View Full Version : Talk of the next breed to adopt us??

01-06-2009, 08:12 PM
What breed of dog will u be thinking of getting in the future?? And why ?? :)

My boyfriend and I have been tausing the idea around a bit, we both want totally different breeds tho..

He wants : Beagle, or Vesla, or rotty...

I dont want any of those really....

I want : Somthing smaller , maybe like a Havanese, or a sheltie, or maybe a Shih tzu, or shiba inu?? Or a Spitz type like a kleekai, or a keeshund... I am pretty open to suggestions... Mostly I am just wanting a breed that is easily excersized and good with kids!

(no terriers either) Just too much to handle hehe.

01-06-2009, 08:16 PM
There are many "breed selectors" on line, which will help you narrow down your choices, perhaps. Just google
dog breed selector

I know IAMS has one, and Animal Planet also.

And the selector may indicate why one of those breeds you "think" you want, is not really a great match for you after all. Er, I MEAN your boyfriend, of course! :D

01-08-2009, 07:20 PM
Oh I have done endless breed selectors even just for fun.. and I never get matched with breed that suit my lifestyle.. EI: the last selector I took matched me with Belgian Shepherd, Stardard poodle, Golden, Lab, And Collie!

01-08-2009, 07:37 PM
I'd just visit the shelter and see who calls to your heart! Shelties can be great with kids, or completely NOT - depends on the dog. Same is true with many breeds. A Rottie - if you get an adult - would be great with kids, and easily exercised ... depending on the Rottie.

01-08-2009, 07:39 PM
Mostly I am just wanting a breed that is easily excersized and good with kids!

Um, not sure how to break this to you. These breeds:
the last selector I took matched me with Belgian Shepherd, Stardard poodle, Golden, Lab, And Collie!
tend to be exactly that!

And these breeds:
I want : Somthing smaller , maybe like a Havanese, or a sheltie, or maybe a Shih tzu, or shiba inu?? Or a Spitz type like a kleekai, or a keeshund.
tend NOT to be.

Which is leaving me rather puzzled as to why you wrote this!
I never get matched with breed that suit my lifestyle.

Just to be sure I was on the right track, I checked the AKC pages for the shiba inu, shih tzu, and confirmed my suspicions.

So now, I am really confused, lol.

01-08-2009, 11:29 PM
Freedom, while those breeds are generally ones that are good with kids, I gather that exercise requirements are just as important to Jynnelle as being good with kids is. Belgians and any of the retrieving breeds are very active, energetic dogs. I don't know enough about Collies to say what they're exercise requirements are, but many appear to be more laid back than the majority of other herding breeds (that's not to say they're inactive though). I've only met a handful of Collies, so I could be wrong. I barely know anything about Poodles, but while active dogs, they seem relatively easy to accomodate exercise wise.

Jynnelle, it must be hard to decide on a breed when there's someone else involved! I know nobody in my family truly has the same tastes, but fortunately it works out here to have what I like (tollers) and to have what my mom likes (dobes). As far as the breeds you're interested in, I'd stay away from Shibas I think for sure. Klee Kai too. My family thought we might be interested in a Shiba, but wow, are they ever a handful! Very independent thinkers, couldn't really care less about what you have to say to them, and apparently need quite a bit of exercise/mental stimulation to keep those highly intelligent brains busy! I have no one on one experience with Klee Kai, but based on what I've heard about them, they don't really sound right for your lifestyle. Neither does a Vizsla for being easy to exercise -- they're an incredibly energetic breed usually. Shelties are nice, but they seem to be a very sensitive breed so I'm not sure what they'd think of living with children. Anyhow, that probably wasn't too helpful of a post considering I have no suggestions as to anything to actually look into... nor do I have any suggestions as to how you guys can come up with something that you both like that would fit well into your life.

As to your original question as to what breed I'll be thinking of getting in the future? Tollers... lots and lots more Tollers. There are plenty of other breeds I'd love to have, and perhaps will someday, but the above is my only real definite. As to why? Tollers suit me really well and I absolutely love having them around - I can't imagine not having one. I don't doubt that I'll have another Doberman someday, too.

01-09-2009, 03:42 AM
Mine is definitely going to be a mini Aussie Shep, or a Husky

01-09-2009, 06:54 PM
My dream dog has always been the Rough Collie. My mother used to take me down to the petstore once a week to see "the Collies." I was the only child they ever let go into the pen with them. I loved on those babies! We never got one though (we were too smart for that). I liked other breeds, but I kind of put the Collie on a little pedestal, not to be touched, sort of unattainable. I don't know why I did - but I did. All of my childhood friends knew this and anytime I went over their houses they always seemed to either have the t.v. on "Lassie" or know of a Collie that lived "just around the corner." Speaking of Lassie, I even have an autograph from June Lockhart (Timmy's Mother) with Lassie...lame I know.

