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Edwina's Secretary
09-20-2002, 02:18 PM


09-20-2002, 02:39 PM
Awww! My computer won't bring the picture up. Is it just my old computer or are others having trouble too? The picture in my head of Edwina in a cowboy hat and wearing guns is so funny. I'd love to see the picture.:(

09-20-2002, 02:41 PM
I can't see it either. :(

Edwina's Secretary
09-20-2002, 02:43 PM
Sorry...technical difficulties at my end!!!

I just thought these two guys look like they could have a "showdown"!!

09-20-2002, 02:44 PM
OMG! I don't know what to make of those shots...on one hand, sleeping beauty might just be that, a sleeper...but Mr. Fister, he is just so formidable!

What a cute set of pictures!

09-20-2002, 02:45 PM
I place my bet on Fister! ;)

09-20-2002, 02:58 PM
I see them now. How cute! They do look like they could have a showdown. From the title, I thought Miss Edwina was career hunting again. I know Fister was a 'street wise' kitty at one time. My money's on him. Thanks!

09-20-2002, 03:11 PM
I think Scooter could possibly join this showdown! LOL LOL
:rolleyes: :D

09-20-2002, 09:01 PM
Hee, hee, hee.

Okay, what are the contestants ages and fighting weights again?

09-20-2002, 09:12 PM
LOL I'm not sure who to place my bet on. THey all look pretty tough

09-20-2002, 09:36 PM
Oh, I believe these two would fight to the death!! That Oliver is one stern looking fellow!!! :D And Fister looks pretty tough too!! :eek:

09-21-2002, 05:53 AM
OMG, I'm laughing so hard that tears are running down my face. HEHE, this was really funny! Thanks :)

I'm pretty sure Fister would win actually because LOL... When I still had Ronja (one of my foster kitties) she'd chase and "beat up" Oliver all the time when she was only like 4 weeks old. She was just playing, but boy did Oliver NOT like it!

09-21-2002, 07:10 AM
Oh no! We don’t want these two fighting.
They are actually Oleever Van Cleef and Clint Fister, and they’re going to CLEAN UP THE TOWN together! (or go out and steal a treasure trove of munchies). :D
But if they did have disagreements, it would probably go something like this: :cool:

- uh, cigar? - liable to interfere with my aim

I like big fat men like you.
When they fall they make more noise!


09-21-2002, 07:34 AM

OOOOOOOOO Randi, I can hardly breath!!! That was so hilarious!!!!

I like big fat men like you.
When they fall they make more noise! LOL

09-21-2002, 11:30 AM
Excellent! And when they need more 'paw'wer, Scooter can lend a helping paw.

;) :rolleyes: :eek:

Aspen and Misty
09-21-2002, 12:40 PM
That was so great! I loved the pictures Pretty kitty's! Fister looks like my big fat Buddy bear


09-21-2002, 01:57 PM
LOL I loved the FIster Oliver commentary. I'm still laughing

09-21-2002, 09:32 PM
These pics are great but Sunny could also be a contender. Maybe Sunny and Scooter could have a show down.

Here's a vicious looking Sunny.

09-21-2002, 09:56 PM
Maybe we should resurect the 'Pet Talk Bedtime Stories' with a write-up of the FOUR SUPERHERO cats of Pet Talk?

Hee, hee! Super Sunny, Fighting Fister, Scary Scooter and Oliver the Fierce Fluffy Dude? Hmm, needs work... :D

09-22-2002, 12:04 AM
Originally posted by AmberLee
Maybe we should resurect the 'Pet Talk Bedtime Stories' with a write-up of the FOUR SUPERHERO cats of Pet Talk?

Hee, hee! Super Sunny, Fighting Fister, Scary Scooter and Oliver the Fierce Fluffy Dude? Hmm, needs work... :D LOL AmberLee. http://pages.prodigy.net/rogerlori1/emoticons/bouncebig.gif