View Full Version : Grinding Teeth *Update #8*

01-24-2009, 07:05 PM
Has anyone ever had or heard of a dog grinding their teeth?
I think Taggart is doing this. At night while we are in bed I'll feel (if he has his head on my leg) and hear him grinding his teeth. I mean, that's what I think it is. I've checked his teeth and they do not appear to be worn down....yet.
Any suggestion on how to stop the grinding is also welcome. :)

01-24-2009, 07:14 PM
I've never heard of this before. You sure that's what the dog is doing? I know some dogs kinda do a sucking motion like when they were with mom and it makes a funny sound but teeth grinding is new to me.

01-24-2009, 07:21 PM
I've never heard of this before. You sure that's what the dog is doing? I know some dogs kinda do a sucking motion like when they were with mom and it makes a funny sound but teeth grinding is new to me.

I thought that might be what it was too. But when you watch him while he does it his mouth doesn't open at all and his jaw doesn't even really come apart either. I've heard people grind their teeth before and that's exactly what it sounds like. Plus the feeling when his chin is resting on my leg does not feel like he's sucking. It is strange. I am going to try to get him, Zoee and Taz into the vet next week for other things, so I'm going to ask about this too.
Thanks for the reply! :)

01-26-2009, 09:15 AM

01-26-2009, 09:22 AM
My skin kid does that but neither of my dogs..you sure it isn't your boyfriend?

01-26-2009, 10:35 AM
My skin kid does that but neither of my dogs..you sure it isn't your boyfriend?

LOL, no, I'm sure its Taggart. I go to bed way before Bruce, and like I said I can feel it when he rests his head on my leg. When Taggart rests his head on my leg. :D Oh, and I'm not asleep either, so I've sat up and watched him. Like I said in previous post, I do not even really see his mouth moving. It's something very internal that he's doing. I swear its his teeth grinding together. I keep checking his teeth, but honestly I'm not even sure what "normal" is for a dogs teeth.

01-26-2009, 11:37 AM
I have no clue.. but will look into it.. as itīs interesting as to why...

in birds beak grinding.. usually means they are content and they also do it prior to go to sleep... it does sound like teeth grinding.. only itīs their beaks.. LOL

01-27-2009, 12:02 PM
I took the dogs to the vet this morning for their ears. They've been scratching and shaking their heads. Zoee more shaking and Taggart more scratching.
Well, Taggart has an infection in one ear and one starting in the other. And Zoee seems to possibly have one starting in one ear. So they are both on meds for that.
I asked the vet if she'd ever heard of dogs grinding their teeth. She said yes. I asked what can you do about that and she said nothing. She asked if he seems stressed and is drooling or anything. I said no. So she just suggested to keep an eye on his teeth. When she checked him she was very impressed on how good and healthy he is. Nice teeth, beautiful coat and very trim.
Then when she got to Zoee she said - they must get lots of exercise because they are both in such good shape.
HA HA!! I am the laziest person around. But we do have a big yard that they run and play in so that must be working. :D

01-27-2009, 02:06 PM
That's interesting...much like humans I guess. Maybe when the ears clear up he'll stop the grinding...

01-27-2009, 02:23 PM
That's interesting...much like humans I guess. Maybe when the ears clear up he'll stop the grinding...

Oh, that's a good thought. I sure hope so.

01-27-2009, 10:24 PM
That's interesting...much like humans I guess. Maybe when the ears clear up he'll stop the grinding...
I can certainly empathize with him if that's the case! My sinuses are so congested, my ears are plugged, and no amount of yawning or messing with the jaw will get rid of the pressure. I can completely understand if this is what is causing his teeth grinding.