My family and I almost adopted one from a shelter in Florida when I was in high school, but I didn't think my Dad would allow it, so my Mom and I went home and talked about her...and to our surprise my Dad liked Collies a lot and said that would have been the only breed he would have ever gotten...so we all drove down there to go adopt her but she had already been adopted out in that short time (go figure).

Don't get me wrong, I like other breeds, including most of the sporting breeds - but the Collie is the only one for me. :love: I can't wait to finally be on my own two feet again and have my own place so that I can finally have "my dream dog."

01-09-2009, 07:42 PM
You really need to narrow down your energy and exercise levels to really find the perfect breed.

Some dogs CRAVE exercise and continuous training. They need it. Without it, they get destructive, neurotic, and they become a pain to live with.

Ergo, do not get a Vizsla unless you are committed to running/jogging several miles a day or you are active in agility or flyball or competitive obedience. Vizsla need work - LOTS of it. They are so energetic that it borders on neurotic. I know several Vizsla owners, and they are incredibly fit and active (dog AND owner).

Belgian Shepherds, Standard Poodles, Golden Retrievers, and Labradors are all very energetic. Certain lines of Goldens and Labs have become bred down to have softer and calmer personalities, however, so you may luck out there. If you're looking into a Lab/Golden, your first choice should be a rescue because there are just SO many.

There is a distinction between dogs who like exercise and dogs who NEED exercise. Unless you're especially active, try looking for breeds who like exercise and stay away from dogs who NEED exercise and jobs.

01-10-2009, 10:44 PM
For me in the future.. Definitely a pit bull, rescued of course! :) That's not for a very long time, though.

01-10-2009, 11:21 PM
Oh whatever happens to come along. I may dream of owning countless different breeds, but usually end up with whichever dog is in need.

I'll probably still be renting so if I have to have something small it would either be a lhasa apso or cocker spaniel. Probably would look for a senior age dog. Would prefer purebred. Would definately have a long show clip.

If I had a choice though I'd get a big dog. Rottweiler, komondor, otterhound.

I've even been thinking of border collies because I would want a dog that can do some sort of activity, but they might be a little beyond my patience for training.

Suki Wingy
01-14-2009, 12:23 AM
I'm not sure when I'll be in a position to get my own dog. It could be a year, or it could be quite a few years in the future. There are a lot of different scenarios that could happen, including things I didn't plan for, and a lot of questions that would need to be answered. (is the breed banned? not readily available? Do I have my own home or rent? Do I live at a stable or a regular home? What hours do I work, and do I work at home or somewhere where I can bring my dog? Do I travel a lot? If so, is my dog welcome on my travels? Do I have kids, or a lot of kids around my house/barn? etc, etc.)
The breeds I can see myself having if the circumstances are right are:
-pit bull/am staff
-catahoula/ pit cross
-brussels griffon
-and of course the what-the-heck-is-this mutt. :)

I could see myself either rescuing or buying, depending on a lot of different things

01-16-2009, 09:04 PM
My next dog will be another Aussie. I'm crossing my fingers for a female red tri. That won't be until Talon is more mature and I feel ready to go through the puppy thing again.

SOMEDAY I'd like a Great Dane and another Pit Bull.

01-16-2009, 09:18 PM
I'm not completely sure what my next dog will be... I've narrowed it down to a Cardigan Welsh Corgi or a Smooth Collie. I love Cardis, but in my experience, they're a bit more sassy/independent and low energy for my taste. Collies seem to be much more eager to please, and I love their personalities and goofiness, as well as their energy.

It's weird, but I get frustrated by dogs who can't "turn on" at the drop of a hat, and who don't completely worship me. I blame Gonzo. :p

01-20-2009, 11:54 AM
Um, not sure how to break this to you. These breeds:
the last selector I took matched me with Belgian Shepherd, Stardard poodle, Golden, Lab, And Collie!
tend to be exactly that!

And these breeds:
I want : Somthing smaller , maybe like a Havanese, or a sheltie, or maybe a Shih tzu, or shiba inu?? Or a Spitz type like a kleekai, or a keeshund.
tend NOT to be.

Which is leaving me rather puzzled as to why you wrote this!
I never get matched with breed that suit my lifestyle.

Just to be sure I was on the right track, I checked the AKC pages for the shiba inu, shih tzu, and confirmed my suspicions.

So now, I am really confused, lol.

