View Full Version : my cat has had bad eyes for the past 5 yrs !help

02-03-2009, 12:53 AM
i took him to the doctor and paid alot of money..i mean the vet....and it did not help him..he still has alot of gook in both eyes and around he yes..his eyes look bloodshot as well,,,what should l do?he eats well and is always purring but sometimes he cant open them and i think hes in pain...

he used to have worms and i bought something that cured that from the pet store, and whn he was a baby there was a mattress in the kitchen and he climbed up it and jumped off of it and he broke his leg!! arggh!!

i thought i was going to have a heart attack..i dint no what to do back then i was so scared..i had to take him to the vet and paid alot of money for them to tel me that his legs broken..

ok back to they eyes i do not wan to take him to the vet again to lsoe $$ and he will still have the same problem..any thoughts?

02-03-2009, 12:44 PM
You need to take him to a different vet. Obviously the vet you have is not doing a good job of either treating - or explaining - your kitty's eye problems.

02-03-2009, 01:48 PM
My cat has a herpes virus in his eyes. In order to keep them moist, I use "Natural Tears" and it works well. Maybe trying that will help. Otherwise, I'd seek a different vet.

02-03-2009, 09:13 PM
Maybe it's just my personal skeptical nature...

I find it odd that a new user, 2 posts and both saying they have no money but are having medical issues with their cats. (read the OP's other thread).

What I read from this particular post is they paid what they consider alot of money ($50 is a fortune to some, a drop in the bucket to others) for the vet to tell them the leg was broken. I didn't notice any reference to the cost of any treatment if they allowed it, only the initial vet visit.

Also this person said they paid what they consider alot of money (again $50 is a fortune to some, a drop in the bucket to others) to have the eyes looked at and are still having problems, again no reference to any treatment, only the initial vet visit.

Based on my experience at work with ears/eyes/skin problems, many times the owners complaining the loudest about how much it cost and having to come back, are the same owners that waited until it was an emergency, don't finish the meds, never come back for the recommended rechecks, and then wait until it's an emergency again then complain loud and long about how much money they spent and they think the treatment should be free because they have the problem again/still.:rolleyes:

While this may not be the case with the OP, I've just heard this so many times at work and that was the situation, that if I had a nickle for every time I'd be a rich woman right now.

If you can't afford the vet, don't have the pet.

And I think it's a bad idea to be wandering around pet message boards looking for a cure for your pet's medical ailements. We are not vets.

The best thing to do is call your own vet and ask them about your concerns and possible prices for things. A phone call is nearly free so it's not going to break the bank to at least call them and ask. They are in the better position to be able to help you.

02-04-2009, 06:28 AM
Maybe it's just my personal skeptical nature...

I find it odd that a new user, 2 posts and both saying they have no money but are having medical issues with their cats. (read the OP's other thread).

I'm wondering about this myself, actually, but I can give the benefit of the doubt as long as I read another post in the very near future that you've taken your cat/s to another vet and the solutions have been found.

02-04-2009, 10:49 AM

You very wise lady. You too, Mary.

I smell a fish.:rolleyes:

Pinot's Mom
02-04-2009, 11:47 AM
I haven't personally been involved with PT for that long, but I think the skepticism is well warranted-just another opinion. The typing, spelling, and grammar, added to the "5 years" bit smelled fishy to me as well. :rolleyes:

02-04-2009, 01:57 PM
I have always wondered WHY if the cat is in such bad shape, why the person would put up a post and wait for advice, instead of taking the cat to the vet. We are not vets, and if the cat is in that bad of shape TAKE IT TO THE VET and do not wait for " advice." Time lost waiting, and affect the outcome of your cat's life. I have waited a LONG time to get that off my chest!!! I agree with the above posts, too!!!

02-04-2009, 02:58 PM
My Polly has had a gooby eye from herpes since before I got her years ago. Sometimes it flares up and gets more irritated, but it really doesn't hurt anything. The only thing that would fix it permanently would be topical immunosuppressants, which she wouldn't tolerate. SO...I just clean up her boogies twice a day and we go on...

02-05-2009, 12:56 AM
when the cat first had bad eyes i took him to the vet ..i went back three times .sorry for not clarifying but i wasnt feeling that good to type as i have chronic pain.

