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View Full Version : Makes you wonder...."Swiffers Toxic"?!?!

Lori Jordan
02-11-2009, 11:34 AM
The day my Mil was in having Robin put to sleep there was a man in the vets picking the ashes up for his sheltie and 2 cats.

If you use a swiffer wet jet please be careful,It apparently is toxic to animals puts them in Liver Failure.I just recently bought a swiffer but never got the bottles..They say it is just below AntiFreeze.

My neighbor told me not to worry...I have dogs that lick the floor for some odd reason so im not going to take the chance,I thought it would be a bargain but the hot water and vinagar is just going to have to work like it has for years.

02-11-2009, 11:39 AM
Fortunately, this is not true. Check it out on snopes.com. I received an email about this same thing a while back and checked it out because I thought it strange that it could still be on the market if it was dangerous. Just another fast spreading rumor.

Lori Jordan
02-11-2009, 11:48 AM
I would not say it was a rumor..my mother in law was in the vets office.When the owner was in to pick the ashes up of his pets.Regardless that is enough for me to not take the chance.And any cleaners say call if injested...it has to some kind of harm.

02-11-2009, 11:49 AM
There was no evidence, but look how many dogs had to die of suspected melamine poisoning before they recalled dog food. Hundreds of owners went without compensation because they can't prove the dog food did it. I think you're better off using the swiffer without the swiffer product in it. Can't you just fill it with vinegar water? or bleach water? Its better for you and your animals to use less toxic cleaners in your house and more natural ones.

02-11-2009, 11:51 AM
:o I would not take any chances && keep on using your HotWater & Vinagar.. That would be the safest..

Lori Jordan
02-11-2009, 11:52 AM
There was no evidence, but look how many dogs had to die of suspected melamine poisoning before they recalled dog food. Hundreds of owners went without compensation because they can't prove the dog food did it. I think you're better off using the swiffer without the swiffer product in it. Can't you just fill it with vinegar water? or bleach water? Its better for you and your animals to use less toxic cleaners in your house and more natural ones.

I was thinking about that.I just got the swiffer not the cleaner it was not a packaged deal.I was going to go and buy a bottle and see if i could dump the cleaner and use the vinegar.Swiffers i have heard nothing but how much of a lifesaver they are.It just scares me to death after hearing that,why take the chance?

Lori Jordan
02-11-2009, 11:56 AM
:o I would not take any chances && keep on using your HotWater & Vinagar.. That would be the safest..

Im not saying i ever used the cleaner,my mother in law was with me when i bought it and called me right after she got back from the vets and told me what happend with the man and his pets.I stay away from any cleaners i have always used either vinagar and lemon juice.

I was more making a post for anyone on here that may use a swiffer to be careful.

02-11-2009, 12:03 PM
I just posted the info about snopes as a general statement, so that anyone can read it and make their own decisions. I use Swiffer and have never had any issues, however I do make sure the floor is completely dry before any of the critters walk on it. :)

Daisy and Delilah
02-11-2009, 12:12 PM
I use it too. I also make the girls stay away from the wet floor.

This is interesting.

02-11-2009, 12:27 PM
I just don't clean my floors. (just kidding!)
I actually use the Hoover floor cleaner machine. I think I'll check out the label on the cleaner and see what it says. But I usually don't allow pets or boyfriend on the floor until it is dry. Or I walk around with a towel to dry it faster.

That is very sad about that mans pets. :(

02-11-2009, 12:45 PM
I have heard this. When Kaysha came to California with me, the one thing the vets there asked was, was she around any cleaners for the floors, swiffers, any store bought floor cleaner. She was so sick! They were surprised she made it:( They said the only explanation is; there is none since the only thing i couldn't answer was were the floors cleaned. Obviously its bad to say it was a swiffer but it didn't help they had one... I have heard it elsewhere but like somebody said there is no proof so I don't want to be a finger pointer. Just thought I would add I heard it too

Lori Jordan
02-11-2009, 01:42 PM
I did not make the thread for a debate or to point fingers,i thought it was a helpful hint that you really do have to be careful on what household products you use,Not only for your pets but also your children.the way i look at it back when all people would use is vinegar or lemon juice to wash there floors,Look at today with all the cancers and such its all the poisons that we are surrounded buy that are doing these things.

02-11-2009, 03:55 PM
I dont see what people love so much about swiffer anyways
we have a swiffer wet jet and it never does a very good job of cleaning the floor...
never had any problems with the dogs though

02-11-2009, 05:10 PM

Daisy and Delilah
02-11-2009, 10:07 PM
I dont see what people love so much about swiffer anyways
we have a swiffer wet jet and it never does a very good job of cleaning the floor...
never had any problems with the dogs though

Thank you for saying that!!! I really love my string mop better. My swiffer won't get into corners--I saw a commercial tonight and I guess the new swiffer is designed to do corners better.

02-11-2009, 10:55 PM
I did not make the thread for a debate or to point fingers,i thought it was a helpful hint that you really do have to be careful on what household products you use,Not only for your pets but also your children.the way i look at it back when all people would use is vinegar or lemon juice to wash there floors,Look at today with all the cancers and such its all the poisons that we are surrounded buy that are doing these things.

yeah very true. Thanks for bringing it up it is something that should be a constant reminder