View Full Version : Exciting things happened today!

01-11-2009, 03:20 PM
Well, first of all Taggart graduated from his basic manners class today. Yay!!! :D

And we got to see a celebrity. Besides Tony La Russa (I see him a lot at the center). Anyway, last night there was a fundraiser concert held in Walnut Creek and it featured Tony Orlando, Air Supply and Billy Bob Thornton and the Boxmasters. A few other acts were featured also, a dance company and a comedian.
Here (http://www.diablomag.com/D-blog/Best-Of-Editor-Picks/January-2009/Event-of-the-Week-ARFs-Stars-to-the-Rescue-concert-featuring-Billy-Bob-Thornton-and-Air-Supply/) is a link that touches on it a bit.

Anyway, so Anne, the boutique manager, mentioned that Tony La Russa would probably bring some of the people from the concert to ARF the next day. I didn’t think anything of it. And when I pulled in today for Taggarts final training class there was a big tour bus with a small trailer parked out on the street. I figured it was someone from the concert, but honestly I figured it’d be Tony Orlando.

So during class the teacher is talking and I see this group of people walk out of one of the doors and they are lingering in the small area between all the buildings. I see Tony LaRussa and then I recognize Billy Bob Thornton. Now I’m not a big fan of his, but it was still cool to see him, even if through the windows. :)

So the teacher is talking about distractions and such and Tony brings the group into the Training Pavillion!!! The teacher said “when you have distractions, like the one we are having right now”. But they were walking in the door and didn’t hear her. She wasn’t saying it rudely either. It was funny.

So they stood and watched us run through the exercise for a minute. It was cool!!! :D I was directly across the room from them working with Taggart. Hee hee.

01-11-2009, 06:29 PM
How exciting! What a celebration for the final class, and all unplanned.

Oh, and CONGRATS Taggart, on your graduation! You are OUR celebrity today, HOORAY!

01-12-2009, 10:23 AM
Awww, thank you Sandie. Yes, Taggart did very well in class too. We ran an obstacle course with commands and a jump. He did great once with the instructor and once with me. The second time with me he wouldn't go over the jump the second time. I don't know what was wrong with him. So the instructor took him and got him to do it. LOL
He always does so much better for her. So I asked her what treats she was using and got the same. That's why he did so well for me yesterday. :)
But while Tony and those people were in there we were doing a sit stay. He always does great with that. Yesterday he started to scoot with his front paws around to follow me. Little stinker!! LOL