View Full Version : Sneaky kitten joins North Andover family on ski trip

02-11-2009, 11:04 AM

NORTH ANDOVER, Mass. -- A seven-month-old kitten hid underneath the hood of a car and racked up some serious mileage.

The pet kitten traveled almost 100 miles with a family driving from North Andover to New Hampshire.

The family made the discovery in Mt. Sunapee, N.H. when they heard cries from under the hood of their SUV.

Stephanie Cooke was in that car and thought, "Oh my God, one of the cats got into the car."

The noise in the engine started when the Cooke's arrived at Mt. Sunapee to go skiing, an hour and a half from their North Andover home.

Fearing the worst, Stephanie's husband undid the latch to look under the hood.

"I couldn't believe it, the cat just popped right up and I went right over to it and it was totally fine."

Maddie, the family's seven-month-old kitten had managed to hitch a ride in the engine compartment of their Hummer.

Stephanie said somehow in the hustle and bustle of getting out the door to go skiing, so had Maddie.

"She just found this little nooky spot and that's where her head popped up and managed to survive an hour and a half in the car."

The family made sure Maddie rode home in the backseat of the car.

"You know how they say cats have nine lives, well I think she maybe has one left after that."

02-12-2009, 05:35 PM
Well now that the Kitten is there , she will enjoy her visit to the Chalet and I think that she will love the fondu, especially with chunks of steak.
Yummies in the tummy!!!

02-12-2009, 06:42 PM
That is one lucky feline! :eek: