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02-11-2009, 09:59 PM
Oh my word... have you guys been watching? This week was crazy. Insane crazy. There is NO way that Jamar should have been cut. His vocals were leaps and bounds better than many of the guys that they cut.

Nick Norman.... should not have made it. He never actually sang anything that showed he had any range or ability to stay on pitch.

Nathanial... was a sweet little kid, but just should not have made it through. His voice was good, but among all of the other incredible voices he came out below average.

Tatiana..... please don't get me started on Tatiana... the only reason I can think to assign to the fact that she got through is to add drama to the show. Her voice is passable, not great and her personality is SO irritating... If she makes it past the first round of voting I will be shocked out of my mind.

Daisy and Delilah
02-11-2009, 10:10 PM
I'm not good at remembering names but I certainly remember Tatiana :mad: :mad: :mad:
She has to go!! I think she's a nut case and I can't believe they picked her.

I wasn't surprised at who they picked and who they didn't pick because they always do it the same way. Way too many good ones go and they keep bad ones.:(

02-11-2009, 10:59 PM
OH NO!!! I was so hoping Tatiana would have been cut :( It's on now but I've missed half of it. She is AWFUL! She will probably end up like Sanjaya.. getting through because it's "funny"... I just hope that they judges cut her before the public starts the voting.

02-12-2009, 09:11 AM
I can't believe they put Tatiana through either. She isn't a bad singer, but the melodrama is just ridiculous.

Laura's Babies
02-12-2009, 09:17 AM
Is Jamar that cute light skinned black guy that wears the cockeyed hat? I thought he had a beautiful voice and had the whole "package".. I wondered if maybe someone (like a producer) saw/heard him and told them "I want him, cut him loose!"

I didn't remember Tatiana's name but I know exactly who you are talking about. She should have been cut with the warning that she needs to cut the drama and stupid act if she wants to do anything with her singing.. and come back next year when she learns to control herself better. Can't you just see her in concert acting like that... in front of all 5 people in the audience :rolleyes:? LOL!

02-12-2009, 09:23 AM
Missy I agree with EVERYTHING you said!! I screamed in agony when they put Tatiana through.
I also couldn't believe they chose Nathaniel over Jackie. And I'm just curious to see if Nick can ditch Norman and succeed a little.

I think my favorite guy is Danny Gokey, Jamar's best friend. The guy who lost his wife to cancer. The Robert Downey Jr look-a-like. :)

I'm not sure about a favorite girl yet. Maybe Jasmine. She is a beautiful black 16 year old. There are actually a lot of very young talented singers this year.

Daisy and Delilah
02-12-2009, 10:56 AM
I agree with you, Cindy. With the people we have left, there are some great singers there. Some of the people they let go I felt were better than some they kept but that's the norm.

Anyway, we have an incredible group this time. I also love Danny. I couldn't figure out who he looks like and you're right!!

I also agree that Tatiana has a pretty good voice but that rattling on and on and the silly laugh. Puh......lease!!!! Some of the contestants have been told to change their act or else. She hasn't been directly told except for last night when Simon told her to try not to be annoying. It really makes me think it is all for show and they don't mind her doing it to get a stir going.

Does anyone like Jackie, the Janis Joplin voice? I like her but I haven't heard enough of her singing yet to say she's really good.

How about the two family men? The oil rig worker and logger(I think). I think they're both sweethearts. If they don't win, maybe they'll get a contract. I'll root for them to be successful.

02-12-2009, 12:39 PM
I've been watching the show. I have to say, you are good at remembering the names of everybody. I haven't mastered that yet. Though, I do know Tatiana. She has a beautiful voice, but she is way out in left field. I am very impressed with the guys this season. More so than the girls.

02-12-2009, 01:26 PM
I agree with you, Cindy. With the people we have left, there are some great singers there. Some of the people they let go I felt were better than some they kept but that's the norm.

Anyway, we have an incredible group this time. I also love Danny. I couldn't figure out who he looks like and you're right!!

I also agree that Tatiana has a pretty good voice but that rattling on and on and the silly laugh. Puh......lease!!!! Some of the contestants have been told to change their act or else. She hasn't been directly told except for last night when Simon told her to try not to be annoying. It really makes me think it is all for show and they don't mind her doing it to get a stir going.

Does anyone like Jackie, the Janis Joplin voice? I like her but I haven't heard enough of her singing yet to say she's really good.

How about the two family men? The oil rig worker and logger(I think). I think they're both sweethearts. If they don't win, maybe they'll get a contract. I'll root for them to be successful.

I know the Janis Joplin girl you are referring to. And I think she is much better than the girl last year, I think her name was Amanda. I couldn't handle Amanda on most songs. This girl, Jackie, I think will do better.

Yes, the two guys at the very end. I think they were Matt and Michael (I remember that because I know two brothers named the same:)). I think I like Michael better, he is the oil rig worker. I think Matt is a welder.

There is another girl I like but I can't remember her name. In the auditions they sent her out and had her come back later. And she found a make-up artist to do her make up for her and changed her clothes. She is pretty with long brown hair. I'm thinking it was Christine or Christina.

02-12-2009, 01:37 PM
I fell in love with oil rig guy from his first audition. I hope he goes far.

02-18-2009, 12:00 AM
So what did everyone think about tonight?

My fave so far is Danny...

I hope that Danny and Alexis win for tonight's performances.

As for the 3rd place, I think the oil rig guy.. can't remember his name!!

02-18-2009, 01:37 AM
I hate all of them... guess why???:)

02-18-2009, 06:54 AM
So what did everyone think about tonight?

My fave so far is Danny...

I hope that Danny and Alexis win for tonight's performances.

As for the 3rd place, I think the oil rig guy.. can't remember his name!!

I pretty much agree, but on 3rd, I'm thinking either the oil rig guy or Anoop. I actually liked the country guy, too.

Some of the ones who were bad kind of surprised me.

02-18-2009, 08:15 AM
I watched it off & on last night. I thought Ricky Braddy was really good.

Daisy and Delilah
02-18-2009, 12:47 PM
The first part of the show was fantastic. I thought we had hit the mother lode this time. That didn't last. We had a series of terrible singers and then the last ones picked it up......or something like that.

The little blond girl is adorable and she can really sing. I also like Danny. He seems like somebody that's stage ready.

I was impressed with Tatiana's calm attitude but the judges made me crazy. Why on earth would they encourage her to act like her usual wild self?? I know the answer. Ratings.

I thought the country guy was better than they thought. He sang "Hick Town". I thought he did a good job and sounded like the guy that recorded it(Jason Aldean??).

I have to also say that I thought Simon was spot on with his comments on just about everybody. He seems to speak the truth most of the time. At other times, his comments are way too rude.

02-18-2009, 02:33 PM
Tatiana... WTH was that?

That girl can actually sing and act normal?

honestly now I'm thinking she might have planned that lol.

02-18-2009, 05:21 PM
I hope Danny and Alexis make it. They were by far the best.
I did enjoy (strange enough) Tatiana.
I knew she could sing but just had a very obnoxious attitude during Hollywood week.
I also liked that Anoop guy. Nice voice.

I am not understanding how they will eventually get the 12 finalists.

36 singers. 3 shows with 12 singers.
If they are taking 3 from each show than that = 9.

Where will the last 3 come from? Wild cards or something???

02-18-2009, 05:43 PM
Yes, there is a wildcard show this year!

02-18-2009, 06:42 PM
I'm not sure I'm liking this new format.

Daisy and Delilah
02-18-2009, 08:21 PM
The results are in and I'm not surprised.

Tatiana was still crying when the show went off. That girl is a nut case. All the others were fine. I don't think I've ever seen a contestant so dramatic. Long ago, I would have sent her packing. She might come back with revenge on her mind.:eek:
It's a shame because she has a good voice for sure.

I don't get the new format either. I think it's really hard to narrow 12 people down to three.

02-19-2009, 12:25 AM
I wasn't able to watch the show.. who made it?

Daisy and Delilah
02-19-2009, 01:14 AM
Alexis, Danny, and the oil rig guy. I hope I can remember names soon.:)

02-19-2009, 08:45 AM
Tatiana didn't even have the good grace to clap for Danny... She just stood there with a terribly exaggerated sobbing face and shot daggers with her eyes at everyone else. It's sad really. It was almost like she thought she had a chance when she was placed head to head with Danny at the end:confused: I hope that girl gets some counseling. She does not seem emotionally stable.

02-19-2009, 12:07 PM
Alexis, Danny, and the oil rig guy. I hope I can remember names soon.:)

Oh thank you! That was who I hoped would make it through!

Darn having to grocery shop last night teehee!

02-19-2009, 12:10 PM
Alexis, Danny, and the oil rig guy. I hope I can remember names soon.:)

oil rig guy=Michael Sarver

02-19-2009, 12:55 PM
yeah I do not like this format at all.

There were so many people in this group that should have made it through. so what if next week everyone sucks... but 3 of them still go through even if they aren't as good as the others that HAD to leave because there were only three spots.

I know there is the wild card round but I just think this set up allows people who are mediocre to go through just because they were on a night where they didn't have to compete with the really great ones who got sent home

frustrating. I don't like it

02-19-2009, 01:55 PM
yeah I do not like this format at all.

There were so many people in this group that should have made it through. so what if next week everyone sucks... but 3 of them still go through even if they aren't as good as the others that HAD to leave because there were only three spots.

I know there is the wild card round but I just think this set up allows people who are mediocre to go through just because they were on a night where they didn't have to compete with the really great ones who got sent home

frustrating. I don't like it

Exactly! That's what I was thinking too. Because I thought Anoop and Ann Marie should have made it through too. But I am very glad that Danny and Alexis made it. I was a bit surprised that Michael beat out Anoop though.
And I sure hope Tatiana doesn't make it through on the wildcard round.

Daisy and Delilah
02-19-2009, 02:12 PM
Tatiana seems unstable. If she did make it, I'm not so sure she could handle the schedule and touring, etc. She falls apart in every situation so far.

02-19-2009, 03:42 PM
I was surprised at Tatiana. She can actually act normal! [: I really like Aleixs, i'm happy she made it through.

02-19-2009, 03:49 PM
LOL I said to hubby last night that I couldn't figure out if it was an act to try to get ont he show and then once she was on then bust out with the normal and the voice....

or if she was just trying to tone the crazy down... becasue every once in a while if you watched her face it sometimes looked like she was really struggling to keep the crazy contained.

02-19-2009, 05:31 PM
IMO, Tatiana has always had a pretty good voice. It's her personality (if you can call it that) that drove me nuts.
Like my friend says - her friends probably told her what an idiot she was being so she tried to tone it down for the live shows. Because it did look like she was about to burst at the seams with the crazy. LOL

02-21-2009, 09:15 PM
I'm not sure if I like the new format either. So far Danny is my favorite so I'm so glad that he made it through.:)

Thanks for explaining that they have a wildcard round. I was wondering how they were going to come up with 12 at the end when they only only have 3 groups of 12 and only the top 3 can make it to the final 12. This is too many numbers for me.:rolleyes:

03-03-2009, 09:10 PM
Lots of great talent tonight.
I have no idea who will make it.
I liked 5 or 6 of them a lot.

03-03-2009, 10:00 PM
Tonight's group definitely seemed to be the strongest of the three. I'm curious to see who makes it through.

Daisy and Delilah
03-03-2009, 10:44 PM
I agree. It's going to be tough to narrow it down.

I'm having a terrible time trying to figure out what the judges want. I know it's always difficult but this is worse than ever to me. One minute they want this and the next minute they want that. What do they want??

No one can pick the right song, they want to know who people are, what they would be like to shop with, bla bla bla. Color me totally confused.:confused:

The blind guy--Scott, I think.....I really didn't think he sounded that great but they thought he did??? I think that's what they meant. In all due respect for him, how will they ever be mean to him like they are to others? It's a pretty touchy situation.:(

03-04-2009, 01:16 AM
Tonight I liked Jorge and Lil for first place, and Kristen as the 3rd.

I was SO disappointed with Nathaniel and Arianna. I loved the songs, but they just ruined them.

Daisy and Delilah
03-04-2009, 08:37 PM
This wild card thing was certainly different. I knew Tatiana would be selected. She has to find a way to cut down on the drama. How will she ever cut it in the professional world?

A couple of the people I don't remember so it should be interesting tomorrow night.

I really like Lil Rounds. I hope she does well.:)

Scott sounded pretty good tonight.

03-05-2009, 12:49 AM
I flipped to AI intermittently tonight because the premier of America's Next Top Model was on, and that always takes precedence for me :)

03-05-2009, 07:37 AM
I flipped to AI intermittently tonight because the premier of America's Next Top Model was on, and that always takes precedence for me :)

LOL. I kept going back and forth because I love ANTM too. However, I didn't know it was a 2 hour show until I happened to surf the channels.

I LOVE Jorge. I was so glad he made it through. Personally, I think Tatiana will not go far. I think her personality rubs people the wrong way.

03-05-2009, 09:18 AM
I knew they'd choose Tatiana for the wildcard round too. I just hope she doesn't make it because it might make me not watch the show. I really can't stand to watch her. I guess I'd just have to record it so I can fast forward through her drama.

03-05-2009, 08:13 PM
Tatiana is this year's Sanjaya. She won't go far, but the producers know her kind of drama will bring viewers - everyone loves watching a train wreck. I'm SO glad Nathaniel is finally out - it hurt to look at him.

I love Jorge, Michael the oil rig guy, Lil Rounds may go far too.

