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Laura's Babies
02-09-2009, 02:33 PM
On my company web sight too! This really gives you a idea of what it is like out there, just how hard those guys work.


02-09-2009, 02:40 PM
Wow, that was fascinating. I never knew exactly what the boats you were on did. I just knew you were the cook. :p
How does your schedule on the boat work? They said all the guys work on for 6 hours off for 6 hours.
Also, you work for a month then are off for a month. Is that right?

Thanks for sharing the video. :D

02-09-2009, 02:54 PM
:eek: WoW that was a Nice Video of your Company's Boat & Job.. Now I wish they would have given the Chef a little credit here..

Laura's Babies
02-09-2009, 04:02 PM
Cooks have their own schedule, breakfast is from 5 to 6 am... Lunch is from 11 to noon and supper is from 5 to 6. It depends on what that days meals are as to how much time we need to prepare it. I usually allow 2 hours cooking time and the hour serving and cleaning up time. There are days I work more and days I work less.

Being on a different boat I started 30 to 45 minutes early simply because when you go somewhere you don't know, you don't know where anything is, food, pans, bowls, tools ect. A prime example was I spent 15 minutes looking for the cake pans I needed to bake the cake I was making last trip.

To toot my own horn one of the deckhands told me they needed another catagory for cooks (right now we have cook 1, cook 2, and cook 3..3 being the highest paid and I am cook 3). He said they need another catagory for cooks like me, he said I should be called a Chef since I was the best one he had ever met and I should be paid more!.. One of the Captains I rode with on there also told me he has been out there for 30 years and I was the BEST darn cook he has ever seen! That I go that extra mile and make a lot more things than anyone he has ever seen, he said most just make enough to pass as a meal and that is all.. They use all the convient, easy stuff and I cook from scratch, making it myself.. said he has never seen a cook like me..

(Now I know why my Captain is always asking me if I am fixing to "drag up" on him.. He is so worried that I will quit or ask for a transfer... now I know WHY! And now I also know why when we are up in the area of the company, everybody comes to eat with us)

Yes, we work 28 on/28 off as a normal schedule.

At any given time of the day or night, there are people sleeping. The only time everyone on the boat is up is during watch change (which is also mealtime) or during general alarms. Off watch, the guys sleep and so does the Captian/pilot. It is a intersting lifestyle and not for everybody but it fits with me really good... and I LOVE to cook! Can't make this kind of money on land either....

02-09-2009, 09:49 PM
Wow, that is so neat!

Sorry, one more question. Do you request your ingredients or do you have to make do with what's on the boat?

02-09-2009, 09:54 PM
I have to admit that is a pretty awesome job you have! :) I would never be able to live on a boat for 28 days without going insane, and I can't cook for my life. Those guys definitely work very hard though, whew! They are lucky you're there to cook for them :D Who watches the kitties while your gone?

Laura's Babies
02-10-2009, 07:54 AM
Do you request your ingredients or do you have to make do with what's on the boat?

You use what is there when you first get on until you can make a grocery order but it is pretty a basic that you always have certian things on hand always and enough stuff to get the other cook to the boat store. I try to leave a week supply for the oncoming cook.

Who watches the kitties while your gone?

Rie, my daughter comes over and looks after them. She scoops the boxes, gives them their meds and treats, makes sure she pets/loves each one and Amy gets her massage. She vaccumes when it is time for me to come home and swishes out the toilet... you can't imaginge what a toilet looks like after not being used for that long. :rolleyes: EUCK!