View Full Version : I'm really sad about something...

09-18-2002, 03:21 PM
and I would like some other opinions. I'm posting this here because I think it applies to all pet owners, even though I only have my cats as examples. I have a couple stories to share and then I will get to my point.

On my way to school yesterday morning I saw a dog wandering around on a road. People were stopping to let him cross but it was obvious that no one was with him; he must have gotten out of his yard. He was wearing a collar and had tags, but I couldn't stop to grab him because there was no spot that was safe for me to pull over my car.

This morning on my way to school I saw a dead animal laying on the side of the road, which isn't unusual. But this time it was a very young kitten, maybe 2-3 months old. It was silver and had blue eyes, which were still open. I nearly threw up right there but I couldn't because I was driving and I didn't want to cause an accident. Then when I got to school today I saw signs for a beautiful black and white long haired cat named Skippy that has been missing since August 2 (I think the sign has been there for a while).

Every day the paper comes with new ads about lost and missing pets. Some are dogs, most are cats, and some are missing birds like cockateils (spelling?) and parakeets.

I don't know how other people feel about this, but it makes me sick. Every time I think of that kitten I want to cry. S/he was so pretty and someone was careless enough to let it roam around at night when they live near a very busy highway (I know it was last night because I drive home the same way and it wasn't there yesterday). Why do people do this? I think that as pet owners people need to be really careful about letting their pets roam free. I live about six or seven blocks away from the highway and I would never let my cats outside unless they were in an inclosure, on leashes, or with me right by my side. I think it is totally irresponsible when pet owners let their pets roam around and don't watch them or don't have lots of property where the pets can't get hit by a passing vehicle. I know that some people think it is cruel to keep pets cooped up but what is worse? Leash training them or letting them die a really painful death when they get hit by a car? I got Bassett out of a cardboard box next to a grocery store, and Tilly from the pound because she was a stray. Both my girls like to go outside but I love them too much to put them in such a dangerous situation. I would hate myself if I was so careless to let them be outside and I came home one day to find their body on the side of the road.

I'm just so discouraged right now. Why aren't people more careful? Maybe I just needed a place to vent my frustrations because I don't really expect any definate answers. I just knew that I could count on the people here, who love their pets as much as I do, to listen (or read) with a kind heart.

One thing is for sure: When I get home tonight (I'm still at school right now) I will be giving my two babies lots of hugs and kisses and appreciating them with all my heart.

Thanks for letting me spew my frustrations everyone. I really appreciate all of you.


09-18-2002, 04:22 PM
I feel the exact same way :( I cry every time I see a dead animal on the road. And this past Friday was REALLY hard for me. It was Friday the 13th and I saw THREE black cats dead on the road. I couldn't help but think that was not a coincidence. It really hurt my heart because my Shiloh is black and I found her in a parking lot with a busy highway nearby. I also saw what I assumed were her brothers/sisters dead on the side of that road :( :( :(

Shiloh wanted to go outside at first and she howled and yowled the first night but I told her that she would not be going outside ever ever ever again. I scared her of all the doors that lead out and have had no problems with her trying to dart a door.

Anyway, I know how sad you are. I always feel the same way. Its so, so, so, so heartbreaking :(

09-18-2002, 04:27 PM

I know exactly how you feel. I have gotten to the point where I don't even look anymore because I get so depressed.

My cats are all indoor cats. They have SO many conveniences, i.e. cat trees, cat window ledges, etc. When I do try to take them out on a harness, they want no part of it. Which is fine with me. The only one who loves going for rides in the car and walks in the park on a harness in MooShoo, my Sphynx.

Seeing a dead animal on the side of the road makes me ill. Not only for the animal, but for the family who lost the pet and the driver who hit the pet and kept on going. It's a sad fact but it's the way things are. That's why I'm glad my cats are all indoor cats. I know they'll be around for a long time.

09-18-2002, 04:51 PM
you have no way of knowing if those cats are there because they're strays or if they're owned. Dogs run away often, it doesn't mean their owners don't care. My cat is indoors/outdoors and he is very sensible and never goes past the garden.