Scott is so sweet - I want him to succeed. Even if he doesn't go far on AI, his life is forever changed - he will have an amazing career. That guy is truly talented.

Daisy and Delilah
03-05-2009, 10:52 PM
Thank goodness Tatiana is gone. What is wrong with that girl??

I love the bluesy guy from Michigan. He is fantastic. I can't wait to see what he does next.

How does everybody like them ending with the final 13?!! What a surprise. I would have had a hard time narrowing that group down.

Scott is one happy fella. I think he'll have success no matter what. :)

03-06-2009, 09:20 AM
How does everybody like them ending with the final 13?!! What a surprise. I would have had a hard time narrowing that group down.

My DVR cut off early, right when they had Von getting ready to hear the verdict. So Von AND Anoop made it? I really liked Von at the very first audition, but since then he hasn't done as well. I'm just glad Tatiana is gone and Anoop is in.
I was so happy Megan made it and Tatiana didn't. Even though I think Tatiana has better vocals than Megan. Although, I can't stand how Megan dances while she sings, that drives me nuts. LOL

I just looked it up and Matt made it through. I'm so confused. They told him he didn't make it. So how did they put him through? Darn DVR!!!!

Daisy and Delilah
03-06-2009, 10:02 AM
Cindy, they picked Matt and then they told Anoop he was #13. It stunned him and everyone else.:)

Von didn't make it.

03-06-2009, 11:33 AM
Whew! I taped it but haven't watched it yet. SO glad Tatiana is gone. I'm with D&D - what IS wrong with that girl?

03-06-2009, 12:19 PM
Cindy, they picked Matt and then they told Anoop he was #13. It stunned him and everyone else.:)

Von didn't make it.

Oh, I think I know why I was confused. I thought Matt had already been told he didn't make it. But I think I am getting Matt and Ricky mixed up. Got it!! :D

03-07-2009, 04:19 PM
I'm trying to pay closer attention to American Idol this time because my stand partner in the church band talks to me about it every time I see her! I've never really followed it before. From Tuesday I liked the blonde girl from Texas who sang a Martina McBride song, and I liked the young woman with the short hair, who went last (she had a strapless dress on) - who the new judge also really liked. But I missed Wednesday because of church band rehearsal.

Daisy and Delilah
03-08-2009, 10:39 AM
Cindy: I will get the contestants mixed up every year until they reach the final 12. I still might have a problem after that.:confused:

Elyse: The girl that sang Martina McBride didn't make it. The other one is Lil Rounds and she did make it. She's really good.

I guess they're going to do Michael Jackson songs this week. Should be pretty good.

03-08-2009, 08:33 PM
Since I'm new to "AI" - how will this work? There are 13 contestants - will they all sing each week till the end, or does someone get eliminated periodically? I'm mad because I am going to miss both Tuesday and Wednesday this week. On Tuesday night there is a condo association board meeting that I can't skip (new board member elections and I'll get nominated if I don't go), and on Wednesday I have church band. I'm sure my stand partner will fill me in.


03-08-2009, 08:37 PM
Since I'm new to "AI" - how will this work? There are 13 contestants - will they all sing each week till the end, or does someone get eliminated periodically? I'm mad because I am going to miss both Tuesday and Wednesday this week. On Tuesday night there is a condo association board meeting that I can't skip (new board member elections and I'll get nominated if I don't go), and on Wednesday I have church band. I'm sure my stand partner will fill me in.


Each week someone gets eliminated. However, sometimes they trick ya and go one week without kicking someone off. And then they will kick two people off without warning. I'm guessing they'll have to do a double elimination since they have 13 in the top.
Oh, and in previous years they sometimes have the girls all sing one week and one of them goes and then the guys the next week. But they are always changing it up, so who knows what they'll do this year.
You can always come here for the updates when you miss it. :)

Daisy and Delilah
03-11-2009, 10:22 AM
How did everybody like the show last night? I thought it was great. This year, we seem to have much better talent than ever.

Adam is unbelievably good. He's going places. Anoop was a bit of a disappointment. Jorge wasn't as good as I expected either.

I don't know who is going tonight. It's going to be difficult to pick because the ones that didn't do well have a big fan base.

I think it's two people going tonight so.....Megan and Scott, maybe Jasmine(I thought she was very good by the way and I love that song). Hard to say. Anybody else have a guess?

03-11-2009, 10:44 AM
I agree! Great show with lot's of talent.
I love Adam. He is awesome.
He's definately going places after this show, even if he doesn't win.

I have no idea who will go home: It will probably be one of the following:

megan based on song choice
anoop based on song choice

03-11-2009, 11:37 AM
Well, you guys heard how they said there's something different that involves the judges, right?
So, I'm thinking it's that the judges have a say in who leaves. If anyone has watched America's Best Dance Crew, I think it might be like that in a way. That is a Randy Jackson show, so maybe he had an influence.
On ABDC America votes and the bottom two crews are in the hands of the judges as to who stays and who goes. So it might not be the person with the lowest amount of votes that goes home.
But that's just a guess. We shall see how it goes down tonight. :)

As for last night, I :love: Danny. I like Adam too and I thought Michael did a good job. Anoop and Megan picked horrible songs. And that's all I can remember. LOL Oh, Jasmine is my favorite girl.

03-11-2009, 11:49 AM
They said last night that the bottom TWO people will be eliminated tonight. Then the show will be back to its normal number of contestants.

I did 30-second-skip over a lot of the "back story" parts, I just want to hear the performances!

03-11-2009, 11:55 AM
Last night was the BEST NIGHT EVER. A michael Jackson theme... I don't care what anyone says. I LOVE michael jackson lol always have and always will.

I also think this is the best year ever. Usually there are a few people who I can't believe made it on the show but this year EVERYONE has tons of talent and I think the only disappointments h ave been their song choices.

I really have NO idea who is going home tonight.

What do you guys think about the 4th judge? I can't stand her lol. I'm sure they put her on to distract from Paula's "crazy" but man... it takes extra time to hear a 4th judge ramble on and she just annoys the cr@p out of me lol

03-11-2009, 12:04 PM
Last night was the BEST NIGHT EVER. A michael Jackson theme... I don't care what anyone says. I LOVE michael jackson lol always have and always will.

After everything that's been said about him, I actually love him too....well...his music. :)

I thought Adam was amazing. I just wanted to get up and dance. Does anyone think he looks like a young Elvis? That kid is going places.

Jorge was okay. I hope he sticks around because I think he's good.

The girls are not making an impression on me this year. The guys, however, are.

03-11-2009, 12:41 PM
They said last night that the bottom TWO people will be eliminated tonight. Then the show will be back to its normal number of contestants.

I did not hear this....interesting. It makes sense.

Last night was the BEST NIGHT EVER. A michael Jackson theme... I don't care what anyone says. I LOVE michael jackson lol always have and always will.

I also think this is the best year ever. Usually there are a few people who I can't believe made it on the show but this year EVERYONE has tons of talent and I think the only disappointments h ave been their song choices.

I really have NO idea who is going home tonight.

What do you guys think about the 4th judge? I can't stand her lol. I'm sure they put her on to distract from Paula's "crazy" but man... it takes extra time to hear a 4th judge ramble on and she just annoys the cr@p out of me lol

I love Michael Jackson too, well his music anyway, and I always have.

I don't mind Kara, except the funny way her mouth moves when she talks.
And I'm sorry, was it just me or did Paula look like she got beat up and tried to cover it up with make-up? And every time she talked she sounded and looked like she was going to burst into tears. She looked like she HAD been crying for hours, her eyes were all glossy. Maybe it was the make up, but she didn't look too good.

03-11-2009, 01:36 PM
I did not hear this....interesting. It makes sense.

I love Michael Jackson too, well his music anyway, and I always have.

I don't mind Kara, except the funny way her mouth moves when she talks.
And I'm sorry, was it just me or did Paula look like she got beat up and tried to cover it up with make-up? And every time she talked she sounded and looked like she was going to burst into tears. She looked like she HAD been crying for hours, her eyes were all glossy. Maybe it was the make up, but she didn't look too good.

I think I got the bad taste in my mouth for Cara after that whole bikini girl incident during the auditions. yeah that girl was self centered and spoiled but MAN cara was pretty much ranking right up there with her in that episode lol. I mean you are a professional and a judge and you are going to try to challenge one of the auditions to a sing off? grow up lol. Since then I haven't been able to stomach her lol.

Yeah paula had a TON of makeup on last night. But I was more distracted by her dress. Looked like she killed a bird on the way in and stuck it on her dress lol. that feather in my face all night would drive me CRAZY.

but yes she did seem EXTRA emotional last night.

Daisy and Delilah
03-11-2009, 01:51 PM
A huge DITTO on Michael Jackson. I had forgotten how much I liked him until last night. No matter what he's become, he was one of the best artists of my time, hands down. I loved every song I heard last night.:) I was really amazed at how much everyone seemed to adapt to his sound too. It was great.:)

Good point Cindy. Paula looked awful. Whatever she went through that day, it was showing. She looked like a truck hit her and kept going.

As far as I'm concerned, I think we need to get rid of Paula and keep Kara. Paula seems to have serious issues going on always. She talks like she's really out of it. I know she has alot of pain and it could be meds. At least I think I read that a couple of years ago.
I really think Kara does a super job at being a judge. She always picks up on the most obvious points that I wouldn't necessarily remember. I am a little tired of her saying alot of the same things over and over but that comes with the show. Rift is one of the words I'm tired of hearing. What is a rift??

Randy is my favorite judge by far. I think he is the most sensible of all of them. Simon uses words that are so degrading. I'm really starting to wonder if he doesn't realize the harshness of what he's saying. It surprises me that the contestants don't break down crying.
Last night, he said he hated what Lil was wearing. I thought it was a beautiful outfit and she looked good in it. Isn't he supposed to be critiquing their singing and not their clothing anyway?? Why is he always so concerned with everyone's wardrobe? He has no room to talk.:rolleyes:

I've got to bring this up for comment, if anyone has one. Last week, Matt was wearing a black scarf. Isn't that the exact same type of scarf Rachel Ray was wearing in the Dunkin Donuts commercial when they pulled it off the air? They said the style of scarf was possibly linked to terrorists.

I love Matt and I don't wish him any harm. I noticed that scarf right away and wondered if they would receive complaints from the same group that had RR's ad pulled.:confused:

Daisy and Delilah
03-11-2009, 01:55 PM
I think I got the bad taste in my mouth for Cara after that whole bikini girl incident during the auditions. yeah that girl was self centered and spoiled but MAN cara was pretty much ranking right up there with her in that episode lol. I mean you are a professional and a judge and you are going to try to challenge one of the auditions to a sing off? grow up lol. Since then I haven't been able to stomach her lol.

That was pretty lame. I had forgotten about it. She was really showing off.:rolleyes:

03-11-2009, 02:48 PM
ARandy is my favorite judge by far. I think he is the most sensible of all of them. Simon uses words that are so degrading. I'm really starting to wonder if he doesn't realize the harshness of what he's saying. It surprises me that the contestants don't break down crying.

I think it's actually more a combo of american television and expectations. Everyone expects him to be a jerk and things are always heightened for American TV.

like Gordon Ramsey. Watch Hell's kitchen and you think he is the devil himself... but if you watch any of his shows on BBC he's still abrasive but he's a completely different person.

it's all probably just to add to the drama of the show.

03-11-2009, 03:11 PM
Rift is one of the words I'm tired of hearing. What is a rift??

Love, it isn't rift, the word is riff. Understandable confusion, though. A riff is a musical term meaning an improvised take-off from the melody, that then returns back to the melody line. You hear a LOT of them on American Idol, as contestants are supposed to try to "make it your own" and it sometimes is less effective than others. When someone takes what you know is supposed to be two notes and makes 37 notes out of it - that's a riff.

03-11-2009, 03:45 PM
Good point Cindy. Paula looked awful. Whatever she went through that day, it was showing. She looked like a truck hit her and kept going.


More Kara words...and the other judges are starting to use them a lot too!

Instrument (referring to their voice)
Blow (as in singing strong) I guess it sounds funny coming from her and not Randy.
Pipes (as in having a good voice, sorta the same as above)

Ugh, there are more and I can't think of them now.

Daisy and Delilah
03-11-2009, 03:58 PM
sparks: I think alot of Simon's behavior is purposely done. He gets that devilish smile on and he loves it. I agree with what you said all the way. I thought it was so funny that Simon called on Gordon Ramsey in the audience last night. Too bad we couldn't hear him.:) He seemed so docile.:)

Karen: It's a riff? Thanks. I understand what you mean. lol lol

Cindy: The more I think about Kara, the more annoyed I get.:D At times, she seems to be trying to upstage the other judges. I still like what she says now. I'll probably hate her at the end of the season.:eek:
I'll be listening to her like a hawk from now on and laughing out loud to myself.:D

03-11-2009, 08:26 PM
What the H-E - double hockey sticks is this nonsense.


What kind of BS format is this. jasmine is told she gets the boot and then they ask if the judges want to save her and they say no... talk about a kick in the teeth. it's like being rejected TWICE. As if hearing "you're going home" isn't bad enough now they have to be turned down a second time?

I don't like this format at all. I think if they want to save someone then they should just surprise them and say "HEY we are going to save you" and not ASK them everytime.

Daisy and Delilah
03-11-2009, 10:50 PM
I agree. Can they hurt those people's feelings any more? I felt so bad for both of them. They get their hopes built up again and the judges tell them they're going home.
I might add: It took the judges 2 seconds to make their decision.

