View Full Version : kiwi sayings, and words can you guess....

01-06-2009, 02:16 PM
ok thought this might be a bit of fun, since it got mentioned in my car thread, thought i would start this, see if you can guess what these sayings in my country mean,some are sayings ,some are referring to names of things, and no cheating via the internet please, have fun.



you are a hardcase.


i will shout lunch.



flat tack

she'll be right

sweet as

away laughing.



I am crook today,

rattle your dags.

load of codswallop

a big girls blouse.

away with the fairies

get off the grass.

every man and his dog was there.

pay through the nose.

don't get your knickers in a twist.

box of birds.

pack a sad.


pranged the car.

dont make a song and dance about it

she is not all she is cracked up to be

anyhow there are so many more,some are still used by us all, some have died out, and newer ones taken over,I personally use every one of these sayings now and then, the younger generation probably don't or have not heard it here,maybe some not sure of that, yes it really is another language isn't it?but these are the ones that came to my mind, see how you get on, and no cheating please.

01-06-2009, 02:40 PM
she is not all she is cracked up to be- not as a good, as people say ?

Thats the only one i've heard of haha

01-06-2009, 03:32 PM
Loo - the toilet, or bathroom as we call it!

lollies - lollipops? or trucks (I know Brits call them lorries)

you are a hardcase. You are stubborn ...

knackered - Tired - "I'm all knackered out."

i will shout lunch.

cheers - greetings!


flat tack Is that like hard tack - like Swedish Rye Crisp?

she'll be right

sweet as

away laughing.

cuzzies Because? Cousins?


I am crook today,

rattle your dags.

load of codswallop A lot of nonsense

a big girls blouse.

away with the fairies

get off the grass.

every man and his dog was there.

pay through the nose. We use this in America - pay a lot!

don't get your knickers in a twist. Don't get upset!

box of birds.

pack a sad.


pranged the car.

dont make a song and dance about it Don't make a fuss about it

she is not all she is cracked up to be We use that - she's not as good/pretty/smart as you've been lead to believe

How did I do?

01-06-2009, 06:09 PM
You got nine right, that is pretty good going, well done, i will reveal all when a few more have had a go,see if they can find the others,your flat tack answer made me smile,you will see why when i tell ya later.

01-06-2009, 09:10 PM
Gosh, let's see how many I recall from my teen years!

It's fun to guess anyway - I love words!:)

Loo - washroom/toilet

lollies - candies, treats, lollipops

you are a hardcase. - either crazy, or stubborn - or both? :D

knackered - tired

i will shout lunch. - My treat (I'll buy...as in shouting for the bill)

cheers - a toast, usually with beer!

wop-wops - Oh dear....Italian neighbours or just plain idiots of any background?

flat tack - flatbread? Setting for sails on a sailboat?

she'll be right - It'll work out good, it'll be ok.

sweet as - Really great.

away laughing. - Not worried about it, got the world by the tail.

cuzzies - cousins???

bach - Barbeque?

I am crook today - sick, not feeling well.

rattle your dags - get off your arse and get a move on.

load of codswallop - Nonsense - BS! :D

a big girls blouse - Tent? Huge push-up bra?

away with the fairies - not living in reality. (There are other alternatives, but I won't go there!)

get off the grass - get a move on?

every man and his dog was there - it was really crowded!

pay through the nose - paid precious money for it (worth it or not)

don't get your knickers in a twist - don't get upset. (have also heard 'knickers in a knot".)

box of birds - a group of (young) women.

pack a sad - refusing to cheer up?

greasies - mechanics or bikers.

pranged the car - put a dent in it?

dont make a song and dance about it - don't make a big deal about it.

she is not all she is cracked up to be - she's not as wonderful as people say or her reputation would have her to be.

01-06-2009, 09:37 PM
My guesses have already been guessed. I can't wait for the answers. :D

01-08-2009, 04:55 AM
Would the cuzzies be a bathing suit?

Lilith Cherry
01-08-2009, 10:10 AM
Get off the grass - stop kidding me, I'm not that gullible

Big girl's blouse - Don't be a cissy, what a big baby.

Quite a few of those idioms came from England. This is fun Carole.

01-08-2009, 06:26 PM
you all did extremely well, i am very impressed, you will all do well down under:)

These are the ones you missed. and Candace you did very well indeed,and yes a lot of them came from the british migrants i expect, but then we have a few of our own too.

Greasies = a meal of fish n chips.

Flat Tack, means to be very busy, i would say i have been flat tack doing the housework today or at work.

Lollies, you more or less guessed this, but it just covers all kinds of sweets, not just lollipops.

Box of Birds, means you are very happy.

Cheers, is a greeting and a thank you, i use it alot on PT, and yes you got this pretty right.

You are a hardcase means you are a real character, full of fun..i think we use you are a real card too,but hardcase is what we use most

wop wops out of way location.

Did i miss any, could not seem to copy and paste darn it.

I must go think of some more, some that will really stomp you, you are all way to clever lol:):D

Ok thought of some more, did even realize we had so many lol.



crib or bach

cardy or cardie this is an oldie ,not really used anymore much.

Pike out

Guts for garters.


Tiki Tour





Naff off


Carked it

Hunky Dory




Brassed off

Blow me down

Ok maybe the Brits might have to lie low, as they will know some of these too. have fun guessing.