View Full Version : How to get motivated to go to work when you feel awful?

01-26-2009, 03:25 PM
I guess I should preface this by saying I don't have anything contagious. ;)

But...I do feel pretty horrible in the mornings since I rarely sleep very well and have been averaging about 4-5 hours a night, among other pregnancy complaints. I won't list all of them, but I will say getting up early has been super challenging and I'm wondering how I will ever make it through the next 5 weeks till I am done working.

How do I psyche myself into getting up without feeling homicidal? There's got to be some techniques for waking and getting up peacefully even when you feel at your worst. Hopefully someone here knows some!!

01-26-2009, 03:41 PM
Oh I feel for you. :( There's nothing worse than lack of sleep and having to go to work.

Any chance you could adjust your schedule so you get more sleep, like going to bed earlier? Baldrian/Valerian works for some, have you tried that?

I know a girl, she uses a special lamp when she gets up, to give her lots of light. She says it works wonders. However, a bright light in MY face would be the last thing I wanted on a dark winter morning, if I was sleepy. :eek:

Good luck finding the right solution! :)

01-26-2009, 04:13 PM
Oh I feel for you. :( There's nothing worse than lack of sleep and having to go to work.

Any chance you could adjust your schedule so you get more sleep, like going to bed earlier? Baldrian/Valerian works for some, have you tried that?

I know a girl, she uses a special lamp when she gets up, to give her lots of light. She says it works wonders. However, a bright light in MY face would be the last thing I wanted on a dark winter morning, if I was sleepy. :eek:

Good luck finding the right solution! :)

Thanks for the suggestions. :) Unfortunately, I can't take anything since I am pregnant...and I do go to bed quite early, I just toss and turn all night as I am feeling very huge and pregnant these days (plus I have to get up about 3 times to use the restroom). Just doesn't make the night very restful!

I have heard of those lamps, I actually think they would help me. I wonder how much they cost? I always feel so much more awake when it is light out, even if I am tired. Probably why I have so much difficulty getting up at 6 AM!

01-26-2009, 04:31 PM
Thanks for the suggestions. :) Unfortunately, I can't take anything since I am pregnant...and I do go to bed quite early, I just toss and turn all night as I am feeling very huge and pregnant these days (plus I have to get up about 3 times to use the restroom). Just doesn't make the night very restful!

Ask your Doctor for help with the frequent night time visits to the bathroom.
He/SHE might have suggestions that help.

As for the falling to sleep, I'd change my expectations of falling asleep. Go
to bed with just the thought of having a nice rest & trick you mind into
a good long night's sleep.:) It works for me.:)

01-26-2009, 04:43 PM
Before you go to bed, set up your "morning greeting" - a favorite mug and (herbal) tea - or whatever warm drink is your favorite, water in the kettle ready just to have the heat turned on, and some little pleasant something to read set by your waiting mug - Bible verse if you are religious, a book of inspirational quotes - something small but nice to greet your day. So that when you need to get out of bed for work in the morning, just nice things await ...

And a calendar to check off - to say "Another day begun well, one day closer to 'the big day' ..."

Just my suggestions, as a morning person who grew up in a houseful of NOT morning people.

01-26-2009, 04:58 PM
I have one of those "lamps". They are also called Light Boxes, and you can get your doctor to write a prescription for one (they cost upwards of $300.00 for a decent one). I had my psychiatrist write me a script for one, and my insurance company covered it under the term "durable medical equipment". Find out whether your insurance company covers those items, get the CPT code (procedure code) and ICD (Rx) code from your doctor, or have the doctor's office call your insurance company with the info so you'll know if it is covered. That's the best way to go about obtaining one.

I use mine in the morning and in the afternoon. I do believe it works. I close my eyes, sit in the light, and it just feels like summer sunshine to me. It's very good for the mood in that sense. It's not "hot" or anything like that, but it just gives off this warm feeling.

They also have "dawn simulators" (http://www.fullspectrumsolutions.com/lt_dawn_simulators_62_ctg.htm) as well, to give you a jump start on that waking up slowly and moderately. I'll find the link...

This is EXACTLY what I have (http://www.day-lights.com/)

01-27-2009, 03:54 AM
[QUOTE=Karen;2116151]Before you go to bed, set up your "morning greeting" - a favorite mug and (herbal) tea - or whatever warm drink is your favorite, water in the kettle ready just to have the heat turned on, and some little pleasant something to read set by your waiting mug - Bible verse if you are religious, a book of inspirational quotes - something small but nice to greet your day. So that when you need to get out of bed for work in the morning, just nice things await ...QUOTE]

This is pretty much my morning routine. I used to have a small microwave and fridge in my bedroom but I removed them because the fridge turned on all night long and kept me awake plus it's bad feng shui. Anyhow, I have a bed tray and I sip my morning coffee in bed while I read something inspirational. By the time I'm done w/my coffee, I'm ready to go and I'm not homicidal, as you say. LOL

01-27-2009, 08:47 PM
Can you work in a nap? LOL, I slept a lot. I would wake up in the am, to visit the bathroom, and go sleep on the couch. I found most of my issues were sleep related, I did get a body pillow, and slept, slept, slept. Kind of like I do now, come to think of it!!!

You may find you develop a boost of energy soon, and might not spend the next 43 days having problems getting out of bed.

01-28-2009, 12:12 PM
Towards the end of my pregnancy I had to prop up pillows and lean back on them to sleep - it was the only way I was comfortable, and it helped me to get more sleep. I also cut my hours at work back a bit so I could take some naps. Then, after the baby came and the most sleep I got at a time was an hour or two, I almost missed the days of tossing and turning and getting up to go to the bathroom!

01-28-2009, 01:02 PM
The only suggestion I have is to work in a nap when you can. Thankfully, I have not had to work while pregnant, and I have huge respect for anyone who can do it. I get tired enough chasing kids and trying to get things done around the house. I can certainly offer sympathy for the tired, not being able to get comfortable part, though.