I get mad every year and this year is no exception. Not only the new format but what was wrong with Jasmine? I thought she was good. She certainly deserved another chance. I love "I'll Be There". I really thought she did it pretty well.:(

I need to add: When Ryan explained the new format, he lost me right away. It's so confusing, only they can understand it.

03-12-2009, 06:31 AM
I don't like the new format either. It's stupid.
So all the people who call in and spend hours trying to get through will be undermined anyway.

America doesn't decide...
In the end, the winner is who the judges want.

I do think that the ones who went home were the ones that deserved to.
They were splendid singers but certainly not the best of the bunch.

03-12-2009, 06:59 AM
I don't mind the whole concept of the judge's "save" so much since they just get to use it one time, but I agree that it really isn't necessary to ask each time. If and when they decide to use it, make the announcement then, but otherwise, just let the contestants have one moment of disappointment instead of two.

03-12-2009, 09:10 AM
I agree with how horrible it is to be rejected twice. I mean, it's not like they couldn't tell the judges who is "going home" before and then they decide if they want to keep them, privately and then surprise them.
And they can only do this saving thing up until there are 5 people left. Or at least that's how I understood it. I was totally confused when he was explaining it too. I thought they could save as many people as they want up until there were 5 people left. I didn't realize they could only save ONE person the entire show.
It doesn't matter even with this new format, the best singer doesn't win. It is the most popular person that wins.

I was sad to see Jasmine and Jorge leave last night. But I think this season will be full of disappointments.

03-12-2009, 01:11 PM
WHAT? :eek:Jorge too? I was so tired last night, I went to bed at 9:00 and missed the whole show.

03-12-2009, 01:59 PM
I had the TV tuned into the FOX local affiliate to hear the local news.

I was out of the room when they did the recap of AI- not a fan of the show but I heard that they had the talentless kanye west on the show.

God, what was he singing?

It made me laugh.:D

Daisy and Delilah
03-12-2009, 02:07 PM
I had the TV tuned into the FOX local affiliate to hear the local news.

I was out of the room when they did the recap of AI- not a fan of the show but I heard that they had the talentless kanye west on the show.

God, what was he singing?

It made me laugh.:D

Sorry, I can't help you Richard. When he was coming up, I left the room, after turning the tv wayyyyy down. Does anybody like that arrogant @#&*#$?:( :( :(

03-12-2009, 02:12 PM
Apparently the young ladies watching the show like him enough to lean and reach toward him when he came near, but I think they like everybody! I did listen to his whole "song," and and it literally took the whole thing for me to figure out he was singing/saying "heartless" as I kept thing it was "hot and" and "cold" would follow. Turns out the whole song is called "Heartless." So that is what he "performed."

He's sold a gazillion albums/songs, so lotsa people must like his music enough to pay money for it.

03-12-2009, 02:48 PM
Kanye is the epitome of "studio magic." I like that song he sang.. when I hear it on the radio!! :) I would usually say that his style is good, but why the heck was he carrying a hand towel in his back pocket??? I really wanted to see one of the teeny-boppers grab it out of his jeans and watch him have a hissy fit on stage, but alas, I guess they were schooled before the show :D I also don't get why he would wear his pants falling off in the back - skinny jeans worn directly over the butt cheeks = Hang Hill butt!!! :eek: It doesn't flatter ANYONE!! I think I also said to my boyfriend that if the screaming fans didn't grab the towel, the least they could do is give him a wedgie!!! :D

03-12-2009, 03:09 PM
I was able to fast forward through Kayne. :D
I don't get why you'd sing a song live and have your voice synthesized. :confused:
Kinda like Cher with that one song she does too.

03-12-2009, 03:39 PM
I didn't like Kayne West either. I don't know how some people like that kind of music. I never understand what they say. I guess if you listen to it a lot, then you learn what the words are. Hmm.. I don't know. Rap/hip hop doesn't really appeal to me.

I really liked Kelly Clarkson though! I love the song she preformed and he new album is great! :D

03-12-2009, 10:01 PM
Glad to know I'm not the only one who used the FF on the DVR to skip the Kanye West performance. Just not my kind of music at all.

Daisy and Delilah
03-17-2009, 11:18 PM
What did everybody think of tonight's show? Grand Ole Opry. Country is my favorite music so I was pretty happy about it when I heard it.

I still can't figure out what the judges want. Do they actually know themselves?

What was going on tonight with Simon and Paula? Paula didn't look great again tonight. It seemed they were playing games all through the show. If their not serious, how do they expect anybody else to be serious?

Adam's version of "Ring of Fire" was unbelievable. I actually liked it. It was alot like Led Zeppelin, as Paula said.

Does anyone have thoughts on who might be going home tomorrow? I can't narrow it down.

03-17-2009, 11:24 PM
Overall... I thought most of them weren't very good.

I like allison, Anoop, danny was OK, Matt was great, there were a few others that were alright.

i was really disappointed with Michael sarver... that was a STUPID song to pick. It doesn't show any vocal talent. Garth brooks did it because he is garth brooks and didn't ahve to prove anything at that point.

I didn't enjoy adams performance of Ring of Fire at ALL. not one bit.

I like alexis voice but didn't think she was great.

Scott... I wasn't overly impressed with him either. he didn't do terrible but it was a pretty boring performance

country is my favorite too. Maybe that is my problem LOL I like to hear my country SOUND LIKE COUNTRY.

Yeah I don't know what was up with simon and paula... maybe they should seperate them. Paula looked wierd again tonight.

03-18-2009, 06:20 AM
I enjoyed all of the performances.
I don't like country but they made it sound good.
I think Alexis and Lil may have had a bit of trouble yesterday.
The guys are better this year, like last year.
My guess.... finalists Adam and Danny. I can't wait to buy both of thier CD's!

03-18-2009, 10:41 AM
I couldn't believe how the judges loved Megan Joy's piece - I thought it was terrible! I feel bad for her that she had the flu, but I thought she intentionally butchered that song.

I thought they'd give Adam points of for his version of "Ring of Fire" being not at all country, but apparently that's okay to do. It certainly was different ...

What the judges like and dislike is often a mystery to me.

This is my first season watching American Idol, I just decided that it was such a huge part of popular culture I ought to try it.

03-18-2009, 12:03 PM
I loved Adam's version of Ring of Fire - reminded me of Jim Morrison of the Doors. It certainly wasn't country, but it got my attention.

I thought Danny was good. Anoop was wonderful and then I went to sleep because I was tired.

Daisy and Delilah
03-18-2009, 01:09 PM
Adam's version of "Ring of Fire" was eerily strange but it took me back to the 70's. I love the music of the 70's!!
It wasn't the normal country sound but the judges seem to like them to make it their own. At least they seem to like that sometimes and sometimes they don't.:confused: In Adam's case, they were dumbfounded.

I was also a huge fan of Jim Morrison too.:) Adam is one of the most talented people I've ever seen on that show. I know there are alot of agents ready to grab him.

I also liked Danny, Anoop, Chris, and , Matt. The young red headed girl was good too.

Lil and the little blonde girl(I can't remember her name or the red headed girl's name) gave me that feeling I get when someone is going home. I also had it with Scott and a little with Michael.

Michael sounded good from a distance. When they did the playback and I was in front of the tv, it sounded lousy.:(

Megan sounded like a person that had the flu. I was embarrassed for her and the judges loved her!! I am completely confused as to what they think is good or bad. I think she was surprised.
I've almost wondered if my hearing is bad or my tv sound is on the fritz.:confused:

03-18-2009, 01:16 PM
I didn't like Megan's performance, either. I'm still trying to decide what I think about Adam's version of "Ring of Fire." He's definitely talented, but I'm just not sure how to wrap my brain around that particular arrangement of that song. I agree that Michael, Lil, and Scott really struggled last night. I was glad to see Anoop do so well after last week, and I liked Matt and Danny, too.

03-18-2009, 01:30 PM
I hope Megan goes home. I really thought that she should have gone home instead of Jasmine last week. I didn't know she was sick, but I didn't really notice that she sounded worse/ better than when she was well!

Daisy and Delilah
03-18-2009, 10:47 PM
I think Alexis should have been given another chance. She sounded good before last night. Her repeat tonight was awful. I think she was really nervous.:( I had so hoped she would be in the bottom 10 so she could give her daughter a better life.

Michael going through was no surprise. I can't believe Megan is still there. I was shocked to see Allison in the bottom three but somebody had to be there.

Why was Carrie Underwood dressed like that? That outfit was hideous. Thank goodness she's so cute she can wear anything and look good.:rolleyes:

03-19-2009, 12:47 AM
I was surprised Michael and Megan both made it through - maybe Megan got a lot of sympathy votes because of the flu ...

03-19-2009, 07:22 AM
I think Alexis should have been given another chance. She sounded good before last night. Her repeat tonight was awful. I think she was really nervous.:( I had so hoped she would be in the bottom 10 so she could give her daughter a better life.

Michael going through was no surprise. I can't believe Megan is still there. I was shocked to see Allison in the bottom three but somebody had to be there.

Why was Carrie Underwood dressed like that? That outfit was hideous. Thank goodness she's so cute she can wear anything and look good.:rolleyes:

I agree with you Terry, she should have been given a second chance. I can think of at least 2 or 3 that aren't as talented as her. It's really too bad.

And yes, what was Carrie wearing??? and her hair??? hideous! :D

03-19-2009, 09:30 AM
I agree that Carrie looked horrible. Her hair was ugly, it looked like a wig. And that big black thing......ick. And the dress was not cute, it actually made her look a little chubby. I love Carrie, she is beautiful!!

I think the reason they didn't save Alexis is because it's still so early. There might be a "better" person they need to save later. Like Danny or Adam. ;)
I really liked Alexis from the beginning. I wouldn't have minded seeing Scott or Lil go home last night. Oh well.

03-19-2009, 10:48 AM
I think that Michael, Scott, and Megan should have been in the bottom three. I was very surprised that Alexis was the one to go home. Danny is still my favorite but I ended up voting for both Danny and Anoop because I thought that Anoop did a great job on Tues. night. I like Adam but I really didn't care for his version of "Ring Of Fire". It was just too weird for me.

03-19-2009, 12:25 PM
I think it's BS that Alexis went home... but I don't think they should have given her the second chance. it's too early and while she is talented I don't think she is the one to save to win. but again I hate the way they do this stupid save thing. OK we are considering saving you so sing and then we'll decide... OOPS sorry you suck you go home :rolleyes:

03-19-2009, 01:01 PM
I don't think Alexis should have gone home, either, but I do agree that it is too early for the judges to use the save, considering how much further there is to go in the competition.

Daisy and Delilah
03-19-2009, 08:33 PM
I see the contestants are in Detroit right now. Next week is Motown. It should be a great show!! I can't wait!!:) :) :)

03-21-2009, 01:07 PM
I think the whole saving thing is really dumb. Alexis shouldn't of gone home, she was really good. But it was too early in the competition to use it. Their probably going to use it on Danny or Adam if they get voted off since everyone likes them the best.

Daisy and Delilah
03-21-2009, 01:16 PM
I think the whole saving thing is really dumb. Alexis shouldn't of gone home, she was really good. But it was too early in the competition to use it. Their probably going to use it on Danny or Adam if they get voted off since everyone likes them the best.

I completely agree!!:)

Daisy and Delilah
03-25-2009, 09:36 PM
I am seriously tired of Paula and Simon acting like two year olds. They're being disrespectful to everybody by acting this way. With so many famous people in the venue, somebody needs to stop it. I'm pretty sure they're not even listening to the singing. :mad: :mad: :mad:

On a lighter note: Tonight's performances, in my opinion:

Adam was totally awesome. Matt was awesome. Allison was awesome. Chris was good, Anoop was really good, Danny was pretty good but not great.

Megan needs to go home this week-I've never heard such a train wreck. Michael was exactly the way the judges called it. Scott was pretty bad. Lil was terrible--she was the one I thought would be great because she was so emotionally connected. She wasn't singing with the music and was completely messed up during the whole song.

If Megan gets to stay, I could give up the rest of the season. Adam is so fantastic, I think he'll go far no matter what America decides.

03-25-2009, 09:44 PM
I don't know... I wasn't thrilled tonight.

I thought the only really great performance was Allison. anoop was good but other than that I wasn't overly impressed :(

Daisy and Delilah
03-25-2009, 10:43 PM
I don't know... I wasn't thrilled tonight.

I thought the only really great performance was Allison. anoop was good but other than that I wasn't overly impressed :(

It was hard to embrace different versions of some of the songs. I love Motown so much. Those kids really had to put forth an extra effort to sound as good as they did. Some of them either put forth no effort or overdid the songs. Overall, it wasn't real close to what I thought it would be tonight. I did think some of them were pretty good though.

When Simon put the moustache on Paula, I almost lost it.:rolleyes:

03-26-2009, 01:15 AM
I think that Megan,Scott, and Michael should be in the bottom three and Megan should end up going home. I also thought that Lil would do a great job and be in a league of her own. She really disappointed me.:( Hopefully America will give her another chance though.

Adam was the best one of the night and he sure does clean up well too.:) Danny is still one of my favorites even though he didn't do as well as I thought he should've. I want him to stick around so I called several times to vote for him.

Allison, Anoop, and Matt were also very good and I thought that Chris was just good. I also ended up voting for Allison because I don't want to see her in the bottom three again.

I sure hope that America chooses the right person to be sent home this week.

