View Full Version : Great deal on Fresh Step brand scoopable litter

01-17-2009, 10:00 PM
I don't know how many of you may use Fresh Step litter. I happened to be at Sams Club tonight and walked down the pet aisle. I usually don't find any of the brands that I use at Sams, but tonight they actually had Fresh Step. They had a 40 pound bucket of the scoopable litter for $14.32! A 28 pound bucket costs over $12 at WalMart. I had just bought litter a couple weeks ago but went ahead and bought 2 more buckets tonight. I know many of you use different brands and have your own preferences and that's fine. I just thought I'd let those that prefer Fresh Step about this. I don't know if this will be a regular item that they will carry or not. The sign with the price on it said "One Time Purchase" on it.

(Also, if anyone buys Fresh Step but doesn't register the PawPoint codes, you can pass them along to me. I am saving them to get products. I just ordered a calendar.)

01-17-2009, 10:06 PM
I use their crystals when I can't get the walmart brand. although the walmart crystals are 1/2 the price. I can get 4lbs of mimi crystals for 4.17 and the fresh step crystals are almost 14.00 for 8lbs. :(

Does Sam's have the crystals at all??

01-17-2009, 10:15 PM
I did not see any crystals. Sorry. To be fair though I wasn't looking for them. I've been a little afraid to try crystals. I was just so excited when I actually saw Fresh Step there. I housesit for someone that uses another brand that Sams sells. I don't care for that brand myself. That's usually all I've noticed them having before tonight. I just couldn't believe the price difference.

ETA: I didn't see any crystals listed on www.samsclub.com. They do list the scoopable litter for pickup, not delivery, though.

01-18-2009, 02:54 PM
I was hesitant to try them until a friend of mine told me how much she liked them. There's no clumps glued to the bottom. The poop dries up and you swish the crystals around to air them and the urine dries up.

I have all my boxes using crystals at this point, and the only ones that go through crystals quickly are the 2 downstairs because I have lazy cats that would rather use just those two than go upstairs and use the other 8 all the time. They use the upstairs ones too, don't misunderstand, lol. I think also because Calloway stays downstairs most of the time, and he has diabetes and pees a lot, I go change the crystals in those two boxes about every 1 1/2 weeks. The upstairs boxes are lasting at least a month if not more, and the crystals don't get all saturated like the ones that Calloway uses.

Unless there's a major problems with the crystals, I'll never go back to clumping stuff.

01-18-2009, 03:42 PM
There was a good deal today 2 2o kg bags of litter for 14 dollars at petcetera , but sadly i had not way to get them home.
Meeewww hooooo!!!:(:(:(

01-18-2009, 04:40 PM
The crystals probably wouldn't work well for me since Morgan is a diabetic kitty. I have been intrigued by them. Thanks for the first hand explanation.

01-18-2009, 07:13 PM
Thanks for this info, I checked and it's that price here locally, too, at Sams, so I will make sure I go get a couple this week. It's a great price!!!!! Thanks again

02-10-2009, 12:50 PM
I just went to Sam's on my lunch and bought 3 40 lb tubs of litter. I should say I got a workout just buying it and getting it into the car, and now the biggest challenge when I get home of getting it all out of the car and upstairs. :rolleyes:
It should def last us a good long time and it was $42 for 120 lbs, I don't think that's a bad deal at all.
Thanks for the heads up about the litter!

Walgreens had the kitty beds for $6.99 last week, but I just checked and the sale is gone. I got my kitties another one, the leopard print.

02-10-2009, 04:20 PM
I am so glad that you were able to get the deal on it. I looked at the litter at Petsmart yesterday. That is the only other place I know around here that has the 40 pound buckets. They were close to $20 there. A few buckets of litter alone would pay for a Sams Club membership. I'm so glad I didn't know about the sale on the cat beds. I would have gone and bought more. hahaha I could have given them away as gifts. When Morgan had to spend the weekend at the vet's office, I took his leopard bed up there so he could have something comfy and familiar with him. They were all impressed with how cute his bed was!

02-10-2009, 04:28 PM
Cute, he took his bed with him for the weekend. I will make sure I let you know if they go on sale again. They are just adorable. Only one of my cats uses them, and he now alternates from the orange tabby to the leopard.
My gentleman neighbor was outside when I got home, so I asked him nicely if he would help me get the litter upstairs. He did. So we are good to go now hopefully for a long time. :D

02-10-2009, 04:34 PM
Hi!! I use Fresh Step but I never use those paw points because they're not valid in my country so now I know I can pass them on to you;)