View Full Version : Cat that likes water?

01-11-2009, 06:54 PM
My little Moglie is a weird guy. When I am doing dishes, he sits there, swats and puts his whole head under water.

Last night I was taking a bath, and being the nosey cat he is, he followed me into the bathroom and sat for a while on the end of the garden tub. He played with the bubbles a bit and WHAM! right before I could say anything he was IN the tub doing a paddle! He slipped in with a big splash. My tub is relatively large and I got to him as soon as I could but he was soaked.

I lifted him out of the tub and put him on the towel I had on the floor..........And he shook like a doggie and jumped back up on the ledge he had originally been on!! Like he didnt even care he was soaked, he went back to playing with bubbles!

I ended up cutting my bath short so I could get out and dry him....and tonight, he was right back on the ledge playing with the bubbles.

Is he crazy?

01-11-2009, 07:34 PM
Moglie is a really adventurous little sweetheart! Somehow I can't imagine Groucho joining in for a dip in some warm, bubbly water. When the floor is wet he tippytoes, shakes his paws and very clearly voces his displeasure. It's as if he's saying, "Meowmie, how could you do this to MY floor!"

Gotta love 'em. Could I ask you to give Moglie some scritchies and lovies from me? :love: :love: :love: :love: :love:

01-11-2009, 07:56 PM
I love it!

Kuhio was a water kitty who would walk around in the tub and sit down right in the middle of a puddle.

Pepper and Willy put their heads under the water stream in the bathroom sink. When they're done, they shake their heads -- which results in water spots all over the bathroom mirror. :rolleyes:

Halo and Willow aren't fond of water, but Cammie is deathly afraid of it. She will claw you bloody if you even mention bathtime.

01-11-2009, 08:03 PM
I happen to know (or knew) someone who had cats that swam. In fact they went for a dip in my parents pool a couple of summers ago.
And isn't there a scuba cat too? I'm sure you could find video of that on you tube.

01-12-2009, 12:15 AM
Yes, he's a very unique cat.:) My Pearl likes to sit in my kitchen sink and give her self a bath in the left over water. My Sunny has been playing in the water bowls for years and will bat the water every where. This is why I have to keep them in clean litter boxes. None of my cats like the water so much that they would jump in a tub of it though.

01-12-2009, 12:16 PM
I've never had any of my cats jump in my bath or get into my dishwater, but Bear has been known to hop past the curtain and sit in the end of the tub when I'm taking a shower. lol I have to be careful not to splash him or I end up having to take extra time to dry him off.

01-12-2009, 06:24 PM
I remember on the TV Show the Beverly Hillbillies where Donna Douglas had a Cat , An Orangie named Rusty:):), who swam in the "cement pond "
Another talented animal from Frank Inn , who trained Benji, and the Arnold the Pigs on Green Acres!!!:love::love: