View Full Version : Downandnup Virus/Worm

01-19-2009, 08:30 PM
Just a couple of days ago, a virus was released onto the internet that is one of the most powerful ever seen. It mainly infects company computers, although there has been reports of it infecting individual computers. This is a true virus to fear, once in, there is no getting it out. Some of the smartest minds in the Linux community tried and failed to completely remove it. CNN published a article over it a few days ago, located here: http://www.cnn.com/2009/TECH/ptech/01/16/virus.downadup/index.html?eref=rss_topstories . I would stay sharp on this thing.

Lilith Cherry
01-20-2009, 08:59 AM
thanks for the warning!

I think that's a good quotation but I thought you may like this version too - Just for a giggle!

Lilith Cherry