 PM
My boyfriend's kitty, Buddy, came running and jumped up on the desk when he heard the Medicating Giz video. She sure has a lot of fans. But why shouldn't she? She's so adorable and cute!

Laura's Babies
02-20-2009, 08:00 AM
I am laughing my butt of at the kitties reactions. I had wondered what she would do and played it just to watch her and she wasn't the least bit concerned. Maybe she reconizes her own voice when she hears it? It does show just how lovely she is, doesn't it?

02-20-2009, 08:26 AM
While I could see the first video the second didn't load for me.
I think Giz is adorable. Give her a piano and she will play the music :)

02-20-2009, 07:29 PM
Awww, Boo is just too cute for tv! Her fur looks so soft and squishable. As for coming up, Groucho does the same thing. He'll look at me with that kitty cat face but when I say "come up here" he'll just sit there. As soon as I pat my knee he's up in a flash.

Bravissimo Maestro Giz! What an outstanding performance. The Philharmonic cannot be far behind!

Scritchies and lovies to both of your talented sweeties!