09-18-2002, 05:22 PM
I understand - I always get upset whenever I see a dead animal along the road - it ruins my whole day, it doesn't matter how good a modd I was in before I see it.

I am super careful with my animals - one cat, Abby, I rescued from a guy who had put her outside because she was in heat and too loud. He lived behind a convenience store that was on the freeway frontage road and really close to the freeway entrance ramp - I was so lucky she was still hanging around (and not pregnant) when I went to pick her up. I still drive by that store and think how close a call that was.

My new kitten was also found very near the same freeway, under the overpass. It would have been difficult for her to actually get on the road, but not impossible. I shudder to think of that baby hit by a car.

I also have three dogs, and they have never (knock on wood) escaped since we built our new fence. I am always aware of where they are, even when they're out running in the yard. I put a big "KEEP OUT" sign on the gate because for some reason, the "beware of dog" sign wasn't enough. I have called the electric company and told them they need to let me know when they come to read the meter - because I don't want my dogs getting out. Otherwise, when they're out, they're leashed.

I am so against unleashed dogs - I totally blame the owners.

09-18-2002, 05:23 PM
When we got our kitty, Marigold, I wanted her to be inside. We live quite near a semi-busy road, and I didn't want anything to ever happen to her. This worked for the first month or so...and then she quit eating, went into a slump, and started peeing all over the house (even with clean litter boxes). We took her to the vet, had her checked all over, over-night for a urine sample and she checked out perfectly. The vet suggested maybe she just wanted to be out, and with sadness I let her go. The first time she didn't come home at night, I was frantic & couldn't sleep. But she showed up the next day, and she is a much happier cat now. She comes & goes as she pleases, and doesn't pee in the house anymore when she is in. Yes, I am still scared that one day she will be hit or something, but in the meanwhile, I don't feel that it is fair to her to coop her up. I should say, too, that she was grown when we got her, and had likely been out her whole life. I think I would feel differently if she had been a kitten and content to stay indoors from the start.

09-18-2002, 05:24 PM
When my cat Snowball got out, I was devastated. Unfortunately, my parents and sister do not love animals as much as I do, and would not put up lost signs. It was sad, because I wanted my kitty, back, and they could care less. Big difference between me and the people around me. I'm a vegitarian. I do not eat meat or fish because I think it is wrong to kill an animal just for our sake. I do not disect, hurt, kill, or eat animals and never will. Also, I have animal pictures all over my walls. The people around me could care less about animals, and that makes me sad.

Now back onto the subject..
That must have been sad. If I saw that cat, I would inform the family looking for him/her that their cat had been hit by a car. My friend Johanna lets her cats go outside, and they always get into fights with other cats. You should see these poor things, they have almost all of their fur shaved off from operations they've had, and one of them got hit by a car!! They just got a kitten named Norbert, and they should have the sense to keep him inside, I don't want to see another cat from their family get sent to the hospital (I love to visit my vet after school!).:(

09-18-2002, 05:48 PM
I think declawing a cat so it's more indoors friendly is far worse than letting it go out occasionally.

09-18-2002, 06:46 PM
Naomi, I know exactly what you mean. I have seen such horrible sights one my way to and from Alabama every other weekend when I go to visit my husband.

I just want to pull over and cry! I get so sick and upset. I wonder how the pup or kitty got run over and can't come up with an answer. I hope I am never in that situation. If I am ever about to hit an animal with my car, I would rather swerve and hit something trying to miss it that actually run over it. I don't think I could live with myself if I had that weighing me down.

09-18-2002, 06:50 PM
I keep my cats inside - I had 2 that got hit and killed by cars, and I lived on a private contry road. I know that some cats need to go out, my parents have cats that go out and they have lived long lives (none hit by cars - ever). But I get really upset, a total basket case, when anything happens to my animals - it's more of a Boscibo problem than a pet problem - so I choose to keep them in.