03-26-2009, 06:41 AM
I think Michael, Scott and Lil should be in the bottom 3.
I don't care for Megan but she really is unique. I wouldn't mind seeing her for another week or so.
They all seemd to have a little bit of a hard time this week.

My top three are Adam, Danny and Matt. It's a battle of the boys!!!

The judges are so strange.... I agree Paula gets wierder every episode.
Simon is Simon. He's actually a great part of the show. He's really is good at his job. I always agree with what he has to say even if it comes out as harsh. The essence of what he has to say is usually on target.

Daisy and Delilah
03-26-2009, 08:43 AM
I have to agree that Simon is pretty much on target with everything he says. His words are harsh but he speaks the truth alot better than I can say it.

I'm on a campaign to get rid of Paula forever!! She's not only out of it but now she's wayyyy too silly with these antics. Paula and Simon are playing while Randy and Kara are completely professional. Bring back the respect P and S!!!:(

03-26-2009, 09:12 AM
Our DVR messed up, so I only got to see the last 50 minutes or so of last night's show (from Lil through the end). Sounds like I got to see most of the best ones, though. I really liked Adam's performance.

03-26-2009, 09:14 AM
I thought Michael, Scott, Matt and Lil weren't very good, IMO. I really like Megan but her song last night was HORRIBLE. She sounded better last week when she was sick. Her voice kept cracking last night. Maybe it was from just getting over being sick.

Adam was good, but I would have liked to hear him sing some lower notes. I really like it when he shows his broad range in his voice. Last night it was all so high pitched.

I really liked Danny and Allison. They are my top boy/girl favorites. :)

03-26-2009, 12:22 PM
Now that ANTM is on, I'm not watching the performances, just the boot-off episodes. I am finding this year REALLY boring. I think AI might be at the end of it's road for me!!

Daisy and Delilah
03-26-2009, 01:52 PM
I just wrote an email to the Idol people on the link on their website.

There are some people posting about Paula and Simon on their forums. Most of it is positive reaction. There are some complaints. I don't mind a little goofing off but they've exceeded "a little".

This is supposed to be such a serious competition to those kids, I think they deserve more respect. Maybe they like the humor to settle their nerves? I don't know. I just can't see the judges asking for perfection when two of them are acting so silly.

I have a sense of humor but I don't like disrespect. There are boundaries. It was bad enough with Paula acting wasted most of the time. Simon joining her is really adding too much to setting a proper mood. Randy and Kara are so professional. They're probably getting tired of P and S too.:(

03-26-2009, 03:48 PM
I agree that Simon and Paula have to stop acting so childish.

I loved Adam. He is my absolute favorite. I also thought Matt and Allison were good too. Megan needs to go home. She really isn't that good.

03-26-2009, 04:10 PM
I thought Michael, Scott, Matt and Lil weren't very good, IMO. I really like Megan but her song last night was HORRIBLE. She sounded better last week when she was sick. Her voice kept cracking last night. Maybe it was from just getting over being sick.

Adam was good, but I would have liked to hear him sing some lower notes. I really like it when he shows his broad range in his voice. Last night it was all so high pitched.

I really liked Danny and Allison. They are my top boy/girl favorites. :)

I thought Megan was bad last week, but was awful this week. She barely sounded like she could hold a tune, and was too concerned with smiling and looking pretty.

I loved Adam, and several of the others. I expected better of Lil, as did everyone else, but I really hope Megan gets sent home this week.

Daisy and Delilah
03-26-2009, 04:56 PM
Megan is an incredibly beautiful girl. She showed singing ability at one time. What has happened to her? Last night was embarrassing.

No matter when she goes, somebody has already seen her and she's got a career in her future. I don't know what it will be but she can bet her life will change. She seemed so confident last night that her fans would bring her through. I hope not. It's too painful to watch. She seems to be a fairly likeable girl though.

03-26-2009, 05:14 PM
I agree.... but I still think Michael, Scott or Lil are getting the boot tonight. Probably Michael.

Daisy and Delilah
03-26-2009, 08:59 PM
Goodbye Michael. He seemed to take it well. I hope he gets something going for himself from this. I guess he gets to tour with them.

I was a little surprised to see Matt in the bottom three. I really thought he was going. I like him alot but I don't know if he can survive future shows that are out of his style.

Why is Megan still there? :eek:

03-27-2009, 09:35 AM
Out of the bottom three I thought Scott should have gone home.

Was it just me or did anyone else think the "tribute to Motown" was totally cheesy? They were OBVIOUSLY lip singing it and it was recorded before. Once when Matt was singing he didn't move his mouth correctly. And I could just tell the others weren't really singing it. I didn't like that. But I guess they need to learn how to do that too, right. LOL

03-27-2009, 10:14 AM
If you pay attention to the clips at the end... they are ALWAYS pre recorded. I don't know if it's the whole show that's pre recorded and they just say it's live or what but more often than not... the clips at the end do not match the performances. So many times I have watched the clips and thought "hmmm... she didn't even sing that part of the song" yet that's what they show in the recap clips lol.

Daisy and Delilah
03-27-2009, 12:31 PM
Some news channel ran a report the other day that the contestants are lip syncing those group numbers.

The tribute was ok but not great. I wasn't really impressed with any of the guests last night either. Even Stevie Wonder sounded pitchy. Yet, they want the contestants to be perfect. The whole show wasn't what I expected.:(

03-27-2009, 12:46 PM
Michael took his loss like a man. He will be touring, so that will get him a lot of exposure. He could have a career as a country music singer.

Adam is my favorite. I voted for him Wednesday night. Meghan should be on America's Next Top Model. She has a face for television and magazine covers. I'm jealous. As much as I love Scott, I think it's time for him to go.

03-27-2009, 04:05 PM
Other group numbers they've done (Jason Mraz, I'm yours for example) was not pre-recorded. You saw them sitting on the couches with their microphones and then they got up and sang. Last night it was just very obvious to me. I'm going to be critical of that from now on.

I've recorded all of them so I'll have to go back and check out the other group numbers. LOL

Daisy and Delilah
03-31-2009, 10:21 PM
I was glad to see that Paula and Simon seemed ok tonight. There's still tomorrow night.

Adam was so good, I almost lost control of myself. I love that song he sang and I was just blown away by his performance. I can't figure out why he's on AI. I know he has some theatre experience but it seems he should have had a music deal a long time ago. Like Kara, I can't wait to see him every week. I think he's the best performer I've ever seen in the years I've watched the show.

Scott was really good tonight, Danny was too-I love the Rascal Flatts song he sang. Chris was really good too. Enough already about the outfit Allison was wearing. It was wild but they ignored her singing. I thought she was great. She has "No Doubt" down as much as you can effectively perform their songs. To me, Lil was shouting. I missed Anoop-I was on the phone. Matt sang "The Fray" song pretty good I thought and I think they should give him a chance to show what else he can do. I voted for him until my fingers got sore. The bad news, I got through almost every time. I think the judges keep telling him to do the same thing and others they tell the opposite. I don't get that at all.

Last>>>MEGAN......What was that???? Oh my goodness!! I love reggae, I love/d Bob Marley, but, I think Megan couldn't have sounded worse. It was painful.:( :( :(

03-31-2009, 10:44 PM
I am totally opposite. I LOVE danny but I hated his performance tonight. he did the big blow out parts ok but the rest of the song was suspect. I didn't like his rendition of rascall flatts at all :( Allison I was really disappointed with her too and I love her. I didn't think the song suited her at all. Kris was FANTASTIC. Matt was ok but not fabulous. Scott I thought did a really nice job. lil... I wasn't big on her performance either. Adam I actually liked tonight and I'm not really a big fan of his.

I thought Kris was by far the best. megan SUCKED. she was horrible.

Maybe I am just spoiled. I have heard danny and allison and lil do WAAAAAAAAAAY better. the judges liked Danny but I didn't like his performance at all and I love Danny.

04-01-2009, 12:17 AM
Danny is still my favorite and even though I don't like country music and I'm not familiar with the Rascal Flatts, I thought that he sang the song very well.:) I also thought that Chris and Scott did their best peformances that they've ever done.

I thought that Lil was so much better this week even though everyone thought that this wasn't the right song for her. Allison and Matt were okay. Anoop and Megan were terrible and Megan should be the one going home tomorrow. Adam was good but he's still not my favorite. I ended up voting for both Danny and Chris tonight.

04-01-2009, 05:29 AM
Well.... I have to say the show was odd last night.
I thought they should have had an easier time.

My top 5:
Adam was by a mile the best and I agree with Terry, I almost lost control too and was wondering outloud why he doesn't have records out already. He is too good for the show.

Danny was ok but not great. I still love him but thought the Rascal Flatts song is a classic and can be done by them alone without sounding strange.

I thought Matt was much better than what the judges said.... I wonder if they were using reverse psychology so people would vote for him. :confused:

Kris was really good this week. I like his voice but I wish I could get over the fact that while he is singing it looks as if he is chewing steak or a large wad of gum. His mouth is wierd... I know, it shouldn't matter but that's how I feel. It's unconfortable for me to watch him. :o

Allison was ok tonight. I love her voice but it seemd that she 'breaths' some of the words instead on ennunciating them and thay may end up hurting her. I thought the outfit was fine.... it's supposed to be an entertainment show, not a fashion show.

As for the rest... My prediction: Anoop is leaving tonight for sure. That was a bad rendition of Usher. He isn't the worst singer but that was the worst performance for last night.
Lil will probably follow (IMO she's just not that good). Scott and Meghan will be next next depending on what they sing.

I had guessed about Micheal being voted off last week.
This week it's Anoop.
I should have placed a bet in Vegas or something :o

Daisy and Delilah
04-01-2009, 11:35 AM
Carmen, I'm in total agreement about Kris. He does have a weird mouth. I have trouble watching him every week.

You're probably right on about Anoop going home. Megan has a bigger fan base I think. I wonder if anybody liked her performance.

Again, I thought Matt did a great job. I was surprised to hear the judges. He seems to be the one that might be the person they choose to doom, for whatever reason. The judges seem to have one every season.

I hope I get to see a replay of Anoop tonight.

Daisy and Delilah
04-01-2009, 10:08 PM
YAY YAY YAY!!! Matt wasn't even in the bottom three. My votes must have helped.;)

I'm glad to see Megan go. She had that "untouchable" attitude. I thought she was convinced she wasn't going home until the very end, of course.

I might be old but what did everybody think of Lady GaGa? I'm still trying to figure out what she was doing???:confused:

David Cook was fantastic.:)

04-01-2009, 10:27 PM
I have a strange question, but we've been having issues with our DVR, so I missed the first part of Tuesday night's show entirely--what was the theme this week? I do agree that it was time for Megan to go, though, and I didn't even see anything but the recap of her Tuesday performance.

Lady GaGa was just odd. I don't get it, either. I do agree that David Cook was great, though.

04-01-2009, 11:30 PM
I might be the exception, and I hope this doesn't come off as rude..

I absolutely do not like Scott at all.. I know he has a disability, and it's amazing that he can play the piano when he can't see... But I honestly don't think he can sing.. My opinion is that he keeps getting votes because people feel for him, being blind..

His voice is not great at all.. It actually gets on my nerves, and if it wasn't for the fact that my mom watches Idol with me, I would put it on mute the second he came on. I really wish he would get voted off.. That night Paula mentioned something about wanting to see him sing without the piano, I agree with her 100%.. I know he feels comfortable behind the piano, but he needs to get out of that comfort zone, and show people that he can sing in front of the microphone, not behind the piano.

Michael could sing 10 x's better than him, and he wen't home.
Even though his performance wasn't great the night before he was voted off, he proved himself that he could sing when he had to sing it again.

I think that in the finale, it will be between Danny & Adam.

I thought Megan had a nice voice on certain things, but she was arrogant.. And she didn't seem to know how to pick a song that would compliment her voice. Paula had me cracking up when she was talking about her dancing, and said she should sit on a stool or chair when she sings.. I really hope Megan didn't think she could dance.. And those spastic hand moves were really strange. Anyway, It was her time.

Anoop had me puzzled on his performance.. I just found it really strange that he was singing an Usher song. It didn't work..

I don't even like Lady Gaga's song.. I find it strange, and the 'show' she put on tonight was even more strange. I know a lot of people that just love that song, but I don't see whats so great about it.

04-01-2009, 11:56 PM
I absolutely do not like Scott at all.. I know he has a disability, and it's amazing that he can play the piano when he can't see... But I honestly don't think he can sing.. My opinion is that he keeps getting votes because people feel for him, being blind..

I really don't care for Scott's voice either. The night that he got voted into the top 12, he was doing his song again... and my boyfriend walked by and said "what is that terrible voice?" Really, we both started laughing, because we both thought it was a horrible voice. Maybe it's just me, but I don't like it. I don't mute it when he sings, hoping it'll sound better, but it never does. :( Even last night, he didn't do it for me. He ruined one of my favorite Billy Joel songs for me. :(

Again, maybe it's just me... but I really think he's getting sympathy votes.

04-02-2009, 01:37 AM
I'm so glad that Megan finally went home.:D America finally got it right this week.:)

04-02-2009, 06:02 AM
I guess I was wrong. Anoop has made it another week. Good for him.

Meghan was going to go sooner or later. I know she will be on TV or something. She is very interesting and pretty and some producer will find something to do with her even if it has nothing to do with singing.

I'm glad Matt made it too. I still think it was a reverse psychology thing... what the judges did by bashing him, so more people would vote for him.

