View Full Version : Snickers has calisi virus--here we go again!

funny felines
02-03-2009, 01:55 PM
I thought she was doing better, she was, but now she has calisi virus-did I spell that right? she is sneezing, and both eyes are watery, clear discharge and is congested. I took her back to the vet yesterday, and the vet prescribed 2 kinds of meds, one is clavamax and the other is a gel form of L-lysine to boost her immune system. the vet asked me if she was eating, I said yes then of course last night and this morning she had to prove me wrong and didn't eat or even drink. so again I syringed liquid food into her mouth, then she hid under the bed and I could not get her to come out no matter what I tried, and I had to leave so I couldn't give her the meds!:(:(
her eyes were better this morning though. I have had enough of sick cats.
how much more is going to happen?

I tried bringing her into the bathroom and let the shower run with the hottest water for 10 minutes, it didn't help.

then I gave her water and she drank it, I was afraid the steam would dehydrate her. but that was the last time she drank water.

the vet said she hopes it's the mild form of the virus...yeah so do I!!:eek:

luckily, Leo is doing well, the vet called me yesterday and the biopsy came back -it's not cancer:D he has his one week follow up appt. tomorrow.


funny felines
02-03-2009, 02:17 PM

I found some info on this site, thought I would share it, does anyone else know of any good, informative animal health sites?

02-03-2009, 03:31 PM
:( Oh No poor wittle one.. I sure hope the meds work for your baby.. Paws crossed & Positive PT Healing Vibes.. Huggss & Prayers.. Keep us posted ok..

02-03-2009, 04:19 PM
I'm sorry to hear Snickers are under the weather, but hope the medicine will help her feel better soon. Do what you can to make her drink, even if you have to sit there with a glass of water under her nose. I do that sometimes, and then Fister will drink. ;)

Have a look at this site, there may be some useful info.

funny felines
02-05-2009, 05:55 PM
Randi and lvpets2002
thank you.

ok I am going to try this once again...I posted a LONG update and then LOST the entry and it didn't post:mad::mad:

hope I am not repeating anything from an earlier post. Leo had his 1 week check up...doing very well:D

Snickers: she scared me so bad yesterday! I thought she was dead!
she was under the bed,( a different time from my last post) I thought no big deal she is just hiding because she knows it's med time. but she would not come out or anwer me. she always either comes to me or meows when I call her name. I got on the floor and prodded her..nothing, no sound and no movement. I got up, moved that bed and got back on the floor and reached for her and picked her up, I was SO relieved she was alive! I talked to the vet a few minutes ago and as long as she is eating and using the litterbox another visit can wait. the vet bills are adding up but if she is still sick then I have to bring her again. anyway she is breathing normally now, no open-mouth breathing, and she drinks liquid food/water.

does anyone know if lethargy is a symptom of the calisi virus or is it because she has a fever still or is it a side effect of the meds? the article I printed out made it sound like it can be cured fairly easily, but the vet says she hopes it is the mild strain of the virus...and I told a friend about it and she reacted like it was bad news...:confused::eek:

I think I will do another net search.

02-06-2009, 12:24 AM
I'm sorry to hear this.:( I hope that she'll start feeling better soon. I read more about it but I didn't see that being lethargic was a symptom. Whenever my cats have been sick in the past, they've always been lethargic. I'll keep her in my thoughts and prayers. Things will get better. Take care.

funny felines
02-06-2009, 05:35 PM
thank you. :)

funny felines
02-12-2009, 09:45 PM
Snickers is doing well, but today I took Leo back to the vet, I called them yesterday and made the appt., he is eating but not drinking water for some odd reason, how can he eat if his tongue hurts but not drink?:confused:
will the cats ever be over being sick? He TRIES to drink, goes to the dish, hesitates there then leaves, so I syringed some into his mouth. She gave him clavamox, like Snickers was on. and he has to be on a steroid for a while, which we both hate to see since he is overweight...I will really have to watch how much he eats. the vet thought the spot where the lesion had been, looked a little infected, it was 2 weeks ago yesterday that he had the surgery, and last week at his one week check up he was fine. I might as well sign my check right over to the vet LOL, besides I am so tired of sick cats, giving meds and watching them and worrying, I know it's not their fault poor kitty cats but it's been a bit much lately, hopefully they will be ok now, I hate to see them not well plus I want to get my other cats to the new vet for their annual shots etc.

02-12-2009, 10:10 PM
Prayers go out to Snickers and Leo. I sure hope they make a full recovery. Calicivirus is very tricky....but can be cured! Please keep us posted.

funny felines
02-14-2009, 06:40 PM
thank you.

I think I remember reading that the feline herpes eye disease can be related to the calisi virus...or do I have that wrong? anyway Snickers(who had the calisi virus) is doing good and Leo is back to drinking water...he just wanted to see another $60.00 go to the vet LOL... poor guy was so upset over having to go to the vet again, I had told him that he was done with that for a long time...LOL and he has to go back next week for another follow up visit THEN I hope that's it. both cats are still on the L-lysine, to boost the immune system and I am starting the others on it, just to be sure they don't become sick God forbid!

cats are such a pain in the... and mine are spoiled to boot! they constantly drive me crazy, when I just get comfy with a book...MEOW! if it is not one of them it will be another one! BUT...I wouldn't have it any other way! I spoiled them after all, and I love the little critters more than I can say.

I live to serve-and spoil- my sweet cats.:love::D

02-15-2009, 06:59 AM
I've not had experience w/this virus but I just wanted to add that prayers are going up for your kitties and you. Whenever an illness has shown itself to be stubborn, it can work on our nerves, to be sure, not to mention our wallets. I sure do hope that your kitties improve quickly and that things can get back to normal for you. Keep the faythe. :)

funny felines
02-15-2009, 05:45 PM
Thank you everyone :)

so far, as of today they are both doing fine, dare I say that, lest it jinx them again!

as I left this morning, Leo was hiding, so I thought oh no, he's hiding, he must be feeling bad again, well he ate, then I realized he is ok, just was scared it was vet time again! he panicked when he saw me getting ready to leave the house!

funny felines
02-19-2009, 06:05 PM
Leo had another vet appt. today, and he is still on clavamox, and the steroid, (he likes it , triple fish flavor!) - happily his tongue is MUCH better, almost fully healed, today was his (hopefully) last appt., a follow up to last week when I thought he was worse. He still is tired, but healing nicely! Snickers girl is doing well too! crossing my fingers, maybe now I can start bringing the others in for their annual shots etc. :D

02-20-2009, 01:23 AM
This is great news.:D I hope that they both continue to do well.:)

funny felines
03-01-2009, 10:38 PM
Just an update...Leo and Snickers are doing well. Though Leo is still on Clavamox and the steroid, and I have to pick up a new bottle of the steroid at the compound pharmacy, next week when the current one is gone. He does still have a spot on his tongue, I thought the lasor removed it all:confused: anyway he seems to be doing good, I just can't wait untill he is done with medicine!