View Full Version : a little peice from my journal

02-09-2009, 08:11 AM
hey, I was typing out a few pages to put in my journal and decided that maybe you all would like this little bit. I did it last night.

[While I was playing with the dogs today, I had a chance to sit down and just enjoy their company for a while. I brushed harley out and then after a long battle of attack the wicked brush I let him go as he bounded into the yard with my other brush in his sharp little mouth. The shredder, I call it. As he sat out there destorying the evil contraption, I looked around for my fluff ball cat to return, Brownie walked up to me and sat quietly by my lap, looking up as if to say "I'll let you brush me, as long as you're touching me, I won't complain like the wild animal in the yard." so a whipped out my other brush I managed to hide from harley and began brushing. Not one hair came off of him, but he didn't mind. Its amazing how two outside dogs don't lose a hair but harleys white hair comes out by the handfulls. He was happy just to be in my company. As many already know he was a stray not too long ago. Just spending the quiet time with him was nice and it got me thinking. People drop off pets constantly in my neighborhood. How many pets have to be killed in shelters daily before people realize they are not disposible! You can't just dump them off! I have never taken a dog to a pound. We started to take Brownie a while back, Dave was trying to talk me into it the whole way their. I tried to keep my eyes from watering as he sat in the floor board and rested his head on Brookes lap as I petted him. When we arived it was closed! I couldn't help but smile. "You're one lucky pup," I whispered, "maybe it's a sign" Sure enouph, he is still with us and is now a wonderfull member of our family. He was one of those disposible pets I was talking about. Possibly someones dog untill they decided they didn't have the time and just took him somewhere and left him, hoping he would become someone elses problem. He wondered around the house a few days. I remember getting a text from Dave when he first saw him. It read "I just ran off superdog and his side kick, flea bag" I couldn't help but lauph and ask him what in the world he was talking about. He then began to tell me the story of a black dog wearing a red cape and a small brown dog wondering around the yard."are you on something?" I asked jokingly. "nope" he said, "he was wearing a cape" "I'm sorry I missed it" I said. I saw the brown dog a day or two after that on a daily basis. We tried running him off to get him to go home, but he would always return. I would see him coming to the top of the hill and Dave, being the big brave man he is, would go flying out the door. Flailing his arms about in a his pjs as has chased the little dog down the hill. Upon his return I would give a grin and say, "are you proud of yourself now? Did you show that beast who was boss?" "Yup, sure did!" he would say proudly. Finally one day I pulled into the drive and he came flying down to the car as if he had been waiting for my return for years. I couldn't help but pet him. "ok," I said, "just this one time." a few hours later Dave came home. He came to the door with a puzzled look on his face and a small dog jumping around his legs. I even cought him petting him as well. When he walked into the door I started to lauph. " what the hell?" he exclaimed. "Looks like you don't scare him after all, huh dog boy?" I joked. That night, while dave was in the shower, I felt bad enouph for him to give him some food. He was looking rather skinny. I went around the dog house and poored some food out as he gobbled it up. A few minutes later Dave stepped out and saw me filling up food dishes. "Maybe we should feed the little dog out there too, it's been a few days" I looked at him with a smile, "already did." I put adds in the paper for a found dog and even put flyers up, but nobody called. One day as Dave sat in at the computer watching the dogs run around outside he said "maybe we should name him." "what do you suggest" I asked? He couldn't come up with anything. I'm usually the one to name animals around here. I named Shyanne, Harley, Juno, Sam, Sadie, Jinx, and Jig. As a couple days went by, he finally came up with something.... Brownie. "Brownie?" I lauphed, " is that the best you could do? Brownie? be serious. We can to better then that!" He continued to argue with me, "what's wrong with that? I guess I just can't name anything around here huh?" I could feel a fight coming on." "no," I said, "that's not it, you always want me to name everything, I leave you in charge of this and all I hear is Brownie, so please, pick another name that he won't get made fun of for by the other dogs!" Well, my plea didn't work. It just got him pissed of at me. I couldn't help but think. "all this trouble over a name my two year old could have came up with" then at all clicked... what a brilliant plan! "hey! If anyone asks, I can say the kids named him!" I decided to count this battle lost for the cause and started calling him Brownie. Dave got a pritty big kick put of it when he first heard me call him. Now he's here at the door everytime I walk outside full of hope that I will take the time to give him a pat on the head. He is at the steps everytime I come home and sees me to my car everytime I leave. He is what it means to have a loyal dog.He is by my side everytime I'm outside. Except for the time he went running at my neighbors and the dogs down the road. I said loyal, not obediant. Nomatter how many times, I ready to strangle him though, I have a feeling he's going to be their by my side for many years to come.]