View Full Version : Don't know how y'all do it!!!

01-29-2009, 05:31 PM
We here in North Texas got hit by that ice storm that passed through a couple of days ago. I have never cleaned so many muddy puppy feet in my life!! I don't know how you all who live with the ice and snow all winter do it!! My hat's off to you!! I don't have a mud room or anything so my kitchen floor is a muddy mess, and I'm not cleaning it until I know there will be no more puppy mud!!! Here are a couple of pictures of Boomer aka "Mr. Muddy Paws". Cassie wasn't much cleaner!!


And another one...don't look at the floor!!! HA


01-29-2009, 05:40 PM
The first photo is nice but that second one . . . :D:D:D:D:D I love the raised paw and head tilt!

We just learn to go with the flow, walk them in the garage a bit, have rugs on both sides of the door, and keep towels handy! lol.

01-29-2009, 05:46 PM
LOL! Cute! You don't think of it after a while. Always have a towel by the door. Talon is my messy kid. He LOOOVES mud and can make your dirty little boy there look squeeky clean in comparison.:rolleyes: My RB Gracie was bad too. She was a digger.

01-29-2009, 05:48 PM
The first photo is nice but that second one . . . :D:D:D:D:D I love the raised paw and head tilt!

We just learn to go with the flow, walk them in the garage a bit, have rugs on both sides of the door, and keep towels handy! lol.

Yes, he was showing his little cocky boy puppy self in that picture! HA

01-29-2009, 06:11 PM
Oh, Boomer, cutie! If I had a towel I'd reach right through the monitor and help you with your paws.

01-29-2009, 06:19 PM
Wow, Boomer is getting so big!!! And just as cute as ever!

Yeah, I hate it when it rains. Zoee is good about stopping right inside the door to get her feet wiped. But Taggart is still learning. And then he has to get his nose right in the middle of us while I'm trying to clean off Zoee. Ugh, puppies!! ;)

Yorkie Lover
01-30-2009, 07:59 AM
Well I just made Tanner booties. There is a lot less maintenance that way. Soon as the he walks in the door I just rip 'em off his feet and rinse them in the sink. After that I towel dry them, and stick them upright on the heat vent in the floor to dry They are felt so they stand well on the heaters. They are all warm and dry by the time potty break comes again!

01-30-2009, 05:45 PM
You don't think of it after a while. Always have a towel by the door.
Yep, it's hanging in the doorway.;) Mud is the worst!:rolleyes:
Boomer looks so cute, even muddy.:D

01-30-2009, 06:59 PM
It's tough... my kitchen looks like that for an average of 5-6 months a year (all spring & fall) even after wiping their feet off. We keep a whole stack on a shelf right next to the door (they might have more towels than we (the people) do. lol The love of dogs is worth the price of a muddy kitchen floor. ;)

01-30-2009, 08:48 PM
The love of dogs is worth the price of a muddy kitchen floor. ;)

You are exactly right!!!! A little mud is very annoying, but when the little mud monsters give you a little kiss and snuggle, it is all worth it!!!