Dogs free to roam is my big pet peeve. I have an old dog that had some back problems a few years ago - he doesn't get around vey well. We go for short walks in the park across the street. I get really mad when an unleashed dog comes by - Bandit can't defend himself anymore, and is at a big disadvantage. I really wish some people were more responsible.

09-18-2002, 09:33 PM
Thanks for the replys. I have had cats in the past who were allowed to go outside, and I don't disagree with it if the cats are trained to stay in the yard or need that option or what have you. But it's sad when you see a new kitten that wouldn't know better (yet) dead on the road. The owners could have trained her to stay in the yard before allowing her to go out.

I don't think it matters if the pet that was killed was a stray or not. That doesn't make it less sad, and most likely the reason the cat is a stray is because someone somewhere down the line wasn't responsible enough to spay or neuter, or keep their pet inside.

Basically I'm saying that our pets rely on us to keep them safe, and everyone who owns a pet should really take that responsibility very seriously. Most people do, and for that I'm grateful. But for the people who don't, it's sad to see a wasted joy laying on the side of the road.


09-18-2002, 09:38 PM
What I meant was, when you see a dead kitten on the road you can't automatically assume it's because someone just let it out. A dead cat is a dead cat, and it's sad no matter what. I'm just saying that you have very little way of knowing if it's a result of someone's negligence.

09-18-2002, 09:43 PM
Originally posted by Soledad
What I meant was, when you see a dead kitten on the road you can't automatically assume it's because someone just let it out. A dead cat is a dead cat, and it's sad no matter what. I'm just saying that you have very little way of knowing if it's a result of someone's negligence.

Very true, and sadly that is the first assumption I make. But I also know that ferals are killed too, and it's also sad, like you said.

Thanks for clearing it up :)

09-18-2002, 09:50 PM
MY Tilly can't go outside with out parental supervision and a leash, right Nomi :)?

Nate :)

09-18-2002, 10:03 PM
but I feel really sorry for cats on leashes. It just doesn't feel right. They always look so humiliated.

09-18-2002, 10:09 PM
Originally posted by Soledad
but I feel really sorry for cats on leashes. It just doesn't feel right. They always look so humiliated.

I think it is humiliating when they are being led around and dragged everywhere. I just let my cat take *me* for a walk :). *shrug*


09-18-2002, 10:13 PM
That sounds more like it. I've never seen it done well, I guess.

09-18-2002, 10:25 PM
I have no problem with unleashed dogs, as long as they r friendly, & stay near the owner & obay the owner, because I never walk my dog on a leash. he walks by my side or a max of 10 feet unless someone is comming then I call him to my side. My dog loves meeting other unleashed dog, they have a ball. But I do get very very angry when a vicious dog is unleashed, having to kick a small dog isn't fun (Max will not lay a tooth on a small dog), & its worse when ur dog tries tries to protect u from a big snarling dog, talk about scary stuff, its a side of ur dog that u didn't want to see.

Story time!

I was once walking my dog Max (Black lab, rottweiler & pitt bull mix) when a king german shepard was loose. the king g.s. was laying on the opposite side of the road with its ears back & staring at me (Max could have caredless about looking at a dog). So I kept an eye on it, through the corner of my eye, when it suddenly started to charge ME!! It jumped at my face & I could feel its breath & snarl, when suddenly the king g.s. yelped loudly & was ripped right off of me so fast I didn't know what was going on. It only took a second or 2 to get a grip of what happened, & I saw that Max had saved me, Max had grabed the king g.s. by the throat & shook it like a huge rag doll. Max let it go after 5 or 10 seconds of shaking & moving it away from me. When the king g.s. tried to bite max back, luckly was was full of ardrenelyn (poor spelling) & was able to move faster the king g.s. & clamped down on the side of its face. As soon as Max bit down he let it go & the dog ran off without harming a hair on me or Max. I ran home right after that & looked max right over to make sure he really was ok & he was. Max was 7 years old. That was his first & hopfully last serious dog fight.

I love my dog Max, hes my guarden angel, with a heart of gold.

