View Full Version : Photo editing software questions

01-06-2009, 07:53 AM
I'm looking into possibly getting some sort of photo editing software. The thing is I have never used any and I don't have that much money. I don't need to do much with it, just make a couple signatures & avatars & possibly edit a few pics. I also won't be using it too much either, just once in a while. I need something that is really easy to use, I'm not too computer savvy. Do they have anything like what I need for under $100?

01-06-2009, 02:54 PM
You could try Gimp, its free but it does every thing you listed that you need and more. It was originally for Linux, but they also made a Windows version. http://www.gimp.org/

01-06-2009, 05:00 PM
I have Paint Shop Pro X, which is the tenth version...I don't know what version is out now, but X is pretty good. I'm still learning alot about it, but I think it's good.

I've also tried Gimp...and that's good too. I haven't had enough experience with it to know if it has all the same brushes and what not as Paint Shop Pro, but it had great photo editing software.

Do you have an ebay account? You could possibly get something from there...in 2006, I think it was, we got my Paint Shop Pro from ebay...I think it was like 50 bucks or so. It's an older version now, but its still good. I'm sure it's alot cheaper now, so maybe that would be an option.

Whatever you choose, good luck and I'm sure you'll like it! :D

01-06-2009, 06:11 PM
Paint Shop Pro Photo is up to version X2 at least because that's what I have.

I think for what the OP wants to do with it, PSP is a bit more program that she needs. I'd recommend Gimp also. It's free, and from what I've read that should do what she's wanting to do with it.

01-06-2009, 09:27 PM
I have something free called paint.NET. Apparently you can find it online somewhere. I don't know where specifically, as ours was installed by a friend's husband who fixed our computer a year or so ago. It's not overly fancy or anything, but it's good for resizing and adjusting colour and whatnot. And it's super easy to uninstall, so if you didn't like it for making avatars and such, you wouldn't be out anything.

01-06-2009, 09:46 PM
I have something free called paint.NET. Apparently you can find it online somewhere. I don't know where specifically, as ours was installed by a friend's husband who fixed our computer a year or so ago. It's not overly fancy or anything, but it's good for resizing and adjusting colour and whatnot. And it's super easy to uninstall, so if you didn't like it for making avatars and such, you wouldn't be out anything.

Is that what you used to make your avatar & signature?

01-06-2009, 09:56 PM
Is that what you used to make your avatar & signature?

Yes it is. I'm a complete novice at making both, but needed something, so I tried my best. I'm sure the software would do more justice to someone who actually knows what they're doing, though. :)

01-07-2009, 07:17 PM
Yes it is. I'm a complete novice at making both, but needed something, so I tried my best. I'm sure the software would do more justice to someone who actually knows what they're doing, though. :)

The app you are talking about is located here: http://paint.net/

01-07-2009, 07:21 PM
I have used Paint.net before, it's pretty good for a free program! I HATED GIMP, it was so hard to use, I could not find out how to use anything. I use a mix of PSP Dell Edition and Photofiltre. For animation, if that's what you want you can get free Beneton Movie GIF. It's great :D I make all of my animated av's that way.

These are some Fancier avi's I made with Photofiltre and Beneton Movie GIF, I'm not sure if this is what you want but this is what both programs are capable of together-

01-08-2009, 12:22 PM
I guess I need to do some serious studying. I've been playing with gimp for a couple days now & just can't get it figured out. I need photoshop for dummies. lol

01-08-2009, 12:37 PM
I´m not sure but I just burned a disk of Photoshop to install in my other computer... and apparently it works... I say apparently as I downloaded a newer version but used the presets of my older one... so far so good...

I´m not sure if I can email it... perhaps it´s too big of a file... or I an let you know where I got the newer version... it´s the CS4

I also have the CS2 and Paint shop Pro I guess 9

01-19-2009, 05:56 PM
I found this list which may be of interest.

Free photo editors and painting software (http://desktoppublishing.com/photo-editing-free.html)