View Full Version : Quite the predicament we are in

01-18-2009, 04:23 PM
So... Brians dad is turning 60 this year. Brian's mom has planned a huge surprise party for him. EVERYONE is flying down to florida the last weekend in February. this has been in the works for MONTHS.

Fast Forward to today.... Brian's dad calls and says......

"Hey I want to have a surprise party for Peggy and have you guys all come and surprise her"

When is her birthday? march 10th. only a week and a half AFTER we will be there for Dave's birthday

So NOW what do we do lol.

We can't tell his dad that we are already going there for his birthday and we can't tell his mom about Dave's surprise party plan in case he really does pull something off.

so they both have plans and we can't tell either one about them and they KIND of interfer with each other lol.

01-18-2009, 04:56 PM
So go along with his plans, and then bring her gifts with you when you go!

01-18-2009, 04:57 PM
So go along with his plans, and then bring her gifts with you when you go!

The only problem is he insists on buying the plane tickets and Brian's mom already bought our plane tickets for his surprise party.

and he knows that neither Martha or Brian could afford over $400 for the flight especially after we just had a weeks vacation with them in NC

01-18-2009, 04:59 PM
Hmm, do you know what airline? How close to the departure can one cancel a flight with no penalty?

01-18-2009, 05:03 PM
Hmm, do you know what airline? How close to the departure can one cancel a flight with no penalty?

it would be whatever airline he could get the best deal... most likely southwest since we always get the best price there.

I will have to check out their rules on that. thanks for the suggestion :)

01-18-2009, 05:08 PM
Three years ago, cousin phoned. She was planning a party for her twin girls, for their college graduation. She was combining it with a party for her mom's 80th birthday, and THAT was a surprise.

A week later, the twins contacted everyone. (They knew about their graduation party). They were ADDING to all this a surprise 25th Anniversary party for their mom and dad. I told the twins we would be there.

I told my cousin we had other plans!

It was a HOOT! Everyone was surprising everyone else, and folks arrived for the Anniversary party who hadn't been invited to the other parties, throwing a loop for my cousin; the twins had it covered, they planned extra food. We all still marvel about it.

SO: can someone (maybe a few someones, lol) be "busy" on the date Dad wants and have Dad plan Mom's party the date of the party which is already planned and which he does not know about. As for the tickets, can you say you will take care of it and present him with the receipt so he can reimburse you?

Is there anyone who lives close by the 2 of them who can "assist" with the plan, so they don't have WAY TOO MUCH food? And are both parties happening at the home? You need to make sure they don't book TWO Halls! (I'm not sure how large these parties are going to be.)

It will require some subterfuge, but it CAN be done, maybe, if you think on it!

01-18-2009, 05:09 PM
Southwest will let you change your flight dates without penalty. You may have to pay a higher fare for another flight, but there they don't have a fee for doing that. I just saw a commercial on tv about that 30 minutes ago. Which cities would you be flying from and to? Are there any other family members that would know about both sides of the plans being made with whom you could consult?

01-18-2009, 06:42 PM
The party for my FIL i s... HUGE lol. There are like 100 guests and they are having it at the hall of the golf club my MIL works at lol. so the party is a pretty huge event and she has been planning it for months. EVERYONE is flying in for it.

My MIL has her siblings there in florida so they might be able to do something... I have no idea who their friends are or anything so I don't know who else I would contact about it.

As for the food... Brian and his sister are cooking the food that my MIL bought (pasta) for the party so they could control how much is made.

But I believe my MIL said they were at capacity for the hall (it's not a really big place but pretty fancy) so I'm not sure we could invite more people if we knew who to invite.

As you can tell I am not a party planner lol. Other than Hannah's first birthday I don't plan or throw parties lol. I suck at it.

Brian is going to talk to his sister .

but the surprise for my MIL was supposed to be her kids coming to see her... so if we do it the same weekend there wouldn't be a surprise lol.

