View Full Version : Basil's White Coats Visit

09-20-2002, 11:46 AM
I had to take Basil to the vet yesterday because he's been coughing and his right eye had been weepy lately. Turns out he has conjuctivitis. So, every morning and evening for ten days, all three cats get a little bowl of milk (about 1 tablespoon). Basil's of course, is spiked with amoxicillin/potassium (+ a "c" word here).

He was SO scared this time. He's been to the vet twice before and was fine. The last time he really resisited having his temperature taken so they had to bring him in the back to do it. This time, I asked if he could sit on my lap and do it...he did so well! Poor thing, I think he shook the entire time. :(

I bet he's so glad its all over! :D

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
09-20-2002, 11:53 AM
Oh, poor little Basil! Maybe that's why he has seemed so needy lately. I feel that way when I'm not feeling well too. ;) I sure hope he's feeling better soon so he doesn't have to make anymore of those dreaded trips to the white coats. Poor little Basil. :(

09-20-2002, 12:19 PM
Oh Basil - poor furbaby. But still MILK every morning!! Lucky puddycat!
Hope you'll soon be back to chasing around and driving Mummy insane!

I hope this 'white coat' visit hasn't put you off vet visiting :confused: :eek: :confused:


09-20-2002, 01:03 PM
Oh, bless his little Basil heart!! He certainly has had his run of white coat visits!! At least he gets a tasty treat out of it too...MILK!! :D :D I'm sure Noah and Noel don't mind that extra distraction! LOL LOL
I hope his eye clears up soon! Give him a little extra lovin's for me!:D

09-20-2002, 02:02 PM
Poor brave Basil!!! I hope he gets better real soon. Don't be surprised though, if the others get it. I went through this with all four of my boys about a year ago. They all had to have eye drops and anitibiotics. They are all fat and sassy now and it's never come back. Fingers and paws and tails all crossed for a speedy recovery for Basil and that the others don't get it.

09-20-2002, 02:07 PM
I hope Basil is "looking" good soon, and that the others don't get it. I sooo dislike having to put drops in my cats eyes...and judging by their reaction, they don't like it either. Sounds better to have the med in the food! Good luck, sweet Basil.

09-20-2002, 04:12 PM
Ah thanks!! You are all so sweet!! :)

He is actually acting quite normal....must be the "kitten" in him. :D Thanks for all your well wishes! I'll pass them on to him.

I sooo dislike having to put drops in my cats eyes...and judging by their reaction, they don't like it either. Sounds better to have the med in the food!

Me too!! I hate having to do that...Noah came with an Upper Respitory Infection when we got him...I had my hubby do that eye thing for me.

09-21-2002, 09:42 PM
Oh, poor Basil. :( I sure hope he's feeling better soon and that Noah and Noel don't get it too. At least they all get to drink milk everyday. :) Good luck.

09-22-2002, 05:08 PM
Dear Basil boy...I'm so sorry you weren't feeling well and had to visit the white coats:( But you were such a brave boy and having Mommy there was a big comfort!!:) I hope you feel better very soon, sweetie!