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02-11-2009, 12:32 PM
Remember back in September when I made the thread about passing out at work and hitting my head? I did it again. :(

I was grooming a dog and my grooming manager Amy was showing me how to finish the head (I'm becoming an actual groomer) and I felt a little lightheaded, so I told her I was going to sit down. I sat down on one of the tables and all of a sudden everything got really loud and I could hear buzzing and when I came to, Tiffany (another groomer) was holding me up and calling my name.

*sigh* No idea what caused it this time. My boss took me home so I'm going to just make something to eat and take a nap.

:( What a way to embarrass yourself at work.

02-11-2009, 12:37 PM
Are you hypoglycemic? A friend of mine was, she always had to make sure she had snacks handy so she didn't pass out. Maybe something to check with your doctor about! That's just not fun!

02-11-2009, 12:45 PM
Are you hypoglycemic? A friend of mine was, she always had to make sure she had snacks handy so she didn't pass out. Maybe something to check with your doctor about! That's just not fun!

My thoughts exactly. I'd see the doc to find out what's going on.

02-11-2009, 12:45 PM
That must be so scary! I've never passed out like that before. Only time I know of was when I was about 4 and was kicked off a gate by a horse. But of course I don't remember it.
You should definitely see the doctor about this. If you drive that could be very dangerous.

02-11-2009, 12:45 PM
Maybe. I didn't go to the doctor this time because as of right now, I don't have insurance. I feel fine, much better than I did the first time I passed out. I think I kind of knew it was going to happen because I got really dizzy and sweaty so I sat down, but I should have sat on the floor or told someone or something.

02-11-2009, 12:51 PM
Maybe. I didn't go to the doctor this time because as of right now, I don't have insurance. I feel fine, much better than I did the first time I passed out. I think I kind of knew it was going to happen because I got really dizzy and sweaty so I sat down, but I should have sat on the floor or told someone or something.

Were you working on an empty stomach? Maybe your blood sugar took a dive - it kinda sounds like it.

02-11-2009, 12:52 PM
Okay. To be safe, just have a little snack handy - pretzels or a piece of fruit something simple, every couple hours. That's what Reenie had to do.

02-11-2009, 01:01 PM
That sounds like what happened to me when we went to visit Bruce's mom at the hospital after her hip replacement. I hadn't eaten ALL day and began to feel dizzy. I was sweating horribly but was shivering like I was freezing. I had to leave the room and go sit in a waiting area. I did not pass out though, thank goodness. I'm sure people would have thought it was because I was at the hospital. I am not afraid of hospitals like some people.

Definitely keep snacks handy and see a doctor as soon as you can. You don't want to end up in the ER without insurance either.

02-11-2009, 01:20 PM
The thing is, I'm not a breakfast person. Never have, it usually makes me sick to eat in the morning. I've been going to work in the morning with out eating for a long time... Don't know why it hit me so hard today. I feel fine otherwise. My head isn't so sore this time, lol.

02-11-2009, 01:22 PM
The thing is, I'm not a breakfast person. Never have, it usually makes me sick to eat in the morning. I've been going to work in the morning with out eating for a long time... Don't know why it hit me so hard today. I feel fine otherwise. My head isn't so sore this time, lol.

Experiment, find something - even if it is just plain Saltines - that you can eat in the morning, or an apple. Obviously, your body's trying to tell you something!

02-11-2009, 01:25 PM
Lol, yeah, my dad lectured me too... "Eat this, drink that, take vitamins..." I've been trying, really, but I have such a hard time remembering to take vitamins.

02-11-2009, 01:25 PM
The thing is, I'm not a breakfast person. Never have, it usually makes me sick to eat in the morning. I've been going to work in the morning with out eating for a long time... Don't know why it hit me so hard today. I feel fine otherwise. My head isn't so sore this time, lol.

Hope you didn't mind me reading your thread - but I thought of something, I am not a morning person either, I don't like to eat breakfast... you know, you can consider this option - breakfast energy drinks, I use Carnation mix in my milk - it offers protein and holds off your hunger for 2-4 hours - but it's up to you. I do this, because it works out. :) I just never had TIME to eat breakfast in college... so I went this way!

02-11-2009, 02:37 PM
Like others have said, it is probably because of your body utterly running out of energy for a time. You need.. wait.. have to eat something for breakfast, otherwise your body is running on whats stored inside you, which isn't all too much. Not eating breakfast is equivalent to not eating for nearly 18 hours (if you eat dinner at 6PM, and if you actually eat lunch at 12).

02-11-2009, 03:38 PM
I had the same experiences when I was in high school and until I was 30! I ended up with a broken tooth from falling into a metal couch frame.

I hated the thought of breakfast. I'd get queasy just thinking about it. I could manage a cracker or two, and then about 10 AM maybe an apple. Mom used to make Coco-Wheats (chocolate cream of wheat), add a lot of milk, and pour it into me when she could. When I was older, I learned to snack on something. Never could understand skipping lunch, though.

Can you try a piece of cheese? I take some to work to snack on now. It has lots of protein and that's what you need most.

02-11-2009, 05:09 PM
If it isn't hypoglycemia, is it possible that you may be sensitive to a chemical, one of the grooming products perhaps? The reason I ask is that a few years ago I opened a bottle of Pine Sol and had the same reaction that you had and I hit the floor. I had no idea that Pine Sol would affect me that way. I had to go home and I was sick in bed for two days. If you really think that your blood sugar level was normal, maybe it's something like that. :)

02-11-2009, 06:52 PM
PLEASE see a doctor ASAP!!!! I understand that not having insurance is a major problem but your posts are setting off alarms in my head. From what you describe, you may be diabetic. Believe me, this is not something to take lightly. Is there a clinic or a hospital where you can be checked out? Please contact your local social services office, you might qualify for medical assistance.

02-11-2009, 10:00 PM
When it happened in September, the check my blood sugar levels multiple times and everything was fine. I'm not sure why I passed out today, but I feel fine now. I promise I'll get myself some snacks to have in the morning. Hopefully that will help.

02-11-2009, 10:54 PM
I can't do breakfast, but I CAN and ADORE my morning coffee ;) Hey, a little caffeine addiction is worth getting a little sugar/energy into my system. Besides, if I have coffee in the morning, chances are I won't drink it for the rest of the day. So, I get about a cup a day.

About two hours after you wake up and are able to really eat, DO so. A small bag of your favorite snack will go far. Breakfast isn't a meal to skip, but we all tend to do it so we should all try to find the best compromise :)

Also, after you get in this habit of getting a mid-morning snack, your body will "train" itself to feel hungrier earlier. It makes breakfast a lot easier.

02-13-2009, 08:58 PM
Doing much better. I bought some vitamins that I've been taking every day, and the Carnation breakfast drink thing. It tastes like chocolate milk, and with that and the vitamin, I'm getting most of my daily needs met as far as nutrients go. I also got some of those Special K20 protein water drink mixes, the pink lemonade flavor. For having 5g of protein in them, they taste AMAZING! And the curb your appetite for a while, so I would recommend them to anyone who needs a boost or is trying to lose weight.

So far so good. =]

02-13-2009, 11:17 PM
Doing much better. I bought some vitamins that I've been taking every day, and the Carnation breakfast drink thing. It tastes like chocolate milk, and with that and the vitamin, I'm getting most of my daily needs met as far as nutrients go. I also got some of those Special K20 protein water drink mixes, the pink lemonade flavor. For having 5g of protein in them, they taste AMAZING! And the curb your appetite for a while, so I would recommend them to anyone who needs a boost or is trying to lose weight.

So far so good. =]

Oh, good - glad you are giving your body some fuel, so it doesn't kick out on ya again! :)

Cinder & Smoke
02-13-2009, 11:42 PM
Doing much better ...

So far so good.

You're kidding yourself ... you need to find out what MAY be wrong!

Find a Friend who is Diabetic and has a Glucose Meter and supplies!!
* Get the Friend to clean & *stick* your finger
* Squeeze a drop of blood and TEST it with the meter
* The Diabetic Friend should know the acceptable ranges of high, low, just right.

NOTE: They'll have to "erase" the reading from memory or reset their meter's
memory if your reading is outside their 'average' reading - otherwise their averages
will be off. (Lots of Diabetics don't use the average feature; but ask.)

Another option:
* Visit the local Fire Station or Ambulance Post - EMTs and Medics have
access to Test Kits in their aid kits - depending on local protocols;
they may be very willing to administer a "free" blood glucose test.

No matter what - please get yourself TESTED!!


02-14-2009, 09:16 AM
A lot of things can cause fainting. Low blood pressure or "orthostatic hypotension" (you can look it up), iron deficiency or anemia, or more serious things such as diabetes. It may be something small like the lack of nutrition in the morning as you suspected, but it is a very serious situation if you could pass out at any time. You could fall and crack your skull, and also shouldn't ever drive if you are prone to fainting attacks. I'd go in for some routine labs and just make sure everything checks out. They'd check for anemia, glucose, thyroid panel, and so on. Hopefully though, it was a nutritional deficiency that you are already taking care of.

02-14-2009, 10:22 AM
A friend of mine was diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes a few years ago.

In the course of getting information, she found out that every person that had diabetes had skipped breakfast all or most of their lives.

That doesn't mean that everyone who skips breakfast will get it.


If you can manage a glucose tolerance test - the long one where they test how your body manages sugar - that would be a great idea.