I have both Shelties and a Belgian.. If I had a young child, there's not a chance in hell I'd get a Belgian. I wouldn't hesitate to get a Sheltie though. The reason I say this is because Belgians are very, very energetic dogs. They're very needy and require a handler who is *always* on top of things. A Belgian will take full advantage of you without hesitation. Aside from the energy level, temperament is also hit and miss. I got lucky with Keeva. She's a sweet dog but still is very flighty, which makes it hard for her to trust people. There are some awful temperaments out there. There's so much work to be done to the breed.

Shelties, on the other hand, are smaller in size, so there would be less worry about the dog knocking the child down. They're easily content being your average family dog, but are also happy to participate in ANY activity you have in store for them. They're sweet natured and I've seen far fewer Shelties with poor temperaments than I have Belgians. The only thing that would worry me is the herding instinct. But the drive in my Shelties is almost non-existant, while the drive in my Belgian is unreal!

As for my future breeds, I see more Belgians for me. :) I've really fallen in love with Malinois but would equally love to get one of the other varieties too.. perhaps a Visa puppy ;) My next dog will probably be a Papillon though. I'd like a dog suitable for agility, while taking a bit of a breather from another large breed puppy.

01-20-2009, 12:41 PM
IŽll always be surrounded by huskies... ALWAYS...I want a red and a white, although blacks will haunt me forever ;)

now with a lil Pom too.. I might get another one in the future...

IŽd also love to get a Bull terrier (brindle) or a Pitbull (chocolate/white)...

this are my top possible choices...^

this next ones are my in-dreams-only ones.. v

IŽd also looooooove to get a Borzoi... but it just ainŽt gonna happen... not ONE close to me and very very hard and $$ to have one shipped...

in this "list" also include a standard black poodle... also very hard to find although you get to see the miniŽs popping out from every pore in the city.. hehe...

Saluki, Ibizan Hound and Paraoh Hound.. *drools*... same issue as with Borzoi

this other ones are also choices IŽd like...

Aussie (red merle and/or Tri red merle)
Basenji (brindle)

02-02-2009, 04:46 PM
Um, not sure how to break this to you. These breeds:
the last selector I took matched me with Belgian Shepherd, Stardard poodle, Golden, Lab, And Collie!
tend to be exactly that!

And these breeds:
I want : Somthing smaller , maybe like a Havanese, or a sheltie, or maybe a Shih tzu, or shiba inu?? Or a Spitz type like a kleekai, or a keeshund.
tend NOT to be.

Which is leaving me rather puzzled as to why you wrote this!
I never get matched with breed that suit my lifestyle.

Just to be sure I was on the right track, I checked the AKC pages for the shiba inu, shih tzu, and confirmed my suspicions.

So now, I am really confused, lol.

Well I have also done a whole lot of research on these breeds as well... I have only read good things about Shihtzus and Children, but you are right about Shiba inus, They are head strong,a nd very stubborn somewhat like a Siberian Husky, thats why I was interested in one tho, I like the husky personality, but their size and excersize requirements are just not suited to my likestyle as they once were.. Labs, and Goldens need tons of excersize but can be awesome with kids.. I have a black Lab right now, she is amazing with Dominic, but I dont have time to give her the excersize she needs on an everyday basis.. The good thing with a lab is that you can throw a ball for an hour and they dont let up.. That can be an annoying thing too tho...

I just want a smaller breed that likes kids and doesnt need a whole lot of excersize.. No terriers tho..I have taken every breed selector quiz out there and they dont really match well to me, and one ocasiont here is a breed that does bit my lifestyle, my SO will disslike it... Hes kinda ignorant tho, he judges dogs on their looks more then their personality.. It urks me..

Jags mom
04-04-2009, 05:02 PM
i wanted a rottie but found out there is a dangerous dog ban in my area so i think thats out. i love all bully breeds:( (now i cant have any). im thinking german short haired pointed, border collie or aussie. i need to fin out more about the german short hair. any help from an owner would be great!

04-04-2009, 11:59 PM
When I have my own home I would love a Shiba Inu. They're so cute and I love that they're smaller, active dogs. If not that then a Cocker Spaniel. I'm in love with the breed. They're the happiest little dogs.

04-06-2009, 03:34 PM
LOL.. my list could go on forever. Keep in mind, all will be rescues. I can't justify buying a certain breed when there are so many others who need a home.

These, of course, can't join our family until we moved to a house without # of dog restrictions, which should only be a few years out, when housing market is better.

Another Boxer, female this time
Bull Terrier
Great Dane (Grey Merle or Harlequin would be wonderful)
Rhodesian Ridgeback
Mastiff (Brindle)
American Bulldog
French Bulldog
I dont know if I could actually see myself with one, but a Toller (Because I just love Orangutango's)
And any other mixed breed that appeals to me.

Tikeyas_mom, if you see this, I'd recommend a boxer! They're great with children and get worn out just running around chasing toys. Eli does anyways!!