View Full Version : Chewy

01-22-2009, 07:37 AM
Hi Chewy.......I bet you are spoiled. You are so handsome. I would love to have you. Congratulations on DOTD.

A Dog Lover:love::love::love:

01-22-2009, 09:17 AM
Good morning dear, adorable Chewy!:) Happy Dog of the Day to you, sweetheart! How handsome you look, posing so proudly for your Dog of the Day photo; love that stylin' blue kerchief...can't help but notice it makes your tags, to a "t!":cool: But that face!!! Oh, what a face, so sweet; and those eyes, filled with kindness! Yep, just as your Mom says, you're the best friend a girl could ever hope for, and how blessed she has been to have had you there by her side these many years, loving on her, protecting her, comforting her; putting so much joy into her days!:love: Much love, hugs and bunches of belly rubs to you sweetheart, and to Spanky and Rex too, precious Chewy!:D And being a beach loving girl myself, hope you and the entire furry gang get to enjoy some sun and surf today, or maybe a trip to the doggie park, (along with the treats:D) celebrating your well earned day of honor! Enjoy the day sweet boy, and every moment of your happy, love filled life!:love::love::love:

01-22-2009, 04:16 PM
What a beautiful smile you have, Chewy!! Such a handsome furry boy!

01-22-2009, 04:27 PM
Hello Chewy,

What a handsome pup you are Mr C.:) You look a little like my pup
Smokey. It's so good to meet you today sweet boy. I'm glad you take
your big brother role seriously with your younger ones. Big congrats
on being chosen as our DOG OF THE DAY.:) Sending you lots of hugs
and kisses Chewy.

Daisy and Delilah
01-22-2009, 05:50 PM
We are so happy to meet you today, Chewy. You are a very handsome lad. We noticed you are a fellow Floridian as well. How are you liking these chilly temperatures we've had? Please come on over and we'll give you some belly rubs. We would love to hear you talk. Congrats to you on your big day, sweetheart. Please tell Mom to give you some kisses from us. Some for Spanky and Rex too.:) Happiness to all of you always!!!!:love: :D :love: :D :love:

Love, Daisy and Delilah in Sunny, Cold, Florida :cool: :cool:

01-22-2009, 07:04 PM
Chewy, you're so handsome! I'd love to give you some tummy rubs (a couple for your younger siblings too)! Happy Dog of the Day!

01-22-2009, 07:43 PM
Hay Chewy,
I love the way you communicate sounding like Chewbacca.:D
Congratulations on being chosen for DOTD!!!

Lilith Cherry
01-22-2009, 09:39 PM
Chewy , you look like a beautiful loving friend! I am glad you are the dog of the day today!