View Full Version : Oy, volunteering!

01-06-2009, 04:16 PM

Oh boy I'm tired!
We got there for our first day and sat around waiting for the person in charge to come.

There were only 7 dogs that needed to be worked (Yay all the others were adopted over xmas break!) so we were in groups working them. My mom and i got this super sweet German shepard (sp) mix named Brandon. He basically understood 'sit' (for a short amount of time, lol). By then end of working with him, he was really understanding 'go to blanket' I was super proud of him!

We took him for a little walk and then put him back in his kennel. There were no more dogs to work so instead I just played with a little puppy for a while XD His name was Coal and he was the CUTEST thing EVER! He had a bit of a cold though so we were all alone. Of course he was a biter, too. (Though he was still a puppy so I don't blame him lol). My arms are all scratched up from his teeth.

We finished up by mopping all the areas and making Kong balls for all the dogs. Some of the smaller dogs just got a dog treat dipped in peanut butter, lol. In the back room where the dogs waiting to be evaluated were, there was this absolutely gorgeous dog. He looked kind of like a lion, lol. There was a big note on his cage that said "CAUTION: VERY FRIGHTENED" I slipped a dog treat to him since he's scared of the kong balls. The second I got near his cage, he shrunk back into the corner. It broke my heart to see him so scared.

Anyways...I'm very excited for next week (I get my own dog to work with!) and very tired.

01-06-2009, 04:26 PM
Poor scaredy boy. Hopefully you and other volunteers can help him learn to trust people again.