David Cook is awesome. Still glad he won last year and still very happy with my CD purchase!

Lady Gaga.... I like her a lot. Reminds me of my dance club years.

04-02-2009, 11:04 AM
I have a strange question, but we've been having issues with our DVR, so I missed the first part of Tuesday night's show entirely--what was the theme this week? I do agree that it was time for Megan to go, though, and I didn't even see anything but the recap of her Tuesday performance.

Lady GaGa was just odd. I don't get it, either. I do agree that David Cook was great, though.

The theme was "America's Top Downloads" - so, essentially, anything popular. Pretty wide range of choice, considering they could jump decades ...

I am glad Megan left, it was time. She is unique, but not often in a good way. When she "forces" her voice, bad things happen.

04-02-2009, 12:58 PM
FINALLY Megan went home.

As for Scott... I kind of feel bad for him. Not because he's blind but because I don't believe at ALL that he is or has been using it as a crutch but EVERYONE keeps talking about it (IE Paula) and I do think that he's getting a lot of sympathy votes and that's NOT fair to him.

As for Lady gaga... she is strange but I think she's also quite clever. I'm sure when she goes out to eat or shopping no one realizes who she is because she's always in costume on stage :D So i bet she doesn't get pestered by fans while she's trying to eat lol. And her music is more for club dancing :D

Daisy and Delilah
04-02-2009, 02:36 PM
Cori, I have to agree with you about Scott. This past week, he was better than he has been. So much so that I thought he sounded good. In comparison, anything would have been better. I don't think he can sing well either.
He doesn't use the blindness as a crutch, I agree. However, I think he is getting a large amount of sympathy votes. It kinda bothers me that he's doing the best he can and America is calling in a large percentage of votes due to his disability. The poor guy probably knows what's going on but he may not. He might actually think he's getting the votes without alot of sympathy--I doubt it. Let me also say I didn't like his hair this week. Did anyone like it? Kara said she loved loved loved it!!
As I think I said before, I think it's wrong to emphasize misfortune in some of the contestant's lives. If the contest is won or lost by America's feelings alone, the end result could be skewed. I think some of us will agree that results on AI have been defintely skewed in the past, for one reason or another.

Thanks for the comments on Lady GaGa. I wasn't sure if anyone liked her. I try to keep an open mind about all entertainers. I just thought her song was a little off key. Maybe I need to hear it on the radio. I do appreciate her originality and guts. She had to come up with a gimmick and she's done it.:)

I've been reading about Megan today in the news clips. I had forgotten about her bird noises and flapping her arms when she crossed the stage. She's saying that was to honor her love of birds. News agencies are calling her exit, "awkward" because of her telling Simon she didn't care what he thought. In turn, he said they didn't care to base her leaving on her last performance. She was really arrogant and I was happy she was given the boot exactly the way it happened. She turned it into a mockery and showed little respect for anything. Her family in the audience was disrespectful too. I'm sure her son is glad to see her coming home. If she ever gets home that is~~I always see alot of the past contestants in the audience and in other places. I wonder how much time they actually get to spend at home after being on that show.

04-02-2009, 05:14 PM
I was glad to see Megan go home. I really didn't like her that much.

David Cook was fantastic! I really liked Lady Gaga too. I love Poker Face. It's one of my favorite songs from her. :D

04-03-2009, 09:56 AM
Ok, was it just me or was Megan extremely annoying and immature on the results show? Her facial expressions and waving like a fool at the camera just drove me nuts!!! I mean, what if Anoop had been voted off and she was standing there with her eyes all wide like an idiot? I think she is beautiful and has an unusual voice, but I'm glad she's gone.

I agree that Scott is not a strong singer and I also believe he is getting votes just because of his disability. Sad but true.

I like Adams range he has with his voice, but honestly I'm tired of him YELLING. It's also driving me nuts. I almost don't want to even watch or listen to him because he will do that yell with his tongue kinda sticking out. UGH!!!

My favorite is Danny....still. I thought he did awesome on the Journey song with the group. After his part my boyfriend said (from the other room) Wow, that sounded just like Journey. :D

I am so glad someone else pointed out Kris's mouth issues. Again, another thing that drives me nuts. LOL I laughed so hard when Anoop mimicked Kris. :D
But I had a strange feeling last night that he (Kris) just might win this whole thing.

I thought Lil did much better this week than she did last week. And there is just something about Allison I like. Maybe its her rough deep voice and she's only 16!!

04-03-2009, 10:00 AM
Ok, was it just me or was Megan extremely annoying and immature on the results show? Her facial expressions and waving like a fool at the camera just drove me nuts!!! I mean, what if Anoop had been voted off and she was standing there with her eyes all wide like an idiot? I think she is beautiful and has an unusual voice, but I'm glad she's gone.

I agree that Scott is not a strong singer and I also believe he is getting votes just because of his disability. Sad but true.

I like Adams range he has with his voice, but honestly I'm tired of him YELLING. It's also driving me nuts. I almost don't want to even watch or listen to him because he will do that yell with his tongue kinda sticking out. UGH!!!

My favorite is Danny....still. I thought he did awesome on the Journey song with the group. After his part my boyfriend said (from the other room) Wow, that sounded just like Journey. :D

I am so glad someone else pointed out Kris's mouth issues. Again, another thing that drives me nuts. LOL I laughed so hard when Anoop mimicked Kris. :D
But I had a strange feeling last night that he (Kris) just might win this whole thing.

I thought Lil did much better this week than she did last week. And there is just something about Allison I like. Maybe its her rough deep voice and she's only 16!!

Yeah I feel the same way about Adam. and I swear... everytime he sticks his tongue out it's all yellow and gross looking lol. yes I notice these things. he needs to brush his tongue before he goes on stage lol

I also thought danny was awesome during the journey song. I said to my hubby that THAT is the song he should have sang the night before instead of the one he did. He did sound just like steve perry

04-03-2009, 10:35 AM
Yeah I feel the same way about Adam. and I swear... everytime he sticks his tongue out it's all yellow and gross looking lol. yes I notice these things. he needs to brush his tongue before he goes on stage lol

I also thought danny was awesome during the journey song. I said to my hubby that THAT is the song he should have sang the night before instead of the one he did. He did sound just like steve perry

I noticed his yellow tongue this time too. He probably had a candy or cough drop before going on. Someone did that in a previous season and their tongue was blue or red, I think. But still, like you said, BRUSH IT!!

04-08-2009, 12:49 PM
Last night everyone was just OK...

For the first time, I didn't like Adam. Danny was ok but not great.

I didn't like any of the song choices.

The only one who was better than ok was Alison. I hope she does well.

Scott was ok too. I think the song he sand was nice.
Not sure why the judges were so hard on him.
I wish they'd make up thier mind on what they want him to do...
play the piano, lose the piano, play the piano.... sheesh!
As for who is going home......

I have no idea. Could be anyone.

Daisy and Delilah
04-08-2009, 02:44 PM
I'm with you, Carmen. The show was completely forgetful. I didn't like any of the choices either.

What was the song Adam did? I don't know it. It was pretty good but he deserved standing ovations for songs in the past that weren't treated so well. I am going out on a limb to say it will be Allison going home tonight. I think she was great but Simon said unkind things about her. Where does he get off telling a young girl that she isn't likeable? Not that he meant it exactly like that, but, it was cruel and insensitive. She doesn't gush all over the place and she isn't pretentious so we should not like her? What exactly did he mean by that?? Again, it shows that it's something besides an actual singing competition alone.

If not Allison, probably Lil. She was just all over the place last night. I agree with all the judges for once. We've lost the original Lil that was good.:(

I'm also with you on Scott and the judges. Those judges are trying so hard to get the last word, first word, compete with each other, etc., they don't seem to know what they want. I think all the contestants would agree with that too. I am sick of all four of them saying practically the same thing. It makes me think they halfway listen and feed off the person next to them.:rolleyes:

04-08-2009, 03:23 PM
Stupid DVR cut me off at the end so I didn't even see what Adam sang lol.

I thought Allison was amazing. that song suited her voice and suited her style. I thought it was the perfect song for her.

They raved about matt... I didn't think it was that great.

to be honest I think when they start running out of time like that they just say "It was good" so they don't have to elaborate

This is another reason why I don't understand why they added a 4th judge. stupid decision. Now we have to listen to an extra person ramble on when they barely had time for the three judges they already had. it kind of ticks me off lol because my DVR cuts me off at the end so I don't get to see all the performances because the judges ramble on

Daisy and Delilah
04-08-2009, 05:14 PM
I forgot to mention something. For all the years I've watched AI, I've always wondered what language Paula is speaking.:rolleyes: It's like she reads a dictionary right before going out and tries to use as many weird words as possible. I think Simon asked her what she was talking about last night.
If she sat next to me and I listened to that nonsense all the time, I would burst out laughing. I think that's why he laughs sometimes.

On a lighter note: I love Paula's jewelry. The glitter and sparkle of it is so cool.:)

I wonder if they'll keep 4 judges for next year. Can we vote on who gets to go?

04-08-2009, 06:52 PM
To be honest I think when they start running out of time like that they just say "It was good" so they don't have to elaborate.

I agree. I got the same feeling.

04-08-2009, 06:54 PM
I forgot to mention something. For all the years I've watched AI, I've always wondered what language Paula is speaking.:rolleyes:

HAHAHAA, I actually think she writes down X number of comments, dipending on how many sing one night, and just reads off one to each contestant, whether it makes sense or not.

I wonder if they'll keep 4 judges for next year.

I have a feeling the producers won't renew Abdul's contract and it will be back to 3.

04-08-2009, 09:18 PM
Scott is gone.. And even though he was a nice person, and had talent at the piano.. I definitely think it was his time.

I also think they were right not to use their save on him. There is people better than him that should be saved if it comes down to it.

Daisy and Delilah
04-08-2009, 09:50 PM
I was sad when I saw his face. I think it was his time to go but I couldn't help but feel bad for him. I hope someone gives him a contract. At least he still gets to tour with them.

04-08-2009, 11:17 PM
I felt bad for him too. I know he has talent.. But I unfortunately don't think it is with singing.

04-09-2009, 05:30 PM
Has Simon ever given a contestant a standing ovation? I couldn't believe it. I think I even gasped. I'm sorry to see Scott go, but it was time. I'm still an Adam fan.

Daisy and Delilah
04-09-2009, 05:37 PM
Has Simon ever given a contestant a standing ovation? I couldn't believe it. I think I even gasped. I'm sorry to see Scott go, but it was time. I'm still an Adam fan.

From what I hear on the news and the show, he hasn't ever given anybody a SO. I was pretty surprised myself.

I still love Adam too.:)

04-09-2009, 09:15 PM
I'm still a big Danny fan even though I loved Adam's song much better this week.:) The song "Mad World" is by Tears For Fears but Adam was doing the version by Gary Jules from the Donnie Darko Soundtrack which I love. Here's a link of it:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KL0rHIBYlY0. This version was very popular so I'm surprised that many of you have never heard it before.

I think that the bottom 3 were right on this time and I agree that it was time for Scott to go. I hope that next week they'll pick better songs to sing that suit their voices and personalities.

Daisy and Delilah
04-09-2009, 09:56 PM
Thanks kak. I think I must have missed alot of songs in the 80's.:)

04-14-2009, 08:03 PM
I'm going to say that Adam and Anoop were the only ones I really enjoyed tonight.. And I'm not normally a fan of Anoop.

Danny and Allison were kinda disappointing in my opinion.. They definitely didn't do as well as I've seen them do..

04-14-2009, 10:50 PM
The DVR didn't record tonight!!! How frustrating!

04-15-2009, 12:20 AM
I think that either Matt or Lil should go home this week. I also thought that Anoop did a great job and Adam is always good as well. I'm still a big fan of Danny though and I also like Allison. I ended up splitting my vote between Danny, Allison, and Anoop.

04-15-2009, 12:21 AM
The DVR didn't record tonight!!! How frustrating!

I think you need to buy a new one.;)

04-15-2009, 02:11 AM
I was disappointed with Lil's version of The Rose, she was off-pitch in many noticeable places. I think she cut out many of the more effective lyrics, too - I know the song well. I think she's kind of lost her way, trying to please the judges that she's lost her own personality. I hope she refinds herself along the way.

04-15-2009, 07:07 AM
Adam was so very entertaining. He's too good to be on Idol. :love:
He should be selling out concert venues.

Danny would have been great if he hadn't started so low pitched. :love:
I just love his voice. Whew... dreamy.... :love:

Anoop was really good. His voice is so sweet.
With the right songs, he does really well. :)

Allison was ok for me.
I just wish she would ennunciate the words of the songs more instead of breathing them.
In the end I think that will hurt her. :o

Probably Lil, Matt & whatshisname (crooked lips when he sings) are in the bottom three. :(

04-15-2009, 08:44 AM
The DVR didn't record tonight!!! How frustrating!

You can watch all of the performances on americanidol.com. :)

Daisy and Delilah
04-15-2009, 05:29 PM
I wasn't feeling great last night so I halfway watched the show. Adam was just plain off the chart. You're right, Carmen, what is he doing on that show??? He has the Led Zeppellin sound down so well, it makes me go back to the 70's every time I hear him. He is a class act from beginning to end.
Matt wasn't good and I didn't vote for him last night. Lil needs to stop trying to make it "her own" so much and sing the doggone song. She's killing herself with the different version she tries to sing. Lil looked gorgeous though and I was surprised no one mentioned it.
Anoop was pretty good, Kris was ok but not really that good. Allison is trying too hard. She needs to back up a bit and just sing the song. I thought Danny sounded fantastic.

