View Full Version : Ticks are back...already!~?

02-12-2009, 11:37 AM
ONE nice day....55 degrees yesterday here in PA. Took Sunny for a nice long walk. Came home to find a deer tick crawling on her head. Sigh..I didn't miss that. Frontline treatment for all 3 will begin today and continue through to the next full frost next Winter.

Just giving you all a heads up :(

02-12-2009, 12:09 PM
There is no season for the Deer tick. Once the female is fertilize it will
crawl up onto a branch and will go into a state of suspended animation
until it senses the oder of a passing animal. It will release and fall onto
the deer or dog or whatever. Once the tick draws blood the fertilized
eggs will start to grow. This cycle can take years. The tick can literally hang on a branch for years waiting on a target. The release from the
branch can occur in summer, winter, snow, or rain.

02-12-2009, 12:15 PM
WOW! I had no idea. Guess it's frontline all year round then. Thanks!

02-12-2009, 05:22 PM
I will have to keep an eye on Tubster Panther , as he heeds the Call of The Wild when its nice out , and wants to explore his old haunts, while his old girlfriends tell him that hes not the Cat that he used to be.
At those times I sort of feel sorry, but the lack of unwanted Kittens makes up for that!!!

02-13-2009, 11:00 AM
He doesn't need his boys to be the cat of their dreams :) :love:

Happy Valentine's to Tubster and all of the lucky cats of yours :)