Max will be 9 years old this x-mass eve.


09-19-2002, 04:08 AM
I know exactly how you feel, and it upsets me greatly too :(

When I was younger I'd always pick up and bury the birds or hedgehogs or whatever that I found roadkilled near my house.

I guess this is one of the many reasons why I refuse to get a driver's license.

09-19-2002, 09:47 AM
Soledad DOES have a point. While it is very disturbing and sad that you see animals dead on the side of the road, it does not mean that they necessarily belonged to anyone. Cats killed by cars are most times feral cats, tossed aside by their humans once they lose their "cuteness", forced to back into the wild to fend for themselves.

It still hurts nonetheless.

09-21-2002, 03:01 AM
Originally posted by Ann

When I was younger I'd always pick up and bury the birds or hedgehogs or whatever that I found roadkilled near my house.

I used to peel frogs off the street and bury them and give funerals. My friends thought I was weird :\

09-21-2002, 03:40 AM
My best friend had this cat that I really didn't like because he was always killing animals and never ate them, just let them die a slow death. I was too young to realise that this was just a cat's nature, so I continued to blame the cat. One day Romeo (the cat) attacked a chipmunk, and left it to die. We tried to nurse it back to health, but eventually he died. We had a huge funeral for him with all the neighborhood kids. I played "Taps" on a kazoo I found, and we had a sunset funeral for the little thing. It was sad at the time, but it's kind of funny looking back on it now.

09-21-2002, 11:45 AM
back when i lived in washington d.c.,i knew a lady who walked her cat on a leash,but it was necessary because a big city like d.c. is not a good place to let animals roam around outside.i think the only time it would be necessary to put catsn on a leash is in a big city or something.

09-21-2002, 08:28 PM
I think cats need to be either kept inside or on a leash at all times. Why cause I slaved my buns off in 40C temps fixing dads yard, it took us 2 days just to lay SOME dirt. & what happened the neighbourd 5 cats came over & DISTROYED IT ALL!!!! I refuse to work in cat poo, it smells horrible & is horribly sticky. My POOR (money wise) dad saved up money so he could try to grow grass in the backyard, now it dirt again cause the cats pooed & peed & tore up the whole section of the yard, theres NOTHING LEFT!!!
We trained our dpg not to pee & poo on other peoples lawns, I don't even walk him on peoples lawns, because I know someone had to work to grow the grass.
I want a law passed that all pets must be fenced or tied or trained not to use others peoples lawns.
My dads neighbour spent $200,000.00 on there house & the wife has always wanted a veggy garden, the garden lasted a week untill she couldn't take all the cat poo & pee & the horrible smell of them.
What about us who have to work hard & want nice yards, why should we be punished by ur peoples cats, why????
My elderly friend has always trained her cats to use a leash & the love it. My moms friend had a leash on the close line for her dog & 2 cats & they were just fine. My sister trained her cat to use the extending leash & she loves it.

& because the cats that distroy my dads yard r loose, 1 was hit by a car & is lymping around & my dad feels sorry for it, because he has to shoo it off his porch & away from his dinner.
& my dads elderly friend that lives in the same house has no more BIRDS or SQURILLS left ALIVE!!! the cats KILLED THEM ALL!!

So do u think its still ok for cats to be let loose????

The cats owners use to have 7 cats, do u want to know what happened to them??? I know & its horrible having to live with the sight of those 2 cats mangled bodies & it will happen to the rest when even more neighbours start to go crazy because of all the damage these 5 cats r causing.

There is 1 unleashed cat that is welcome in our yard, because he was trained to ONLY use his litter box & not yards

Want to know what happed to 20 unleashed cats 7 years ago??
I didn't think so, theres alot of sicko's out there that enjoy harming loose distructive cats, I've been trying to 7 years to catch the neighbour who killed the 20 cats in 1 month, I narrowed it down 1 to house, but I have very little proof.

Has anyone changed there minds yet???

I'm sorry my post is so horrible, but people have got to wakeup & realize that loose pets r a menis to other neighbours. Its not fair to us.