I pick Matt to go home tonight. I will be sad but he's just been too shaky.:(

04-15-2009, 09:09 PM
I really thought it would be Lil going home. She has declined over the past several weeks, and I was surprised when he told her she would be with them for another week.

I liked Matt, but I don't think they should have used their save on him... What if Allison or Danny (or heaven forbid, ADAM) are in the bottom and need to be saved. Now they can't... That's just my opinion on the matter...
I agree with Simon when he said he didn't think he is good enough to WIN the competition.

Anoop was surprising to me that he was in the bottom 3. I enjoyed his performance last night (though not as much as I originally thought after I re-listened to it on the video on the website), but I guess he just doesn't have the fan base that others have.

I was upset when Ryan said to Danny "You've never been in the bottom 3...", and then said "But this week you are......" Then snuck in "Safe" as Danny's eyes got really big...

They said since they saved Matt, 2 will be going home next week, and the theme is Disco! That should be an interesting show..

04-16-2009, 10:42 AM
Ok, I know every one loves him and I don't NOT like him, but Adam really needs to stop screaming!!! It's driving me crazy! And the tongue thing, I am almost to the point that I can hardly watch/listen to him anymore.
I like him so much better when he sings in the lower register (geez, I'm talking like Kara:rolleyes:) and occasionally goes to the higher. But when he sings all high and screams.................no thanks.

I still love Danny over all. Although this week I'd have to say Anoop was my favorite performance.
Kris is good, but I can't watch him sing with his crooked mouth. LOL I guess I'm getting picky in my old age. :p

I didn't really care about them saving Matt, but like someone before me said - what if one of the "good" ones goes home next week. That will not make me happy.

My co-workers husband swears it's all set up. And sometimes I agree with that. But I still enjoy watching. :)

Daisy and Delilah
04-16-2009, 10:22 PM
Yes, Cindy, it may be set up but I'll still watch it and enjoy it too.

I knew it was going to be Matt but I'm really shocked that they used their save on him. I mean Shocked! I like some of his songs alot and I like him but I really expected they would hold out until the very end. With two people going home next week, everybody needs to really do well.

04-21-2009, 08:18 PM
My favorites tonight were Adam, Anoop and surprisingly... crooked mouthed Kris.

Danny was ok but I wish he would have picked a better song.
It was a bit awkward.

I think the bottom 3 tomorrow will be Lil, Matt and Alison. :(

Paula's comments actually made a little more sense than usual tonight.
Kara looked very pretty with her hair pulled back like that.

Daisy and Delilah
04-21-2009, 10:36 PM
Carmen, I'm glad you commented on Paula and Kara. Kara looked great tonight. I was amazed at how quick and sensible Paula was with her remarks. Finally, someone told her to stop slobbering all over herself and get it out. I've decided that Simon dresses in those v-neck t shirts to get a reaction. He looks awful!:rolleyes:

Disco was back in "my day"(I am so old :eek:) so I was kinda looking forward to it. I wanted to hear the songs closer to the original sound. It was pretty disappointing to what I wanted to hear but not unbearable. There were dozens of great songs that they could have performed and all of them were skipped. I'm making it sound like I loved disco but I really didn't.:)

I loved Danny tonight. Allison, ok but not my favorite--the clip they played back of her was the worst 5 notes of her whole song-she was slurring too much. Kris came out of left field with that arrangement--I was floored by it. It was ok but I prefer the original. Matt was pretty good with that terrible song choice-I guess he did the best he could. There were so many other songs he could have done. Lil was just awful. Tonight was her last chance and she blew it(maybe she should have sung "Last Dance" by Donna Summer-bad joke but I couldn't resist). Anoop looked adorable and he sounded good but not enough to impress me enough for him to stay. Adam sounded good but it ended too abruptly for me.

I'll pick Lil, Anoop, and Allison for the bottom three.

04-21-2009, 11:19 PM
I would bet that Lil will be going home, and I wasn't terribly impressed with Matt either. I never do vote, but hope Allison will be staying, she's definitely got a future in the business and a much nicer attitude than Lil ...

04-21-2009, 11:38 PM
Danny is still my favorite.:) I loved Kris's version tonight and Adam is always good and very unique as well.:) Allison is my favorite female singer but I wish she'd sing her words clearer. Anoop was also good but I wasn't familiar with his song choice so I had nothing to compare it to. I think that Lil and Matt should be the bottom 2 again. I really didn't like either one of their performances.

04-22-2009, 12:08 AM
I hope it is Lil and Matt that go home tomorrow. I liked Danny (of course), Anoop, Kris and Adam wasn't too bad either. He didn't scream as much. :p

I like Allison, but she didn't do as well as the judges said (at least I didn't think so).

04-22-2009, 08:06 AM
I have to say I really like Adam and how he always makes the song his own...but I personally feel he totally ruined that song:(
And I was amazingly surprised at Chris's arrangement. I kinda liked it.

I feel that Matt and Lil will be going home.

Daisy and Delilah
04-22-2009, 10:34 PM
I missed the first half because I forgot about it. Lil was gone when I turned it on. No big surprises with Anoop and Lil leaving.

K.C. and The Sunshine Band........could he sound any worse? It was terrible. Who was the lady in the gold dress? I came in too late to really see much of her.

04-23-2009, 06:54 AM
I missed the first half because I forgot about it. Lil was gone when I turned it on. No big surprises with Anoop and Lil leaving.

K.C. and The Sunshine Band........could he sound any worse? It was terrible. Who was the lady in the gold dress? I came in too late to really see much of her.

Oh my goodness, out of respect for the older performers, I didn't comment until I saw what you wrote Terry.

I thought that the 3 disco era performers sounded awful. I know the songs they sang and love them...... when I hear them on the radio. :p

It sounds horrible but I was expecting one of them to drop of a heart attack on stage because they were trying to dance too. :o

I wasn't surprised about Lil going but was a little sad to see Anoop go. I liked his voice and think he could have made it at least another few weeks.
I don't want to be controversial but I hope it wasn't his ethnicity that sent him home. :(

David Archuleta was cute. He's adorable as always. I thought that he would have grown a little since the last time I saw him on idol. :) He's got a great smile.

04-23-2009, 10:18 AM
Who was the lady in the gold dress? I came in too late to really see much of her.

I think the woman in the yellow dress was Thelma Houston.
Yeah, I fast fowarded through those people. And I like K.C. and the Sunshine Band, but he was not good.

I was sad to see Anoop go too. I still think Matt should have gone before him. But Anoop was my third choice to go after Matt and Lil. So my predictions for the next two to go, in no particular order, are Matt and Allison. It will be an all guys finale!! But stranger things have happened on Idol so one of the "top three" guys could go next.

Daisy and Delilah
04-23-2009, 12:48 PM
I was sad to see Anoop go too. He was such a likeable guy. I know he's going on to big things. He is so cute. :)

I also love KC & the SB but KC needs to retire. Being a Floridian, he always performs around here. Especially in Orlando. Last night he just made a fool of himself. It was sad.:(

David Archuletta hasn't changed a bit. I see him in shows all the time so he's been pretty busy. What he told the kids last night seems really good advice for them. He didn't win and he's always working.:) He's another cutie pie.

04-23-2009, 03:42 PM
WOW I think that was the worst show ever lol... the kickoff show I mean.

First the very bad and OBIOUV lip synching in the group performance... and Kris is one NON dancing fool lol.

Then the medley performances... AWFUL. ALL of them.

and then anoop goes home :(

worst ... show... EVER.

04-25-2009, 01:46 PM
It was sad watching the "disco original stars" perform, as they didn't do that good a job, and I wonder if these were just the only three they could find that would agree to do the show! Surely there are plenty of performers from that era who can still sing, and sing well, and are better known as well.

I thought, by the way, that Anoop was pretty classy in his dismissal, and that he will do well in the world. Not sure about Lil, but at least they are in a home now, and being on the show has done that much for her family.

Daisy and Delilah
04-28-2009, 09:09 PM
I've got to say that tonight's show was the best one yet. I thought everybody was good. Danny was fantastic. Adam was my least favorite performer. I just couldn't see screaming fitting into any of the Rat Pack songs.

I'll pick Allison to go home.

04-29-2009, 07:02 AM
I liked the show too.
I wonder who is going home. I think they all put in thier best.

04-29-2009, 10:14 AM
BEST show so far I think. My two favorite picks are still there and I hope they stay, at least for a few more weeks:D

Daisy and Delilah
04-29-2009, 10:21 AM
We're down to 5 great entertainers but somebody has to go. I was worried about Allison performing those songs but she nailed it, in my opinion. I think it's Allison tonight strictly for Simon putting a "curse" on her. I'm so glad that it was a likeable show to everybody so far. I couldn't wait to hear what my PT family had to say. :)

I feel so lucky that I decided to watch this year. I almost didn't because of the way it's worked in the past.

04-29-2009, 10:24 AM
I do hope Allison doesn't get cut. I wasn't terribly impressed with Matt, but I thought Danny did surprisingly well. I thought Adam's white, shiny suit was remarkable - not something most people would wear ... but he pulled it off okay.

04-29-2009, 11:14 AM
I didn't think Allison did bad. I liked her..

Matt was my least favorite.
Kris was ok, but again.. not my favorite.

Danny was the best in my opinion.. I loved the end of his performance. He really did a great job.

I still LOVE Adam, no matter what..

Unfortunately I think it will be between Allison and Matt to go home..

04-29-2009, 08:21 PM

Adam, Matt and Kris.


Seriously, what is america thinking?
I so hope Adam doesn't go home..
He's too good to be on Idol, but I don't want to see him leave.

More to come after the results.

Daisy and Delilah
04-29-2009, 10:57 PM
Not really a big surprise that Matt went home. I sorta reconsidered it would be Matt before the show came on. I was talking to my brother right before the show. We both said that we would bet Adam is in the bottom three this week and he was!! When Adam and Matt were left, there was no question. If they would have said Adam was leaving, I would have fainted.

In spite of what Simon said a couple of weeks ago......I guess Allison is more likeable than he thinks.;) She's the only female left so that might have been a factor?? I don't know.

04-30-2009, 06:40 AM
Wow. I suspect the producers may have put Adam in the bottom 2 for the suspense... :rolleyes:

04-30-2009, 06:52 AM
Wow. I suspect the producers may have put Adam in the bottom 2 for the suspense... :rolleyes:

I think it was just that people were so concerned with voting for Allison and Danny that Adam didn't get quite as many votes as usual. I am sure people figured Adam was "safe" and didn't need their vote as much. I bet there was a big difference between how many votes he got, and how many Matt got.

Not really surprised at the outcome. And I though Natalie Cole did a nice job, but that her dress was a little strange.

04-30-2009, 09:51 AM
I thought it was hilarious that Adam was in the bottom three. I liked him at first but its difficult for me to listen to him anymore. :(
I was surprised to see Kris in the bottom three though. And I knew he would be the one saved.
I was glad Allison was safe. I thought she did very good this week.
My friend/co-worker and I have such opposite opinions on this season. She can't stand Allison and I don't care for Adam. She LOVES Adam. My number one is still Danny. But my prediction is Kris will win. (But if Danny does, that's okay too. :D)

04-30-2009, 10:35 AM
My friend and I had talked about him being in the bottom 3 (I told her I didn't think he would), and I really didn't call for the bottom 2! He'd really be better off without Idol but I know how disappointed he would be if he didn't win. You can tell he really wants to win this thing.

But as far as the bottom 2, Adam has no "wow" factor left. America feels like they have seen all of Adam at this point and the other contestants that improve on their game each week will beat out a BETTER contestant that is no better now than they were at Week 1. Adam is a freaking amazing performer but he isn't really any better now than he was two months ago. He's always been amazing but it's not "so" amazing to everyone anymore because it's expected. People that take the world by storm like he has also get forgotten about just as quickly.
Kind of like Chris Daughtry.. He was the best one on there that year (in my opinion), and he still got voted off. People expected him to be good, and thought he didn't need their votes.

PLUS, there are those who think Adam has it made and doesn't need their votes because surely he must be getting plenty from other people. This week's bottom 2 outcome will get the fans voting with a vengeance next week and my guess is he WON'T be in the bottom 2 next week even if he sings like crap, which we all know won't happen.

Daisy and Delilah
04-30-2009, 11:18 AM
Cori, you're exactly right about Adam. He's done everything he can do so now he's just there. As much as I like him, even I am getting tired of the constant Led Zeppelin sound.

I really think Danny will win and the runnerup will be Allison. I think Kris will go next, then Adam , and we'll be left with Danny and Allison. I never thought Allison would make it this far even though I like her. I felt America would vote her off long ago. She's made it this far, she might be there against Danny.

People know Adam is going to be successful no matter what happens so they will vote until their fingers fall off for other people.:)

My brother is a musician and knows alot about music. He thought Kris was the best, by far, with his Rat Pack song. He said he hit all the notes to perfection and even did better with his rendition and range than he's ever heard anybody do with one of those songs.

I thought Natalie Cole was really good too but that dress was weird. A little bit longer(2 inches?)and it would have looked great on her. She sounded alot better and performed alot better than I expected. I love Jaime Fox but the acoustics didn't seem right for his song. Taylor Hicks sounded like he was shouting and didn't seem to have good pitch at all. I'm still trying to figure out how he won the competition a few years ago.:confused:

04-30-2009, 11:25 AM
I fast forwarded through all three performances last night. I tried to listen to Jamie, but the way his voice was synthesized I couldn't handle it. And I agree, Taylor wasn't that good. I really liked him on season 5 though. But I think because you could tell he was really enjoying himself.

