View Full Version : Pet ambulance services

01-25-2009, 08:18 PM
Can anyone recommend pet ambulance services in the Chicago area?

My dog was recently diagnosed with bone cancer and its not good. She has a life expectancy of 4 months, maybe a little longer if she is lucky. I have a St.Bernard and she weighs a lot, around 140 lbs. What scares me more than anything is that as the cancer progresses my dog is going to have a very hard time walking and I need to make transportation and emergency arrangements. Because she is such a large dog I won't be able to carry her myself if I have to take her to the vet if she can't walk. I'm looking into pet ambulance services just in case but I'm not sure if there are any other options available.

I have no idea what I am going to do in the meantime as far as her climbing up and down the porch stairs to get in and out of my house. Right now she can walk just fine but probably within the next month or two that may not be the case. I just dread it all.

01-25-2009, 09:24 PM
The only thing I can think of the would be some help to you without breaking the bank would be a bottoms up leash. I included the website belowe. As far as a pet ambulance I have never heard of such a thing.
Hope the website works..You can normally find them at Petco or a petsmart. Best of luck and I hope your babies days are love filled and pain free:love:


01-25-2009, 09:32 PM
I was able to find one company but they are rather expensive.

Unfortunately I don't have anyone to help me in case of an emergency and that really bothers me. Trying to handle such a large dog is going to be hard.

I am so depressed right now.:(

Cinder & Smoke
01-25-2009, 09:38 PM
Can anyone recommend pet ambulance services in the Chicago area?

Do a http://www.google.com search for "Pet Transport" + Chicago
and you'll get a few good hits.
Here's one:

You could try other terms, too:
* Pet Taxi
* Pet Ambulance

And ask your VET for suggestions.

Ask some friends who can swing a hammer and run a saw to build a gently
sloping RAMP to cover part of the steps for Fido.
Nail indoor/outdoor carpet down for increased traction.

01-25-2009, 10:09 PM
Thanks for the suggestions. I have to go back to the vet this week or next to get some more of her medication so I could ask for some ideas.

The whole situation is just so depressing. I'm so worried that while I am at work something could happen and I won't find out or can't due anything until I get home in the evening. I'm going to hire a dog walker to come by once a day in the afternoon but I still worry. I also worry as my baby has a harder time walking will I be able to handle her? Will the dogwalker be able to handle her?

Unfortunately none of my friends are very handy building anything so that idea is on hold. I could try asking my ex but I doubt he would do it.

I worry that when the time comes for her to cross over that she will be in too much pain to walk and that I will have a hard time getting her to the vet.

I know I probably worry too much but I love her so much. She is my big fur daughter. :love:

01-25-2009, 10:16 PM
I understand your problem & have 3 suggestions.

1. Your worry re vet visits. Is there a mobile vet, in your city, that provides a service to owners & their pets, in their own homes?
We have one in our area (bit far away for you, tho'. I'm in Brisbane, Australia).
It's called Vet Van & it's staffed by a fully qualified vet. Many people, for all sorts of reasons, use this mobile service for their pets.
Check it out under Veterinarians in the phone book. Or maybe your own vet would know.....or even do some home visits.

2. I don't know what your porch steps are like....how high etc. But some folk I know use, for their big dogs, those ramps that are used to roll motor-bikes in & out of trailers.
The ramps are not too expensive from auto supply stores. They're usually folding & fairly light. And the surfaces are made for gripping on.

3. If you want to hold a large dog steady while its going up steps or up a ramp....a huge beach towel (or a couple of them), looped under the dog's stomach (like a sling) will do that. This just takes a little weight off the dog & it can use its legs more confidently.

01-25-2009, 10:19 PM
I am so sorry to hear about Booboo. :(
I don't have any suggestions on the transport side, but I was thinking about getting her to the vet. Do you have a vet around that would come to your house? For routine things once she becomes immobile, and when her time comes to cross the bridge (which will hopefully be SEVERAL months away).
I just noticed Angels3 posted this suggestion too. :)

I hope everything goes smoothly for you and her. I will keep both of you in my thoughts.

01-25-2009, 10:31 PM
I googled Mobile Vet Services.
Up came a listing for such services in all the states of the USA.

Scroll down to Illinois.....& you'll see 4 mobile vets that say 'Chicago' in their contact details. They even indicate which sections of Chicago they service.


Cinder & Smoke
01-25-2009, 10:43 PM
Unfortunately none of my friends are very handy building anything
so that idea [the ramp] is on hold.

Friends have Friends ... put the Word out - one of your friends has to know
someone who can saw & hammer.
Worst case: visit the local High School or Vocational School "Shop Classes" -
ask if the students could built a ramp for you as a class project.
You pay for the materials, they do the rest.


HEY - Angels3 ~
Welcome back - STAY a while!!