09-21-2002, 09:20 PM
My cats only go outside on their leashes or if I am with them in the yard. They aren't allowed out anywhere else. I think it's gross to find kitty poop in the gardens too! And it's just too dangerous these days.

09-21-2002, 09:40 PM
I'm always bothered when I find a dead animal on the side of the road too. One time I was in the car with a friends family. At the time they had 2 dogs, a german shepard, and a german shepard/pointer mix (gsd was his mom). The gsd/pointer, Rex, looked just like a gigantic chocolate lab with a few white markings. Anyway, we were driving down the road and there was a large chocolate colored dog dead on the side of the road. The friends mom casually said "Oh that dog looks just like Rex, doesn't it kids?" I don't know why that bothered me so much, but it did. Those dogs were always getting out, and they ended up dying because of it.

Another time I was with my parents and we were driving down a road that is in kind of the middle of nowhere, although there was a small town probably 15 minutes away (which we were heading towards). There was a big white dog, looked like a great pyrenees, on the side of the road. It was pacing, and I knew it was going to get hit. I begged them to stop and pick it up to at least take it to a shelter or something. Of course they wouldn't. After we camped, and were driving back home, there was a big white dog on the side of the road.....dead........ :(

I have to agree with Jess on the cat thing. I love cats, but I'm sick of people letting them run loose all over the neighborhood. It's because of that, and no spay/neuter that we have tons of feral cats. And Nebo keeps trying to eat poop in the front yard, and it is nasty! He doesn't eat it in the backyard, I think it is only cat poop he has a taste for. lol. It's a different story if you can train your cats to stay in your yard of course.

09-21-2002, 10:57 PM
the vet told us that its normal for dogs to eat cat poop, its one way on how to unmark its yard, some dogs roll in it to hide the sent of the cat.
& speeking of dogs eating cat poop, my dog has a sensitive tummy & can only eat dog food & some dog treats, hes also a cat poop eater & its causing him some serious barfing & pooping & peeing in the house, my dad is gonna try to catch some of the cats.

There r no stray cats at my dads end of town, all the dammage is comming from this ladys 5 cats.
Theres this orange female cat named ginger that use to come in our yard to watch the birds at the feeder & the ladys cats attacked her & I haven't seen her since, ginger was a good cat, & then theres Taz, hes a cat well know & liked in our neighbourhood & he use to come into my dads house (I have pics of him) & purrrrr & purrrr & purrr & dad loves him, Taz is the trained cat, dad said Taz hasn't been around for 3 months, he seen taz in his own yard, but can't cross the road to visit my dad, cause the other cats attack him & hes a great fighter & wins, but he doesn't like to fight.

I just wish there was some way to get rid of the darn cats...

does anyone have any ideas on how to get rid of these cats, besides killing the mean ones & sending the nice ones to the shelter??

I was told orange peels worked, but they don't, they might work indoors, but not out doors


09-22-2002, 02:33 AM
Kingrattus --

From what I could make of your entry, I'm not quite convinced that all cats need to be kept indoors or on leashes. I live in a neighbourhood FULL of cats and gardens. The two exist quite peacefully, and without any problems.

Maybe it's because I'm in NZ, but I'm quite sure my cat's safe outside. This is major cat-loving country. Boo doesn't go out much, and when he does he always sticks close by. Some cats NEED to go outdoors, others don't. I don't think it's right to keep a cat indoors who clearly shows signs of stress, boredom or anxiety because of it.

Dogs not on leashes are infinitely more dangerous, both to themselves and to others. Even when trained there can be issues. I step on more dog poop than cat poop when I go walking about.

I don't know...just my thoughts.

09-22-2002, 03:04 AM
The cats around my house really don't bother me much, actually I'm usually trying to get them to come over to me so I can pet them. I just get mad when I get all these complaints about my dogs, and I think the cats are causing a lot more troubles then my dogs ever would. I do agree that a dog off leash roaming the neighborhood is a lot bigger problem then a free roaming cat. But I think the main reason why we have SO many cats around here, is because nobody spays/neuters them. I really think most of the cats that I see are most likely wild, which is sad. :( And I guess it depends on where you live to some extent, but I think that any animal that is allowed to live freely outside is in danger from people, cars, and other animals.