05-06-2009, 07:07 AM
Adam was awesome...
Alison was awesome...
Danny was almost awesome...
Kris should pack his bags... :o

05-06-2009, 09:11 AM
Adam and Allison together were fantastic! ITA - Kris will probably go

05-06-2009, 09:16 AM
Wow, I really thought Kris was going to go all the way. But after last night I'm thinking my friend is right and he's going to go before Allison. :(
Still can't stand to hear Adam, although this genre was perfect for him.
Poor, poor Danny. The song went well right up until that last scream note. But then again, it was very hard to even hear him with the music. But yeah, not so good. :(
I really enjoyed Danny and Kris's duet. Yeah they hit some bad notes, but over all I like it.

So I'm done predicting what will happen. Anyone can go (even Danny :eek:).

05-06-2009, 10:18 AM
I loved the theme for last night's show. I thought Adam did the best, but I think that is because of what he was singing. I really don't like Allison.. I don't like her voice, I don't like looking at her, I don't like her song choices. I would be happy to see her or Kris leave. I still like Danny but last night it really seemed like all the life had been sucked out of him.. it was like he had no personality :confused:

05-06-2009, 11:49 AM
I loved last nights show because I'm very much into rock.:) Adam and Allison were great and so was their duet. I fear that Danny may be going home but I'm sure that the judges would save him. Danny is still my favorite though. Kris has a lot of young girls that adore him so he may still be safe this week.

05-06-2009, 12:33 PM
There is no judges save anymore. And I hope you aren't right, I don't want Danny to go home!!! :eek: :( I wouldn't mind seeing Allison or Kris leave (or Adam but I know he's not going anywhere).

Daisy and Delilah
05-06-2009, 01:35 PM
I loved the genre too. They sang some great songs.

Danny wasn't really good at all, Allison gave me goosebumps through part of the song--I am a Janis Joplin lover. Nobody can duplicate JJ completely. She did ok in some parts but not all the song. I almost missed Adam completely but the parts I heard were Zeppelinesque all the way. That's his favorite sound so I knew he was comfortable with that. Kris I thought was okay. I wish he wouldn't have done The Beatles though.

Both the duets were pretty good. I though Adam and Allison were really good.

It's hard to say whose headed home tonight. Probably Kris.

05-06-2009, 08:20 PM
I loved last night performances. I think the rock genre fitted most of them, epscially Adam and Allison. I really like their duet together. I think they are the best of the show. Kris was okay, Danny was wow. What was he thinking doing the screaming? He did that bad. Sadly, I think Danny or Kris will go home tonight.

05-06-2009, 09:06 PM
I think Allison has a lot more talent than Kris.. And in my opinion Kris should be the one that left. But I guess his little girl fan base is rather large, so he got more votes.
I think he's cute, but that's the only thing he has going. Danny, Adam, and Allison have WAY more talent than Kris ever thought of having.. I just really think he can't sing.

This is a very disappointing thing.. Allison should still be there. But maybe she will be like Chris Daughtry was. He got voted off in the same position as her, and look where he is now!

I thought Paula did a good job on her song.. Though she looked a bit whorish in that outfit.. She's too old to wear something like that IMO.

Gwen Stefani was just weird I thought.

I've always been a fan of Chris Daughtry, and thought it was great.

05-06-2009, 09:26 PM
I agree with everything you wrote.
Just sad to see Alison go.

Daisy and Delilah
05-06-2009, 10:12 PM
I was so sad to see Allison go. When she sang her song again, I was in tears. She did a great job on that song. She brought Janis back. I think she sounded better tonight than last night. I really hope she gets a contract and has a great career. For 17 years old, she's amazing and she looked so adorable tonight.

I was pretty surprised to see that Danny and Kris are still there and Allison left. Cori, you're right. The young girls calling are outnumbering the people that were voting for Allison. Anyway......somebody had to go. Last night, I thought about voting for Allison a million times but I didn't.

Gwen Stefani seemed a little out of shape and her band looked like a freak show.:eek: :) I still like her and the band.

Chris Daughtry is so awesome. I love him now more than I did when he was on the show. What a performer!!

I loved the rock theme. I could go for that every week.

05-07-2009, 12:06 AM
Whew! That was a little scary for me.

Yeah Paula did good because she wasn't really singing. There's no way she could sound like that while dancing around (and being thrown around) the stage so much. I mean, listen to Gwen, she sounded horrible and she was actually singing her song. Don't get me wrong, I love No Doubt and Gwen. But she did NOT sound good.

And I still love Chris Daughtry!!! :D :D

I'm sorry Allison is gone too. But this is the top three I was hoping for several weeks ago. :)

05-07-2009, 01:04 AM
I'm sorry to see Allison go but I'm glad that Danny is still there. I didn't realize that the judges were out of saves. I found it very interesting the during rock week Allison goes and she's known as the rocker chick and then during rat pack week Matt left and he should've done the best that week. I still hope that in the end that Danny will win.:)

Daisy and Delilah
05-13-2009, 08:24 AM
It was a pretty good show last night. I wanted to vote for somebody but I couldn't figure out who to vote for so I skipped it.

I thought Kris was exceptional. At this point, I look at them as, Who could sell the most records? Adam is the only one I think. But, his sound has been done over and over. It's going to be interesting to see who goes home tonight.

05-13-2009, 08:29 AM
According to www.dialidol.com SPOILER BELOW:

Danny will be leaving. It will be a Adam/Chris showdown. That's too bad because I like Danny and was hoping it would be a Adam/Danny showdown. Chris does nothing for me.

05-13-2009, 08:45 AM
I agree with Terry. It was a really good show.
I wanted to vote but didn't know for who so I didn't vote for anyone.
I have a feeling Danny will go home though.... He's great but wasn't as good as he usually is.
I dislike Kris but think he did really well with the second song.

05-13-2009, 01:54 PM
I didn't like Danny's first song.. I thought he sounded like he was screaming, and he should have known from last week that screaming does nothing for him.

My least favorite is Kris, but I really thought he did a good job. Especially with the first song. I thought he sounded really good. I was surprised at how much I preferred him over Danny last night.

What can I say about Adam.. He's always been my favorite, and I love him.. I have a feeling he won't be the winner of the competition, but I don't mind because I know he will be big regardless of whether or not he wins this show.
I know people say he screams when he sings too, but for some reason whatever he does works for him..

I don't even know who will be going home tonight.. With Allison going home last week, you never know what will happen.

Daisy and Delilah
05-13-2009, 05:52 PM
For some reason, I think Kris is going to win. I decided a long time ago it may not be Adam after all. :)

05-13-2009, 08:29 PM
Bye Danny!

I love Katy Perry!

Jordin Sparks is great as always!

I think Kris will be the winner too.. I don't think he's the most talented of the group.. But that's ok. It would be better for Adam not to win.

05-14-2009, 12:18 AM
I am so glad someone else pointed out Kris's mouth issues. Again, another thing that drives me nuts. LOL I laughed so hard when Anoop mimicked Kris. :D
But I had a strange feeling last night that he (Kris) just might win this whole thing.

The above is part of a quote from April 3rd (post #131) where I had a "feeling" Kris might win this whole thing. Boy do I hope I'm right!!! Even if he doesn't win at least he made it to the top two. :D
I was very sad to see Danny go. I haven't watched last nights show yet, but what he sang tonight was awesome!!!

05-14-2009, 05:14 AM
Very sad to see Danny go. He was very likable but just let the ball go the last two weeks.
I too have a feeling that Kris might win.... but I don't like him. :(
Katy Perry was great and so was Jordan Sparks.

Daisy and Delilah
05-14-2009, 09:55 AM
Every media person in the world thinks Adam will win. I still think it might be Kris. I think he has a larger fan base than Adam and that's all it takes. I think he's done some amazing songs this season but he hasn't been my favorite either. It's pretty cool to see how happy his parents are of him.

Cindy, good call. I never would have thunk it so far back.

Jordin Sparks looks so good. She sounded great and is such a beauty.

Katy Perry was great and looked amazing too. I loved the Elvis outfit with all the jewels. The person that "bejeweled" the jacket is really talented.:)

I was so sad to see Danny go. I think he is one of the most humble contestants we've ever had. When they started showing the footage of him talking about his wife, I just fell apart. He stayed composed so well. His home town thing was awesome. He was clearly overwhelmed and totally moved by it. Getting back with Jamar was fantastic. I hope to see a huge career for him. He's a really nice guy. All I could think of was how grateful I am that he got so far in the competition.

This season has been the best for me. I have renewed faith in the show. Now, if we can get the judges to stop acting like children and respect the show, it will be great.:( No matter what's going on, they act disrespectful and uninterested. Kudos to Randy for being good through the season.:)

05-14-2009, 12:05 PM
I still think Adam may win.

It was nice seeing Danny's "hometown" coverage, and all of theirs, and with Adam it was great to see him go back to where he started doing musical theater as a child and speak to the kids there. I had a feeling Danny would be going home, after his performances the last couple weeks. He'll do well with whatever he chooses to do next, for sure.

05-14-2009, 12:53 PM
The song they played the most throughout Kris's going home thing, was one of his best performances. I really love the way he sang it, and it made me realize he does have a good voice.

<script type="text/javascript" src="http://widgets.clearspring.com/o/49e3b4acb258ffb9/4a0c5a84239bc2a0/49e3b4ac73ab11c8/ae8b4eb8/-cpid/5aa6fbcc4f188eff/widget.js"></script>

Daisy and Delilah
05-14-2009, 01:42 PM
That's a beautiful song, Cori. Some of the songs he's done this season were awesome.

On this show, the judges look for perfection from the contestants. I've always thought some of them sound alot better than some of our greatest performers. Kris definitely has what it takes to market a great CD. I hope he gets good people to help him. :) His version of "Heartless" was unbelievable. Before Randy gave his opinion, that's exactly what I was thinking.

Karen, I think Adam could still win too. Many times I've thought he was so good it was unfair to the other contestants. The finale is going to be a great show.:)

05-19-2009, 01:08 PM
Wow ADAM was awesome even 9 years ago.
Singing at graduation:

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wA7bA6rhKvc&eurl=http%3A%2F%2Fvideo%2Egoogle%2Ecom%2Fvideosear ch%3Fhl%3Den%26q%3Dadam%2520lambert%26um%3D1%26ie% 3DUTF%2D8%26sa%3DN%26tab%3Dwv&feature=player_embedded

I will be in a class tonight and will miss it but will record it.

I hope he wins.

Too good not to... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q_zHjeqQ05o&feature=related

Daisy and Delilah
05-19-2009, 09:01 PM
Adam pretty much blew Kris out of the water tonight. I can't wait for tomorrow. I know so many people that love Kris. We'll see.

05-19-2009, 11:04 PM
Trying to vote - all of Adam's lines are busy!

05-19-2009, 11:15 PM
ugh am I the only one that always hates the songs that they have written for the winners song? I didn't think that song suited either one of them and they never do. I thought the song was terrible.

05-20-2009, 09:19 AM
ugh am I the only one that always hates the songs that they have written for the winners song? I didn't think that song suited either one of them and they never do. I thought the song was terrible.

No you are not. I didn't like it either. Although I thought Kris did it better than Adam. I could actually understand the words of the song when Kris was singing it. He sang it Daughtry style. :)

I REALLY liked Adam's Mad World song. It was even better last night than the first time he sang it. I woke up this morning with that song still in my head.
But again, I got the feeling from Adam that he is SOOO arrogant. It was like he was expecting the judges to praise him.

Oh well, it doesn't matter who wins, they will both be successful. :)

05-20-2009, 09:31 AM
I wasn't able to see the performances because we got home late.
We only saw the last 5 minutes when they were giving out the numbers.
I voted for Adam 5 times because I have always liked him.

I usually dislike the final song too. They are too sappy for my taste.

Oh .... and I had no idea that Carrie Underwood sang the song at the end ... the 'home sweet home' song.
I felt stupid that I had never recognised her voice.

Either way.... they both have brilliant futures ahead of them. Danny and some of the others too.

05-20-2009, 11:34 AM
The final song was painful to watch for both Adam and Kris. I think Kris even forgot some of the words.

I was able to get through on Adam's line about 6-7 times. It was pretty busy and I gave up after awhile.

Tonight will be exciting to watch. However, the song they'll have to sing at the end will just kill the whole show.

Daisy and Delilah
05-20-2009, 11:59 AM
I agree with everybody else. The songs they designate for them are the worst songs ever. No one can sing them well. Too busy is a good description. Too many words, changes, etc. etc. That one last night was awful. I can see Kara and the gang trying to outdo each other at the writing table. They must have decided to just stick in all of their ideas instead of streamlining it better.

I can't make a call on which one I liked the best. Ugh!!

Adam's Mad World song was AWESOME!! What a talented guy. I think he may be as successful as Carrie Underwood.

05-20-2009, 09:18 PM
Really great show. Lots of good performances.
They were both good but I can't help but feeling that Adam deserved to win a little more than Kris.

05-20-2009, 09:28 PM
Wow, that was a really good finale. Granted, I only watched a handful of episodes this whole season... I will even admit that I do not even know the names of any of the contestants.