I was very upset because his reg vet saw him and the on call vet saw him gave him tx injections, eye drops and tx oral..and nothing helped..I didnt no what to do..i do not like to throw away $...if they cant help. the vet even said he didnt no what more to do unless he took more testes..at that point i thought he just wanted more money from me..

so i have been trying to just clean the goop out myself but i came to this site to ask what u all thought, not inplace of a vet....my how skeptical eveyone is..im not stupid...i just wanted some feed back...

and i googled chronic conjuctiviits is hard to cure!!! i do not have 200 dollars right now to shelll out..bcoz i clled the vet today and he told me how much more it would cost(the same vet that took care the last time)he need to do "blood work"
i called a pets store and i asked them and they said they sell this oinment for the eyes for 20...

.il keep u all posted and ty for ure posts but i do not appreciate ure skeptisism...like i said i have health issues as well very bad im in and out of EMERgency rooms constantly...

Other than this the cat is healthy , eats well and is always purring and happy!

02-05-2009, 01:07 AM
i do not need to be treated like this....i wont be coming back here again ..i am very insulted...

im not going to start a "cat fight"

02-05-2009, 09:59 AM
Wocali - I hope you are still around and reading the posts. Please understand that those of us who have been using this board for years have been deceived a number of times. We've sent money to people who have misused it. We've spent countless hours and money on setting up a rescue, only to find that the poster was joking. We've tried to help people who, as it's turned out, have no intention of ever taking their pet to a vet. Introducing yourself to the group would have given us a better place to start, but you wouldn't have known that.

On to your cat's eyes. While I'm inclined to agree with others that it could well be the herpes virus, in which case follow moosmom's advice about artificial tears, keep bathing them with tepid water, and rotate antibiotic eye ointments because some can become irritants in themselves, I'm wondering if your vet checked for entropion. This is a condition where the eyelids turn inward so the eyelashes constantly irritate the eyes. The only way to treat that is surgically.

Have you tried to use any of the web sites that offer to help you with vet payments? There are people here who have the lists and can post them. You have to get a vet to give you an estimate of costs and submit for help before the treatment, but it can be well worth your time and effort.

02-05-2009, 11:42 AM
I was going to suggest the warm wet washcloth on the eyes as well. I have an FIV+ kitty and he gets gunky eyes, gunky ears, you name it.

I also had a foster kitty who had issues because he had the condition where his eye lashes turned inside to scratch his eyes. He had surgery but it wasn't done really well, and he still had issues with his eyes getting gunky and irritated.

I'd definitely seek another opinion about your cat. I know money is tight, I understand when you have medical problems yourself, but I also know that I wouldn't want my pet to keep suffering. I'm sure he's extremely uncomfortable with his eyes constantly being all gunked up, and you did say it seemed like he was in pain.

Can you see if there is a vet in your area who does payment plans, or one that is not part of a huge group of vets. I've found that the smaller vets don't charge as much, and many times they can work out payment plans and things like that, where as the large vet "companies" can't/won't allow it.

I hope you can find some help for your kitty. Please don't stay away just because people were hesitant about your motives. We do get a lot of "trolls" here on PT who just want to cause trouble. Hope to hear of some good news about your kitty. Please keep us updated if you can. Take care of yourself as well.

02-05-2009, 06:13 PM
What about some chamomile tea? It is very soothing. I know it helps Morgan's eyes, but I mostly use it on his after they have been scratched and are red and runny. I don't know how it would work for a virus. But I know it can't hurt.

02-08-2009, 11:35 PM
i only came back coz a "generated " email from pet talk said happy bday! so ill take it....

i didint no anything about the insincerity of peope here....i was just getting a suggestion.i didnt mean by any means that i was looking for money.

I did buy that ointment for squeekers and it does seem to be helping!!his goop has gone away and the redness has gone too....hes doing much much better!! he is still squinting.though but i cant tell its alot better.i s there n e way that i can post a pic of him here?

..i will try all of ure suggestions too..the cam tea sounds good too...what about green tea. i just bought that for myself.

it s really amazin how when i brought him to the vet back then he had worms and the infecion..and they gave him a dewormer and eye drops , tx and injection...well the worms came back in the next 3 weeks and the infection never went away.

When i went to the pet store..they dont sell pets but they no alot about animals, i bought dewormer there and gave it to him the worms never came back after one use.!! then i just bought that ointment and so far so good!!