View Full Version : Walk goes bad

02-13-2009, 10:35 AM
Let me tell you about MY mourning, lol. Well, I decided to take the pups for a walk. As I reached the gravel road, I told all three to sit. First I let Shy off the leash, then Harley, and last Browine. All three did wonderfully. That is untill Shyanne, the one dog I have that I thought didn't need any more training because she listens and does sooo well, decided to take a detour into the woods as I climbed up the hill. I called her, but she just kept going. I really didn't think much of it, thinking "oh, she's done this thousands of times, she will catch up." We continued without her practicing recall every now and then. Harley and Brownie came everytime, nomatter what the distraction. We walked all the way to the water tower. The boys were impressed by the gigantic blue fire hydrant. Still no shaynne. We turned around and walked back. Everytime the boys would stop or I would hear something in the woods, all three of us would stand still for a few minutes. The boys seemed to really like that game, hehehe! We started walking back down the hill. As we walked along one part of the gravel road, it is surounded by a fence because the highway is down over the hill. You can look down and see cars passing by. As we walked along the fence Brownie slipped through a hole and started down the hill with Harley following. I started to completely panic! I yelled and yelled for them to come back. I think they could here the fear in my voice, I sure could. I could feel my self shaking. Harley finally came but Brownie continued to franticly search the hill side. I could tell he smelled something and was beside himself about it. I kept thinking. I'm going to see this dog get killed and I'll never fogive myself!" I had harley by the collar and finally inched myself close enouph to Brownie to slip a leash over his neck. Aparently some idiot had cut the fence open threw a dead deer over the hillside. My dogs just couldn't resist it. We started walking down the hill and I let them go again. Other then when they went over the hill, they had stuck right by me. As we started on down the hill, I could hear shyanne howling in the direction we just came from. "what is she doing?" I thought outloud. "She can't be after anything, that dog hasn't hunted a day in her life" I kind of giggled at the thought of my 10 year old beagle who has lived with a pet rabbit suddenly hearing the call of the wild. I decided to go up the hill, through the woods that lead back to the water tower, rather then going back to the fence of death. The boys enjoyed the hike up the hill. After reaching the top and coming close to cardiac arrest I sat down and watched the boys fight over what looked something like a leg of a deer. "holly crap!" I said, "no wander I can't keep the bones out of my yard! These woods are full of dead animals!" After recuperating we went on looking for shy again, by that time the howling had stopped. I think my whole neighborhood could hear me yelling her name. We turned back around. When I started back through the woods by the water tower, Brownie decided to go under the fence to explore with Harley following. I called them and Harley decided a treat was more important so he came. Brownie followed me while still inside the fence. When he reached the end of it, somehow he slipped under and out. "what is it with you and fences boy?" I said under my breath. Harley sniffed where he had came out. "Don't even think about it! You're going to get stuck. Brownie is alot smaller then your big butt" I headed down the hill feeling the clunk of a dog chin on my heel ever now and then. They were literally right on my heels. When we reached the gravel road again I saw Shyanne heading towards us. I called her and she came running. I could have beat her, lol. The boys fought over yet another unknown animal part as we started home. I told them no, grabbed it with a look of disgust on my face and threw it over the hill. All three dogs chased after it and would not come back. After about 20 min. They returned. Brownie beeming with pride as he carried his treasure to me. "this isn't fetch" I thought. I turned around and shyanne was heading into the woods again! I tied the boys at the gate in ran up the hill to catch her. After I got her, she realized I wasn't impressed and followed me down the hill. When I reached the gate, a neighbor was parked there. He looked at me and lauphed, "sounds like your rabbit hunting up there" he said. "well, I'M not... she's never hunted anything but a hot dog and now she decides to be a rabbit dog, who knew?" I joked. He looked at her and said "well, sometimes they just pick it up" We talked for a few minutes, he commented on the dogs and then left. I put Shyanne on the leash, "ok", I told her, " now you better put this on. you've caused enouph trouble today, hound dog" We are finally home! All three dogs are passed out in the sunshine in the yard after our ordeal. The funny thing, Shyanne seems the most wore out! So much for a nice leasurely walk huh?

02-13-2009, 12:31 PM
Oh my goodness, I would have been hysterical and sobbing by the end of that walk. What am I saying, I am usually crying at the end of any walk with Zoee.

Well, I'm glad you have all three pups back and they are exhausted and probably dreaming of doing it all again soon. :)

02-13-2009, 01:19 PM
Aw man, I hate bad walks. But I'm glad they're all pooped and happy now!!!

Reminds me of this one time a few years ago when I took all 5 of my Hoodlums to the baseball diamond to play. I only did it one time, it was THAT bad. One's slipping under the fence and wouldn't listen to a word I'd say, 2 of them found a critter hole and were frantically hunting, then 2 of them started fighting over a toy which makes the other three jump in and attack whoever they want to...it was bad. When you have a Rottweiler shaking and bleeding because she was just attacked by 3 retarded Jack Russells it's scary. Then I had to cram all 5 back in my little car (good thing we didn't walk!), tie one Jack Russell under the front seat because she was still in "kill mode" while holding the other Jack Russell on my lap because she's going after the one that's upset. Good thing I only lived a mile away. Never again.

02-13-2009, 01:43 PM
Oh how awful! Leashes are your friend, and can save your sanity! I'd not let any of them off-leash for walks for a while.

And as good as Shyanne normally is, she IS still a beagle - you know, a nose propelled by 4 paws - and I would not ever let her off the leash in an unfenced area.

02-13-2009, 04:40 PM
Oh how awful! Leashes are your friend, and can save your sanity! I'd not let any of them off-leash for walks for a while.

And as good as Shyanne normally is, she IS still a beagle - you know, a nose propelled by 4 paws - and I would not ever let her off the leash in an unfenced area.

I have to agree with Karen. Sounds like a stressful ordeal, if not lots of fun for the dogs!

You could get a few super-duper long lines... 50 feet or so. The dogs could still have room to run, but you would have a safety net if they decided to take off.

02-13-2009, 06:02 PM
shy has lived outside, loose for 2 years with never a problem. A ten year old beagle that doesn't ever do much of anything and sudenly she turns into seabiscuit out there! I was pritty aggrivated with her, but I still couldn't help but be suprised by her efferts. I may invest in a fence, but apparently nothing can keep Brownie in, or out. The little booger has lost two collers in two weeks! I don't know how he does it!