View Full Version : doggie locked in car

09-19-2002, 11:58 AM
it's weird, this subject just came up recently. I saw a grey poodle locked in a car yesterday. it was for about 10 minutes, and the dog seemed fine when the owner came back to her car, but it just irritates me, why should he have to be left in the hot car??? if she had just taken the dog to the vet, she should take the dog home first. I have kept my cats with me in the car while I go to other places, BUT only if I am staying in the car, if I go thru a drive thru fast food, I give them a piece of hamburger, if I have to use the ATM, it takes such a short time, but I NEVER leave them in a hot car. never. I think it is so cruel, and I just do not understand how people can do this.well I'm going on too much.
anyway, I got the old hags license plate number and I am going to see if I can do anything about it. yeah the dog was ok when she left, but I wonder how many other places she might have dragged him along to?:mad:

09-19-2002, 12:04 PM
I totally understand what you are talking about. But I got furious when I read that you come from AZ! Hotter than Hades there! That poor pup. I hope for his sake, she went straight home!

09-19-2002, 12:24 PM
Hopefully she thought she was just leaving him for a minute and got unexpectedly delayed inside, and maybe she had had the air conditioner running before she shut the engine off so that the inside of the car was pretty cool.

I try to think of the best possibility, and if the dog was fine, then that's okay. I might have said "Gosh, I saw your dog in there and was worried" when she came back, maybe have a frien "concerned neighbor" conversation.

09-19-2002, 01:19 PM
Doesn't people ever learn?!

I hope the poor dog was ok :(

My boyfriend told me that there was a dog who had been locked in the car since 8 in the morning at his school. He saw the dog at like 2 in the afternoon and his teacher told him it had been stuck in there that long. I walked down there as soon as I heard that to check it out and to get the licence plate and all but the car was gone by then...

09-19-2002, 01:46 PM
I love living in Canada for 1 big reason, most of the year is cold, & so its fine to leave a dog in the car, or in my case a truck. My dog loves to ride in our truck & go every where with us, but were not stupid, if it is hot outside hes not even aloud in the truck to go for a drive anywhere, it has to be 20C or less for him to ride in the truck. unless were in my moms car, which has AC, & the car can be turned off & on from inside a building. My dad & I take our dog to a burger joint in a different town, & we park the truck near a window, & we sit where we can see him. my dog could careless where we brought him, we even drove him to PEI twice & it takes 2 days to get there from here. the dog gets the whole backseat to himself & he has such a large bladder we don't have to stop a few 100 km down the road.

I don't know if u guys get canadian news, but a few weeks back a guy tied his dog to his bike & took the dog for a bike ride & the dog died from heat stroke, because it was over 40C outside. So when r people gonna start to complain about walking dogs when its deadly hot outside??? I have never heard anyone complain about that before, except from my dad (& me).

ERRRRRRr that guy pissed me off
& I get pissed when people complain when I leave my dog in the car for a few mins when its cold outside, people have got to wake up & smell the dog food.


09-19-2002, 02:18 PM
well today I am going to see what I can do, I didn't say anything to her because I wanted to slap her, or yell. I didn't want to get into anything with some old lady., maybe if I had been in a better mood I could have said something, tho I just am not the most diplomatic person, to put it mildly! I was waiting in the car with the window down, it was hot! and I ended up going into the post office to see what was taking so long. the poor dog didn't have that option.

09-19-2002, 03:07 PM
why do people do that, I will never understand it!

Aspen and Misty
09-19-2002, 08:45 PM
We take the dogs to drive throughs and stuff. I wish I couake them for more car rides but they would ahev to wait in the car. I wont even leave feeder crickets in the car, I am afreid it will get hot and even though they are just crickets they do not deserve to die liek that! I hope the lady had good intentions, I'm sure she did.
