View Full Version : Hi all.... happy cat update! :0)

Sara luvs her Tinky
09-19-2002, 09:00 PM
Man it seems like it has been forever since I have had a chance to post...
We had Tinky and Jupiters birthday party Saturday and it went real well. I took A LOT of pictures but will have to get them developed.
For those of you who remember me telling about the guy that spots trailers here at my work that rescued the starving kitten... well just to update yall he is doing great. Howard (the guy that saved him) always has a lot of funny stories to tell me about him. Like he has a lot of house plants and Nestle (the kitten) is always digging in them. He says every day when he gets home from work Nestle has dug a hole in a plant and made himself a bed in it ;) and has managed to knaw a hanging plant down half size and this lucky little kitty is spoiled with a hot meal every day. Howard says that he heats him up a can of cat food for dinner.... He told me Monday that over the weekend he went to a rescue place and adopted a seal point himilian (sp) his name is Simba and he is four years old.. a beautiful cat too... he brought me in some pics that he took on his web cam. He says that Nestle looooooooves Simba's bushy tail and attacks it and wrestles with it all the time... and Simba is a real laid back cat so he just watches Nestle hard at play with his tail.. *lol*.. Howard says he wants at least one more cat.. he wants to rescue a main coon... so if anyone knows of a main coon in need of a good home just let me know.. he said he is willing to travel to pick it up.
Well sorry so long... I gotta get back to work now:)

09-19-2002, 10:37 PM
Thanks for the update. It's good hearing from you again. And I'm happy to hear that Howard has discovered the joy of having kitties around the house.

09-19-2002, 10:46 PM
What a treat to have a fellow cat lover to share your joys with (in person, I mean, not JUST here). :D :cool: :D

I'm really looking forward to photos of the birthday party, too. Yippee!

09-20-2002, 12:22 AM
Thanks for the update Sara. We've missed you. I'm also looking forward to pics of your babies Tinky and Jupiter. :) Do you have any pics of Howards cats that you could post for us? If he has a computer, maybe he could also join Pet Talk. :)

09-20-2002, 05:50 AM
Thanks for the *uppydate* Sara - that's a good idea of Tracey - ask Howard to join us - we'd all love to meet this lovely man who is giving furbabies a new home.


09-20-2002, 07:56 AM
Sara...can't wait to see the bday pics..never thought about having a bday party for your cats :)

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
09-20-2002, 12:25 PM
Hi Sara, missed you the last couple of days, and can't wait to see those pictures of the birthday celebration. :)

Evidently Howard was a cat-lover just waiting to be discovered! I'm so glad he is so taken with the kitten, and am amazed that he has gotten another cat, and is even looking for a third! Sounds like a little well of love has been opened in his heart and he just can't wait to share it with more kitties. That is such a wonderful story, and I'm so glad you have somebody on your side at work instead of the other guys who just razz you about your love for kitties. Must make work a whole lot easier to take these days, and I'm glad for you.

Looking forward to the birthday pics! :) :D