View Full Version : Searching for super old threads...

02-10-2009, 12:48 PM
In general, someone asked why we joined PT. I couldn't remember, so I started on a search of my oldest thread/post. It seems that I can only go back one year. Is this so?

02-10-2009, 12:49 PM
:) I think that is right.. I think its like 300 post & threads in the history file..

02-10-2009, 01:05 PM
I just did by searching for the word Graemer, my RB kitty.

02-10-2009, 01:42 PM
In general, someone asked why we joined PT. I couldn't remember, so I started on a search of my oldest thread/post. It seems that I can only go back one year. Is this so?

No, you can change the parameters of the search by changing the parameters to "a year ago" "and older" or you can even - if you are looking for a post of your own, just hit "Show all posts by" and yourself.

But if you want to know when you joined, that information is under your profile!

02-10-2009, 01:46 PM
You need to use the other boxes too (something like as in attachment).

Johanna, I found these for you,

02-10-2009, 02:24 PM
Thank you, that took me back to 2002! But, I could tell I was an active member at that time, not a newbie. I am trying to find my first post.

When I do what you say, it only goes back to 300 posts ago. I tried the one year and later, and it again gave me 300 posts.

Hmmm....can anyone find their first post?

02-10-2009, 02:28 PM
Johanna, I also only can go 300 posts back when I search "posts" started by myself, which isn't very much, but searching for threads, it takes me back to 2004.

If you remember the title of the thread, it will make it easier. Or if you know it's a thread with lots of replies, click on "Replies" on a specific forum (like Cat General) and the threads with the most replies will be in front. ;)

Would be nice if you could search for a date, though.

02-10-2009, 05:18 PM
Here you go Johanna, could this be it? Sept 4th 2002, 'Help with a timid (feral?). There are number of Welcome to PT in there. :D


This search looks like it shows them in order.

I used

Find posts from
A year ago - and older

Sort results by
Thread start date - in Ascending order

Show results as

I also found posts from 2002 by using same but changing the 'Show results as' from Threads to Posts.
However as they are not in your posts date order you have to scroll through the lists.

P.s. It's kind of sad seeing all the names of people who no longer post. :(

02-10-2009, 05:54 PM
Thank you, you are right! Search by "Lasting Posting Date" in Ascending order, show results as posts

Here is the link for Cataholic:


Johanna, hope this helps!

02-11-2009, 08:30 AM
Thank you, Karen and Chris! I did find the first post from me. WOW that takes me back, very sad when I read what was going on in my life then, and knowing that 3 of my babies are RB cats. And, I agree, seeing some of the people post then, and that they don't post any longer. Maybe taking a trip down memory lane wasn't such a great idea.

I am kind of bummed out right now.