01-26-2009, 01:11 AM
Here's hoping all the ideas helped fragrancehound.
I nearly know what it's like. We owned a bigger than usual, fat senior Sheltie, whose nickname was 'Horse' (as in, 'as big as').
It was like carrying a baby elephant up the stairs.

Hi, Cinder & Smoke, I saw your name in this thread...& that's why I started reading it. Always led somewhere good.
The Australians are baaaaaaaaaaaack.

01-26-2009, 06:30 AM
What do you think of this support harness? BooBoo's front leg is the bad leg.


Edited to say Thank You. I know I don't come here often but when I do I so appreciate the support I receive. It's wonderful to know that people here understand what I am going through and also understand that these are just not dogs and cats but rather are part of our families. On another forum to which I belong I was amazed at the lack of compassion and heart I had received when describing Boo's problem. One poster had the nerve to tell me just to put her to sleep and she is just a dog. WTF?? I don't understand people. Anyway, thanks again for support!!

Cinder & Smoke
01-26-2009, 09:55 AM
What do you think of this support harness?
BooBoo's front leg is the bad leg.



Check THIS site (HandicapPets.com) out >>>


They have a Lifting Sling that centers the support AT the front legs,
rather than BEHIND the legs like the PetCo sling does.

See page >>> http://handicappedpets.biz/xcart/helping-them-walk/
and "Front Harness" Product Page >>>

Photo: http://handicappedpets.biz/xcart/image.php?id=19200&type=T
With this harness, Boo's legs go through the harness,
giving some support forward of her legs and on her chest.
Scan down for the size and measuring info.
Drawback: Her size is more expensive than the PetCo design.

01-26-2009, 10:23 AM
I wonder how hard it would be to get her legs into that harness? That is my only concern. Because of her size (XL) I think I am limited in my choices too.

Cinder & Smoke
01-26-2009, 10:48 AM
I wonder how hard it would be to get her legs into that harness?

Shouldn't be a big problem.
If she'll stand, just lay the harness down flat and guide her paws through the
arm holes, then pull it up and fasten it above her shoulders.

If she'll sit, pick up each paw and guide it through the holes, pull it up and fasten.

CALL HandicappedPets at 1- 888-811-7387
They are very helpful with information on the products and
how to measure your pet.


01-26-2009, 10:45 PM
Yup, lots of great advise here!

When RB Cody had his first ACL incident and could hardly walk, I was in a panic. I managed, with help from my uncle and sweet neighbors. I just hadn't thought clearly enough to research a Pet Ambulance. How smart of you to plan in advance. Anyway, a few months later, I passed a Pet Ambulance while driving, so obviously they're around.

I call my Logan *BooBoo* out of affection, as well as certain hoomans in my life. I'm sorry to read about your BooBoo and pray she isn't suffering. I know how hard it is (we all do). She'll be in our prayers. Please wrap my arms around her neck for me and snuggle and kiss her.

01-27-2009, 01:35 PM
I'm surprised there aren't more pet ambulance services out there. It really is a wonderful idea.

In my research I have found pet taxis but very few pet ambulance services that offer 24 hour emergency travel service that are also equipped with life saving gear like oxygen tanks, etc.. I've only found 1 service in Chicago. Isn't that wild? It's not like I live in the boonies either. Living in a major metropolitan city one would think there would be unlimited choices, but I guess not.

The 1 service I did find told me that it could take 1 to 2 hours to get to me because his service is located on the opposite side of the city. :confused: I'm very concerned about that time difference. In an emergency 1 or 2 hours is a huge difference!! I don't know. I wish I could ask a neighbor but unfortunately most of my neighbors are afraid of my BooBoo and the ones who aren't are women just as petite as me.

Chicago Pet Transport
02-03-2013, 02:05 PM
Can anyone recommend pet ambulance services in the Chicago area?

My dog was recently diagnosed with bone cancer and its not good. She has a life expectancy of 4 months, maybe a little longer if she is lucky. I have a St.Bernard and she weighs a lot, around 140 lbs. What scares me more than anything is that as the cancer progresses my dog is going to have a very hard time walking and I need to make transportation and emergency arrangements. Because she is such a large dog I won't be able to carry her myself if I have to take her to the vet if she can't walk. I'm looking into pet ambulance services just in case but I'm not sure if there are any other options available.

I have no idea what I am going to do in the meantime as far as her climbing up and down the porch stairs to get in and out of my house. Right now she can walk just fine but probably within the next month or two that may not be the case. I just dread it all.

Contact ChicagoPetTransport.com

Pop Alexandra
05-06-2021, 01:14 AM
Contact ChicagoPetTransport.com

Another viable alternative that I recommend is https://www.cargolution.com/en/industries/live-animals/.