01-18-2009, 07:31 PM
I like Freedom's idea. I wonder, since you said the hall might be at capacity, if there is a smaller hall, or something to connect you to the main one? Maybe also an outdoor area to add on a pavillion or tent of some kind?

Gosh... what a combination of events to have happening so close together!

Daisy and Delilah
01-18-2009, 10:23 PM
I just wanted to ask if you guys have Allegient Air available there. I think that's the correct spelling of it. Their flights from Asheville to Florida are $19 one way and $19 back. With those kind of prices, you could keep the surprise going.

Best of luck!! That's quite a dilemma.:eek::confused:

01-18-2009, 10:29 PM
That's why I was asking which airports she would fly from and to. We're using Allegiant from Chattanooga to Tampa and then Orlando back to Tampa. It is a few dollars more that way, but the flight times are better. Knoxville to Tampa has good times, but the flights haven't dropped in price for the dates we need them yet. But I'm watching! The $19 each way is without taxes. A round trip ticket costs about $70 once you add the taxes. Some dates are still $59, $49 or $29, but they are constantly changing. By the way the website link is here. (http://www.allegiantair.com)

ETA: I just looked and didn't see flights out of Asheville. There are flights out of the TriCities, which is near Bristol TN/Bristol VA and also Columbia and Greenville/Spartanburg, SC area. They do fly out of Greensboro and Willmington, NC though.

Daisy and Delilah
01-18-2009, 10:35 PM
That's why I was asking which airports she would fly from and to. We're using Allegiant from Chattanooga to Tampa and then Orlando back to Tampa. It is a few dollars more that way, but the flight times are better. Knoxville to Tampa has good times, but the flights haven't dropped in price for the dates we need them yet. But I'm watching! The $19 each way is without taxes. A round trip ticket costs about $70 once you add the taxes. Some dates are still $59, $49 or $29, but they are constantly changing. By the way the website link is here. (http://www.allegiantair.com)

My daughter uses Allegiant all the time. She also loves the fact that it has her arriving in the smaller airports. Traveling for her is a breeze.

01-18-2009, 10:51 PM
We would leave from Harrisburg or baltimore... neither of which I see available in allegiant :( and we would fly into west palm beach which is also not available with allegiant :(

01-19-2009, 06:52 AM
LOL!!! I think its wonderful that two people love each other so much to plan such grand parties... it also shows how in-tune they are to each other! I mean, to be thinking of the same exact thing for the other.... so sweet!!! :love:

01-19-2009, 07:40 AM
They do fly out of Allentown, PA and Hagerstown, MD though. But fom there they only fly into Orlando or Daytona. I had hoped they would have gone to Lauderdale for you. That wouldn't have been too much farther.

01-19-2009, 09:03 AM
LOL!!! I think its wonderful that two people love each other so much to plan such grand parties... it also shows how in-tune they are to each other! I mean, to be thinking of the same exact thing for the other.... so sweet!!! :love:

Yeah I couldn't believe it when Brians dad called. I mean WHAT are the odds that that would happen lol. It's not even her 60th birthday so a surprise "party" just came out of the blue lol.

01-19-2009, 10:09 AM
That is quite a predicament! I have no suggestions for you. It did remind me of "A Very Brady Christmas" (a Brady Bunch Christmas Special from the late 80's). Both the mom and dad planned to surprise the other with a vacation. They each told all their kids, and told their kids to keep it a secret. They ended up finding out that they both had the same idea and then canceled both trips. They decided to use the money to fly all 6 of their kids and their families home for Christmas.

I just wanted to ask if you guys have Allegient Air available there. I think that's the correct spelling of it. Their flights from Asheville to Florida are $19 one way and $19 back. With those kind of prices, you could keep the surprise going.

Best of luck!! That's quite a dilemma.:eek::confused:

My Sister-in-law loves that airline too. She flies from Chattanooga to Sanford on it.