09-22-2002, 03:05 AM
you asked why do people do that? because they are uncaring asses thats why. sorry in a bad mood and that didnt help . lets just hope they get the same to them some day

09-22-2002, 03:31 AM
The point is, any owner of a pet, whether it is cat or dog, should take the responsibility for it, and not let it bother other people. I hate dogs running loose also. It makes me so mad when I try to take my dogs for a walk ON A LEASH, and have to worry about other dogs charging at me because they are loose. Yes, Reggie would probably start the fight, as he is not too fond of other dogs. But if my dog is on a leash, they can keep their dogs away from me, and there's not a problem. I still believe that if you let your pet (of any kind) run loose you are exposing them to dangers of other animals, people, and cars.

I have never even once seen cat poop on the sidewalks, roads, or lawns That's because they prefer to poop in your garden, lol. :D Dogs poop wherever they happen to stop. :rolleyes:

09-22-2002, 04:47 AM
and the dogs I've had have always caused more damage than my cats. I can't imagine that cats create too much trouble. They do bury their poop. Maybe I've just had exceptionally polite felines...:)

Yes, I know letting your cat outdoors exposes it to certain dangers, but so does keeping it indoors (obesity, anxiety, boredom). It's up to the owner to decide what works best with them and their animal. I am of course more than willing to compensate for any damage my animal does, but the only thing my cat can be accused of is sitting on my neighbour's porch.

09-22-2002, 10:40 PM
Soledad: They do bury their poop... Yes they do & thats how the holes in the yard got there & thats how they killed all the baby grass. & they toss dirt all over the place & miss half of their poop anyway.

I agree 100% that "roaming" dogs r a serious problem & horribly dangerous, I've been there. My dads yard isn't a closed in yard (because hes renting the apt.) ^ a few houses down, the people had an Austriallien Shepard. The dog was always loose & incouraged to poop in our yard.. I was outside one day & say the dog pooping & tolk it to get lost, I hissed at it (from about 50 feet away, I'm not stupid enough to go near a stray looking dog). The dog started to grawl & got low to the ground & started to come near me, I treatened it a bit more untill I knew it was serious & ran inside the house. I went over to the dogs owners & told them to keep it off our yard, because if my dog Max was outside there could be problems.. So what did they do the next day, let the dog out & onto our yard & Max happened to be outside. Max prefers not to fight & does run away, but I was out there too & Max will fight to the death befor he would let anything hurt me (or our family & friends)... The dog started to grawl & was laying low to he ground & trotting towards Max & I... I told Max to stop & come to me, Max was coming towards me, when the dog ran & then did a treatning pounce infront of us & thats when Max lost it, He ran after the dog & bit its tail & removed skin & hair of its tail... I was so scared cause I thought max would kill it, but like I trained Max, He stoped at the end of the yard & brought me the fur & skin & he forced me into the house by bitting my pant legs.

Lets just say the dog never came back in our yard.

I had forgotten about this story, max was about 7 yrs old.
Damn hes a great dog, it takes alot to piss him off, a 2 year old girl was petting him while he was laying on his belly & she saw is pee pee & grabbed it & tried to pull it off his body. But was too gentile to harm the child, he layed there & whined, until I ran over & told her no. the mother was happy she did it, because the mother could now trust Max 100%, & well kids r kids & she wouldn;t stop going it, so Max fell aleep while she tried to fix him the hard way. We stoped her everytime, but she thought it was funny, because he older sister was giggling. Its was funny watchimg Max herded the little girls puppy around, when the puppy ran for the road or off their yad we yelled at Max & he would chase the puppy, run in front of it & lick the puppy so hard it would knock it over & he would chase the puppy back to us my licking it, it was the funniest thing going... hahaha