I will say that I absolutely loved when Lionel Richie sang with the former idol contestant. Both of them sounded absolutely amazing.
And when the new judge showed up bikini girl... priceless!

Now I can't wait for So You Think You Can Dance! Yay! :D

Daisy and Delilah
05-20-2009, 09:40 PM

I think I was almost as surprised as Kris was. Before last night, I thought there was a good chance Kris would win. After last night's performances, I thought it would be Adam. His family seemed really surprised too. Adam was such a favorite and he outsang Kris so much, I think he deserved it more too. I don't worry about Adam at all.

I can't believe how awesome the show was tonight. Great job in planning it. I love Carlos Santana. When I saw Queen come on, I thought I would lose it. I love Queen!!!

All the performances were great. I thought the Idol contestants sounded as good or better than the guests. It shows what a good group we had this year.

Now, what will I do without AI until it comes back?:(

05-20-2009, 11:34 PM
OMG Kris won? holy smokes I didn't see that coming at ALL


but tonight was the BEST finale show EVER. Rod Stewart was on... I LOOOOOOOVE him

05-21-2009, 12:20 AM
That was awesome!! I can't believe I was right so long ago about who would win. I must say I'm proud of myself. LOL I never predict these things.....EVER!!

05-21-2009, 07:44 AM
I'm speechless. Goodbye American Idol. Hello So You Think You Can Dance.

05-21-2009, 10:14 AM
I always watch the beginning (it's so funny) skip the middle shows and watch at the end. I am glad Kris won. The judges were really hoping for Adam and I feel that was wrong to pick a favorite and be so vocal about it. Adam a great singer no doubt has the looks which I believe pre-teens go for. He is flashy. Hard to miss. I got a vibe from him in the beginning that he might be gay. Not that there is anything wrong with that!!!!!
But again I think his fan base is young girls. He looks to me a bit like Eddie Munster (does anyone remember that show) add 40 years and 40 lbs and he reminds me of Liberace.

05-21-2009, 02:02 PM
I got a vibe from him in the beginning that he might be gay. Not that there is anything wrong with that!!!!!
But again I think his fan base is young girls. He looks to me a bit like Eddie Munster (does anyone remember that show) add 40 years and 40 lbs and he reminds me of Liberace.

When Adam goes into Fabulous hysterics during his numbers was my big clue.
Anyway he is the superior singer, and should have won.
(I would have given Kris no higher than 7th place)

I remember Eddie Munster, but we've been calling Adam:

"Adam's family Lambert" for quite some time.

Best performance of the season was his Ring of Fire! (in the phrygian mode)

05-21-2009, 02:22 PM
I I got a vibe from him in the beginning that he might be gay. Not that there is anything wrong with that!!!!!

I did too as did many people. I read somewhere that Kris got Danny's votes because they were both Christian wholesome types.
What a bunch of homophobes.... sorry but I am being a sore loser. :o
I think Adam should have won... and I agree I think there were many others that were voted off that had much better vocals than crooked mouth Kris. :P

05-21-2009, 02:27 PM
What a bunch of homophobes....
ITA. I'm kinda shocked to read that here, but then I don't participate on PT as much as I used to before.

So what if Adam is gay or bi or whatever, he's a terrific performer and he had my vote from the beginning. I'm even planning to go to the AI concert just to see him before he get really big - and he will.

05-21-2009, 02:31 PM
Let me clarify... (and, please, if you quote me, you should quote the whole post, not just 5 words) I think many people voted for Kris because they really saw him as the better contestant but others voted for Kris because they didn't approve of Adam's (supposed) lifestyle. I'm not calling anyone names here of course ... I was just generalizing. Sorry if I offended anyone.

05-21-2009, 02:43 PM
I hope that people did NOT vote for either one because of being gay or straight or in-between. I hope they voted for pure talent. My reason for the post was that most of the voters I believe are those same pre-teens 11 -16 and I would have thought that Adam was the more attractive to them, but who knows. I at that age adored David Bowie, Jimmy Page, Ringo Starr and Jimmy Morrison, guys like John Denver were too bland for my taste. I don't think a rock stars life style was something I approved or disappoved of, I either found them hot and interesting and talented or not. Rock stars are suppose to be hot and dangerous that is what sells extra seats at concerts.

05-21-2009, 03:05 PM
Although it was never addressed on the show, Adam is definitely gay. He talked about it during an interview... He's done drag.. the whole bit. I always look forward to the gay contestants.. I was really rooting for Nathaniel.. but oh well. =)

I agree with Beeniesmom. I think a lot of people turned to Kris from Danny. I always wondered why he stayed in the competition so long... He was always the one I forgot about. It was like So and So.. Oh yea and Him. I think he'll end up like Reuben and Taylor... One hit wonders. I seriously LOL-ed at your 'crooked mouth' comment. That was too funny.

Watching all the performances last night, we were like... wow they all made it to the top 13? Some of them are just plain awful... Jorge.. :gag: Adam's always been good.. from the beginning. I definitely think he should have won.. oh well.. We all know he'll get signed to do something, whether its singing or performing.

05-21-2009, 03:27 PM
I'm speechless. Goodbye American Idol. Hello So You Think You Can Dance.

YES! It starts tonight!! We'll have to start a new thread for it. :D

I also hope America did not not vote for Adam because of his sexual preference. That doesn't have a darn thing to do with how well you can or can't sing. There are rockers that are/were gay. Freddie Mercury from Queen. Another band that I can't think of the name of right now. And I'm sure there are plenty out there that haven't admitted to it because they are afraid of how they will be accepted. That's just sad.

Anyway, I'm glad Kris won. :)

Daisy and Delilah
05-21-2009, 07:02 PM
I forgot to mention how painful it was to watch Megan Joy last night. OMG!!! It was like being tortured.:( :rolleyes: :(

There were so many of those contestants that sang so much better than Kris for sure!!! I just can't see Kris turning into a mega talent. The girls will buy his CD's but can it last??:confused:

05-21-2009, 07:47 PM
I forgot to mention how painful it was to watch Megan Joy last night. OMG!!! It was like being tortured.:( :rolleyes: :(

There were so many of those contestants that sang so much better than Kris for sure!!! I just can't see Kris turning into a mega talent. The girls will buy his CD's but can it last??:confused:

I really liked Meagan... until she kind of gave up. Now every time I see her.. she looks like she's just going through the motions. Its sad.

I agree with you about Kris.

05-21-2009, 09:37 PM
I was really rooting for Nathaniel.. but oh well. =)

Me too! I liked his voice.

05-21-2009, 10:19 PM
I only watched the show once this season and that was for a couple performances last night. I agree, Adam should have won. Either way, I can see both making something of themselves. I say they both won to see who they performed with last night!

05-21-2009, 10:47 PM
(laughing to myself) I am 0 for 2 on picking reality show winners! I picked Gilles on "Dancing with the Stars", and Adam (after Danny left) on "American Idol". Food Network's "Next Food Network Star" starts June 7th, and I will probably not get that one right either. You all better not take me to a casino or have me pick your lotto numbers :eek:!

I heard a previous "American Idol" finalist on the radio (and her name escapes me) saying that being on the show actually hurt her career. She was limited to only certain appearances and publicity because of her agreement with the show, and couldn't do other gigs outside of that.

05-22-2009, 09:36 AM
I think Adam was the better talent of the two, but Kris does well too. Both will get careers out of this, but I actually think Adam is better off not winning, he is free to do what he wants right away, Kris has some AI contracts to fulfill first. I was kinda glad Adam didn't win, but I thought he should have based strictly on the whole season and the talent he has. I don't care one bit about his sexual preference, he wasn't on American gay/straight...I think they have very different styles, both unique and good in their own ways. Danny will do well too imo.

05-22-2009, 02:58 PM
True story, a coworker* of mine said a while back that she wasn't going to vote for Adam "because he's gay." So yeah, there's people like that out there. A lot of them.

*Same coworker that told me I was going to hell because I support gay rights.

05-22-2009, 03:17 PM
True story, a coworker* of mine said a while back that she wasn't going to vote for Adam "because he's gay." So yeah, there's people like that out there. A lot of them.

*Same coworker that told me I was going to hell because I support gay rights.

So sad. :(

05-22-2009, 03:36 PM
Told you guys! There really are a lot of ummm intolerant people out there... not to say another word.
I guess I'm going to hell too.

True story, a coworker* of mine said a while back that she wasn't going to vote for Adam "because he's gay." So yeah, there's people like that out there. A lot of them.

*Same coworker that told me I was going to hell because I support gay rights.

05-22-2009, 03:44 PM
yeah I don't believe you should vote for OR against anyone based on their sexual orientation.

Adam was a great performer... but I was kinda getting tired of the same thing all the time. he does the exact same scream in every song and it just started to get a little old for me. I also wasn't a big fan of Kris either. So I didn't even vote in the finals... didn't really care who won at that point.

I said before that Danny was my favorite... but I take that back. Allison was my favorite. I thougth she was fantastic and at such a young age to have a voice like that. wow.

and since someone brought up So you think you can dance... did anyone else's episode screw up half way through last night or was it just me that got jipped lol

05-22-2009, 06:26 PM
Ok I think i can finally safely enter this thread now that the competition is over, it screened last night which is your thursday in NZ.

I was a great fan of Adam, and really wanted him to win,even way back i had picked him and Danny to be the final two, i was disappointed Danny just missed out, but Kris is a cutie pie and i do like him.

Kris really does lack confidence though, even on winning i was so surprised to hear his comment, Adam so deserves this.

I had not read anywhere that Adam was gay, but i picked it up myself, just in his mannerism, i don't care either way , that boy is gorgeous and sure can sing, i do think however that is style of singing would not appeal to everyone,especially the older age group like my parents for instance would think he was just awful, even some in my age group, but Kris would appeal to all age groups,and i think that is why he won, because both guys are so talented.

Of course one could say Kris is more talented because he can sing and play a musical instrument together, but it is really about singing isn't it?

Whatever happens both will go a long way.

I so enjoyed watching the finale, it was the best one i have ever seen, with some of my favourites performing, Rod Stewart, Carlos Santana, kiss,etc etc,three hours of pure entertainment, and i loved the segment with bikini girl, that was hilarious.

I am afraid that nick guy just does nothing for me in the laugh's department, i find him just plain silly.

Can someone fill me in on what has happened to David Cook's family, i assumed it has something to do with his brother, we down under don't know about it at all, so are in the dark here thanks .

All in All as a big American Idol groupie i will miss the show, and cannot wait until next years.:)

Daisy and Delilah
05-22-2009, 08:14 PM
Carole, David Cook's brother passed away about a month ago. I think it was cancer. Very sad.:(

I have to chime in on this. I am just shocked that people would not vote for someone because they are gay. That is pathetic.
Not once, during the competition, did I ever think about that at all. Is that why Clay Aiken didn't win the top spot too?

Yes, Cindy, it is sad. :( :( :(

05-22-2009, 09:29 PM
Yes I believe David cooks brother had brain cancer if I am not mistaken and it was like a 10 year battle and he recently passed away :(

did you watch last season? he had AC on his guitar... that was his brothers initials when he was still battling the disease

05-22-2009, 09:35 PM
Told you guys! There really are a lot of ummm intolerant people out there... not to say another word.
I guess I'm going to hell too.

Hey, you can sit at my table! I'm going to have a party, there's lots of us that will be there! :)

05-22-2009, 10:07 PM
Supposedly David came to the auditions with his brother. His brother was auditioning. One of the people from the show asked if he was auditioning and he said no and they said why not. So he went ahead and did it. So when he won he said he owed it all to his brother. :) I was very sad to hear his brother had passed. Even though I wasn't a big fan of David's.

Sparks, my So You Think You Can Dance was fine all the way through. My DVR sometimes pauses for a brief second and has pixelation (is that a word?) issues, but only for a second as well.
Don't worry, you didn't miss much if you missed anything. I think I'll start a thread on it, or maybe I'll wait until they get to the top 20.

Daisy and Delilah
05-23-2009, 07:48 PM
Has anybody read what Clay Aiken said about Adam on his blog? What got into Clay? Those comments were so childish and should never have been written for the public to see. I don't care how much he tries to apologize, there isn't much he can change. It's too late.

I think Clay has a good voice but I think his negative media attention a while back was enough to make him try to keep his mouth shut.:(

05-24-2009, 06:51 PM
thank you for filling me in, is this the same brother who auditioned with him ,surely not, very sad indeed.

Did you hear that Queen are talking to Adam, i think they want him as their lead singer, now if that is not an honour i don't know what is, i think that is even bigger than winning American Idol. :)

05-24-2009, 07:11 PM
thank you for filling me in, is this the same brother who auditioned with him ,surely not, very sad indeed.

Yes, the same brother he auditioned with. He wouldn't have been there if it hadn't been for his brother.

Daisy and Delilah
05-24-2009, 11:24 PM
I was thinking he would be the perfect lead singer for Queen!!!! That's awesome. That would be the best thing he ever could have dreamed about getting from this thing.:D SO COOL!!!! Thanks for posting that info, Carole.:)

05-24-2009, 11:34 PM
I don't know... Queen will never be the same without Freddie Mercury... I actually think it kind of sucks for a newbie to get in with a band that lost a classic member. He may have success but then again he may not... he's great... but he's not and never will be freddie mercury. just like that dude that took over the lead singing spot for journey... have you hear anything new from them? I think adam would be better off with a fresh new band of his own to make himself a name instead of trying to fit into the name of someone else :(

I didn't see what happened with clay aiken