View Full Version : I have a Howler Monkey for a dog!

09-19-2002, 09:58 AM
I took my Yorkie, Molly to Puppy Kindergarten for the first class last night. I know she's not fond of being in the car, but she HOWLED all the way to class and all the way home. :eek:

She is in a portable kennel that is plenty large for her and it's strapped in for safety. I don't want her loose while I'm driving - an obvious safety issue. But I don't like having her howl/bark the whole time - it's very stressful for both of us. She was almost hoarse by the time we got to class. What can I do to get her used to riding in the car?

What they say about Yorkie's is true. In class she wanted to get close and jump at the biggest GSD puppy I've every seen. Of course, the GSD puppy barking the whole time didn't help.

I have high hope that I'll learn lots in this class. Molly (nickname Molly Monster) really needs help and I need to know how to help her.

What has everyone elses experience with puppy kindergarten class been? :confused:

09-19-2002, 11:56 AM
Umm....I probably should not answer this question lol. Nebo has had some really good days at kindergarten, and some really bad ones. He has peed twice, and last time he pooped (luckily it was AFTER the class, but it was still gross). He supposedly bit another dog one time (won't get into that). Sometimes he is really good and will focus on me for at least *some* of the time, but most of the time all he wants to do is play with the other dogs! He gets pretty rough but so do the other dogs. Anyway, it really is good to socialize them with other dogs/people. Usually I think it's pretty fun. Nebo loves it, as he gets to see other doggies! :D I only have 2 weeks before he graduates.

As far as the car, Nebo will hooooowl too if I crate him when he's in the car. So instead I seatbelt him into the backseat, and he is great! At Petco you can buy a seatbelt type thing that will work with any harness (as I'm sure it would be hard to find one for such a small doggy!). It's only around $5-$8, depending on the size. Just get any regular harness for your pup. This thing snaps onto the harness like a leash, and on the other end it buckles into the car (it doesn't fit in every car, so be sure and try it right after you buy it!) My sister has one for her schnauzer puppy, who is also very tiny, and it works fine. Just put some toys back there for her to chew on.

For getting them used to the car....does she hate being in the car period, or only when crated? Nebo cried and yowled his head off the first time he was in a car (not crated even) but he eventually got used to it, and now he likes it. It'd try taking the pup out to the car and just sitting with her, maybe give her a treat. Do that for a while and then try taking her on little short drives (seatbelted in) and see how she does. Good luck!

09-19-2002, 12:07 PM
It will be good for her to meet other dogs (at least other than the ones she bullies at home). That's part of the reason for taking her. She seemed pretty interested part of the evening - then when I got her home, she went wacko. Couldn't get her calmed down for bed - wanted to PLAY!! It didn't help we had a major thunder and lightening storm going on.

As for the car, she cries for a while even is someone is holding her. Haven't tried the harness thing. Will have to get to Petco this weekend. Also thought about a car seat for dogs. It's strapped in by the seat belt and the dog is harnessed into the seat. The seat is high enough that the pup can see out the window - hopefully lessening their panic response. Sounds good, but we'll see. Think I'll try the harness first. Thanks! Any and all suggestions are appreciated. :D

09-19-2002, 01:25 PM
Mattie went to training school, and she found it fun.(I think). The trainer told us if she barked tell her no, and if she persisted to give her a bop under the chin. Well, unfortuantely she kept it up and the trainer had to come over and do a major dicipline. After that class Mattie hardly ever acted up again!! :p

09-19-2002, 01:31 PM
Hopefully she'll learn to love class. I'm supposed to start our homework tonight. Just simple things to get her used to the leash and doing what I want her to do. There are so many things for her to look at, but I'm really worried about the drive to and from school. Definitely am going to have to try some different ideas on that.

09-19-2002, 02:19 PM
Is she used to the crate at home? If not then I would start there. If she is already used to the crate or if you decide not to crate her in the car here are some suggestions to help her get used to the car:
(As with any training process only proceed to the next step when the current step is completed and if she starts to behave badly back up a step and start again. Also once she has overcome a step continue that step for about 2 more times just to make sure). Try to do this often, if possible 2-3 times a day for 5-10 minutes each. Each step may take anywhere from a day to a week or 2 so be patient.

Introduce her to the car slowly, start by just sitting in the car and praise with food, voice, petting &/or toys ONLY when she is quiet and calm. Ignore the bad behavior and praise with good.

Then start the car and do the same while the car is running.

Then only drive to the end of the driveway and sit there for a few minutes.

Then drive to the end of the street. (if in the country only go about 1/4 mile.

Eventually lenghthen the distance start with the end of the street, then around the block, then around 2 blocks etc...

Just make sure only positive things happen in the car never punish. Also by taking her to fun places will help. If she likes the park take her there or if she enjoys playing with a friends dog take her there, take her through the McD's drivethrough and share your hamburg with her etc..

09-19-2002, 02:54 PM
aw, I bet that was a terrible drive.

09-19-2002, 04:12 PM
It definitely was not one of my more pleasant trips. I really want her to enjoy going places, so I'm going to take lb4dogs' advice and slowly work with her. I feel bad for her that she cries. Also want to see about the harness Wolf_Q suggested.

Thanks for all your suggestions. Love the little monster and want her to be as happy with me as I am with her. As soon as I figure out how, I'll attach a picture. :o

09-20-2002, 07:18 AM
I'm sure your little sweetie will get used to the car, and I'm sure she'll love going to puppy classes and so will you!
I took Roxey, and going to class is her absolute favorite thing (well, besides bikerides!)! For the first 10 min. or so she would kinda be crazy, but, after that, she knew what was going on & really listened. We have taken her to 5 obedience classes (because she loved going to school & it displinced her very well!)
and one agility class.
I'm also looking into getting a seatbelt harness for Roxey. One of our husky friends have them & say they are wonderful. It really calms them down alot.
Hope everything works out! Have fun!

09-20-2002, 02:44 PM
I love the security of the seat belt for my dogs. If I need to open the door or window, I know they won't jump out. Just loading them seperately can be a hassle. If there is ever an accident (hopefully never), at least the dogs won't be able to run off.

It's like having little kids in the back seat;)


09-20-2002, 02:53 PM
Went to Petco over lunch and picked up a harness. Will try sitting with her in the car tonight.

We do have to take all the dogs to the vet tomorrow, but I'll have Dick hold Molly since it's a short trip. Then I'll plan to work with her over the weekend to try and take some of the terror out of it for her.

09-26-2002, 08:56 AM
Wolf_Q - Thanks for the tip on the harness. Tried it on the way to class last night. She still howled some, but not hearly as bad. Coming home was a little worse, but she was so tired. When she finally laid down last night - she was OUT for the count. All that socializing and learning sure is tough on a little girl.

Thanks lov4dogs for the tip on introducing her to the car. She's still not certain about the whole idea, but we'll keep trying. Hope to have her running for the car like the other dogs.

The one thing she found out last night was that these dogs are not nearly as intimidated as her brother and sisters at home are. Why, they even barked back!! How dare they! She was just certain she was in charge. When she found out she wasn't it was very upsetting. She did find someone to growl at that didn't growl back - her reflection in the mirror. She puffed up just so pretty.